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Turbo Forth Game Competition


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In order to jump start the use of Turbo Forth and give TI'ers an appreciation of how powerful that language is, I am launching a Turbo Forth game competition, where the competitors will have till the 2012 Chicago Faire in October to create a game in Turbo Forth. The only restriction will be that no embedded assembly language be used in order to level the field for those who do not have assembly skills. Judging will be by a yet to be determined panel during the Chicago Faire event, and there will be only one grand prize: a brand new in box 6K CC40 handheld computer.


Since I plan to also run, I will of course exclude myself from the judging. I am hoping that we will get at least 6 people to join so we can have a healthy competition. If you are interested, please let me know here. If you don't know forth, well you have plenty of time to learn it still! And you don't even need to own the Turbo Forth cart because it's already fully implemented in the Classic 99 emulator.


What say you?

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So in playing with TurboForth 1.1 under the awesome classic99 I tried this code after plugging in a PC Xbox controller





As this takes the joystick 0 value, puts it on the stack then prints to the screen i would expect to see nothing but zeros when i am not pushing the stick or pressing fire.

What actually happens is that while mostly I see zeros...mostly..:-) I also see the value 28062 scroll by.


Apart from this I can press all combinations and fire and see the correct values as pre this from the docs.

actually just tried same code again and now i see 31's..weird!




Scans the selected joystick. For joystick #1 use a unit# of 0. For joystick 2

use a unit# of 1. The returned value is a bit code which can be decoded as







Since each direction has its own bit, combinations are possible: for

example, UP+LEFT+FIRE=19

Edited by JonnyBritish
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I went and tried out your code. Did about 20 tests, restarting, resetting and scrambling Classic99 without any specific controller other than standard arrow keys. Only saw zeros and 28062 (>6D9E), no 31. When TurboForth crashed, and it did several times, I started to try and measure the time before a crash, but nothing conclusive, in fact I've got it running now without any crash (more than 20 minutes). I turned on the HeatMap and it looks fine, right until the crash, which has been different every time - anything from complete freeze, garbage on screen etc.


Should probably hold my breath for a simple explanation ...

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No simple explanations... its a bug in JOYST caused by a last minute change that I didn't test properly. I'm pretty sure I published a replacement JOYST routine on this forum somewhere. It's just a few bytes of assembler. The version of JOYST in the TF Kernal corrupts the stack under some circumstances it's related to when/if an interrupt occurs - which was a nightmare to track down!


Sorry for the hassle guys....

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Guys, the issue with JOYST in V1.1 is discussed (and a fix given) here.


Just put this in a block somewhere, and load it when you need it. It replaces the JOYST routine built into the EPROM.


C054 0221 0006 06C1 020C 0024 30C1 020C 0006 3541 06C1 0541
0241 001F C501 020C 8328 C80C 83D6 0300 0002 0300 0000 ;CODE

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Great idea! This contest should be communicated to the yahoo groups as well.

I am interested. Are all versions of TurboForth legit? I have a preorder on v1.2 from Mark Wills - that's why I am asking.


Are there any other restrictions/limitations? I guess the need to have 32K to play the game is okay.

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Wondering if Mark would consider a release of V1.2 now. If a bunch of people start hammering on it during their game development it would also function as a great test of the 1.2 release. Idea would be that by the TI Faire a bunch of games (hopefully) will have been tested on 1.2 and any bugs worked out.


Just a thought

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Hmmm.... That's not a bad idea... I wouldn't want to release it on EPROM though, as it's just too much to ask people to send their EPROMs back to Bob or myself for re-programming - they're likely to get annoyed!


I'll look into doing a 1.2 "pre-release" or beta release... Perhpas fold it into the next classic99 release...

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Great idea! This contest should be communicated to the yahoo groups as well.

I am interested. Are all versions of TurboForth legit? I have a preorder on v1.2 from Mark Wills - that's why I am asking.


Are there any other restrictions/limitations? I guess the need to have 32K to play the game is okay.

Great! That's 2 of us so far. Any version of TF should be fine, and there are no other restrictions. Willsy, are you going to participate as well?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I can't say that the response to this contest was overwhelming... It's still 2 of us as of yet, even after posting on the Yahoo listserv. I guess this is going to be DOA unfortunately. I'm still planning on developing a project in Forth regardless, although I'm not sure if it's going to be a game or yet another geeky demo :D


I feel that there is a lot of reluctance from TI ers to learn a new programming language, and I honestly can't blame them given the effort involved and the limited hobby time each of us has. Just look at the list of unfinished projects cluttering this forum, starting with Ultimate Planet which is still in limbo and in bad need of CPR...

Edited by Vorticon
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I can throw something together if you want :)


Here's an example of what can be done in about half an hour.


Note how each routine (a 'word' in Forth speak) is 'factored', such that each word is self-contained. This means you can test a word as you write it, and when it's working, you move onto the next one. At the end, when you come to pull all these words together to make up your application, you're pulling in already de-bugged, isolated words, so the whole thing should 'just work'. Of course, it's not quite that simple in real life, but not far off. Once you have had some practice at it it is very natural. If you have only programmed in BASIC or XB then yeah, it's gonna hurt, but if you have programmed in C or PASCAL or VB etc then you will already be familiar with factoring your code into subroutines.


Just paste this into Classic99...


C054 0221 0006 06C1 020C 0024 30C1 020C 0006 3541 06C1 0541
0241 001F C501 020C 8328 C80C 83D6 0300 0002 0300 0000 ;CODE

FORGET segments
10 CONSTANT segments	  \ number of snake segments
50 CONSTANT obstacles	 \ number of obstacles
152 CONSTANT wall		  \ wall character
144 CONSTANT sBody		 \ snake body character
42 CONSTANT obstacle	  \ obstacle character
 8 CONSTANT bGround	   \ background character

CREATE charArray segments CELLS ALLOT
CREATE posArray segments CELLS ALLOT  \ segment positions
CREATE HArray segments CELLS ALLOT	\ segment horiz direction
CREATE VArray segments CELLS ALLOT	\ segment vert direction
0 VALUE segAddr  \ address of segment
0 VALUE HDir	 \ segment H direction
0 VALUE VDir	 \ segment V direction

1 $83D6 !	  \ prevent screen blanking

CREATE wallData
 22FF , 88FF , 22FF , 88FF , 22FF , 88FF ,
 8142 , 2418 , 1824 , 4281 , 8142 , 2418 , 1824 , 4281 ,

wallData VALUE wallP \ pointer to wall data
0 VALUE wallOS	   \ wall data offset

BGData VALUE BGP	 \ pointer to background data
0 VALUE BGOS		 \ background data offset

: UDGs
 DATA 8 390F 7FFF FF7F 0F39   9CF0 FEFF FFFE F09C sBody DCHAR
 DATA 4 8040 2010 0804 0201 bGround DCHAR
 [ wall 8 * 800 + LITERAL ] wallData 8 VMBW
 [ bGround 8 * 800 + LITERAL ] BGData 8 VMBW
 ; UDGs

: initColors
 18 7 0 COLOR  19 11 6 COLOR  1 13 0 COLOR ;

: border PAGE
  0 0 bGround [ 32 24 * LITERAL ] HCHAR
  0  0 wall 32 HCHAR   0 31 wall 24 VCHAR
 23  0 wall 32 HCHAR   0  0 wall 24 VCHAR ;
: initArrays ( -- )
 segments 0 DO
1  charArray I CELLS +  !
1  HArray I CELLS +  !
  32  VArray I CELLS +  !

: initPos ( -- )
 segments 0 DO 33 I +  posArray I CELLS +  ! LOOP ;

: renderObstacles ( -- )
 19 1 DO
4 0 DO
  J  29 RND 1+  [ obstacle LITERAL ] 1 HCHAR

: moveWall
 [ wall 8 * $800 + LITERAL ] wallData wallOS + 8 VMBW
 wallOS 1+ 4 MOD TO wallOS ;

: moveBG
 [ bGround 8 * $800 + LITERAL ] BGData BGOS + 8 VMBW

: moveSegments ( -- )
 segments 1- FOR
charArray I CELLS +  @ IF
  posArray I CELLS +  TO segAddr
  HArray I CELLS + @  TO HDir
  [ bGround LITERAL ]  segAddr @  V!
  segAddr @  HDir +  V@
  DUP [ bGround LITERAL ] = IF
	DROP  HDir segAddr +!
	sBody = IF
	  HDir segAddr +!
	  HDir NEGATE  HArray I CELLS +  !
	  HDir 0> IF 144 ELSE 145 THEN TO sBody
	  segAddr @ [ 21 32 * 2- LITERAL ] >= IF
		VArray I CELLS +  @ TO VDir
		VDir 0> IF VDir NEGATE  VArray I CELLS +  ! THEN
		VArray I CELLS +  @ TO VDir
		segAddr @ [ 63 32 + LITERAL ] < IF
		  VDir 0< IF VDir NEGATE  VArray I CELLS +  ! THEN
	  VDir segAddr +!
  sBody  segAddr @  V!

: mainLoop
moveSegments  moveWall  NOT DUP IF moveBG THEN
 0 JOYST 1 = UNTIL ;

: RUN ( -- )
 initColors  initPos  initArrays  border  renderObstacles  
 mainLoop  DROP ;


Type RUN for retro goodness. Press TAB (simulates joystick fire button) to quit.

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I can throw something together if you want :)


Here's an example of what can be done in about half an hour.


Note how each routine (a 'word' in Forth speak) is 'factored', such that each word is self-contained. This means you can test a word as you write it, and when it's working, you move onto the next one. At the end, when you come to pull all these words together to make up your application, you're pulling in already de-bugged, isolated words, so the whole thing should 'just work'. Of course, it's not quite that simple in real life, but not far off. Once you have had some practice at it it is very natural. If you have only programmed in BASIC or XB then yeah, it's gonna hurt, but if you have programmed in C or PASCAL or VB etc then you will already be familiar with factoring your code into subroutines.



This is really impressive! The possibilities are huge here.

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I am thinking about participating.


I just have never been that interested in gaming (playing or programming). My programming interests since 1963 have almost always been about solving other kinds of problems, many of which are most assuredly related to game programming. It is not that I do not enjoy playing computer games. Rather, I avoid them because they are so addicting that they take time I would prefer spending in other ways.


Let's say that, for the moment, I am a definite maybe!



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I am thinking about participating.


I just have never been that interested in gaming (playing or programming). My programming interests since 1963 have almost always been about solving other kinds of problems, many of which are most assuredly related to game programming. It is not that I do not enjoy playing computer games. Rather, I avoid them because they are so addicting that they take time I would prefer spending in other ways.


Let's say that, for the moment, I am a definite maybe!



In my book, game programming can be extremely challenging because not only do you have to struggle with the limited hardware resources, but you also have to make the end product fun! On the other hand, systems programming or scientific demos, while still challenging, can usually leave the fun part out. I love games, but my programming heart has always had a leaning towards scientific and mathematical projects (Model Rocket Simulator, Pi Calculator, SkyChart, Chaos Musings), and this is frequently reflected in my games as well where I rarely create arcade games (actually I only have one which is TI Puck from 1981!) and focus more on simulations.

I other words, I know where you're coming from, but I still think you should give it a shot. You might surprise yourself!

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  • 5 months later...

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