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HSC9 Round 5: Polish Selection

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You can also play Dr.Mario. @Sikor did you find Dr.M. got much harder after level 10 or 20 on medium?

Maybe liittle, but no feeling much differences - only more viruses are on board.


It was time for Bank Bang! - 48100 points. If I'll have more time - maybe I'll increase this score, I like this game ;)


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Apparently I do not like Polish Games (that and I am moving currently so I do not have much time for a lot of games) looks like I may lose my early lead


Plenty of time as we have until Monday 16th April for this round. I think the best game of the bunch is Trix but am liking Fatum and Fred2 both with the sound effects on (even though both have great music) it's more atmospheric :) Dr. M. on HI speed is good also.


Good luck with the move - look after the Atari stuff ;)


My scores for today:

Trix 2,503 (153 blocks) Hey I made the scoreboard..., just :-o


Fatum 1,460 - be careful not to hold fire down as you enter the shop as you can buy things by accident. Has anyone worked out any of the power-ups do yet?


Fred2 4,380 used up a few pairs of boots on level 2 but didn't complete it!


Parachute 122 gets intense at 100 points+


Octopus 63 ARRRGHHH :mad:



Tables Updated

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More from me:

Fred (2): 7160


Guard: 1638


Octopus: 54


Parachute 2011: 147


Btw, my suggestion is to use all name for Parachute 2011 - first version Larek written in Pure Turbo Basic XL to "Napisze se" compo in 2008: http://atarionline.pl/v01/index.php?ct=katalog&sub=P&tg=Parachute#Parachute (Parachute was withdrawn by Larek and replace with Parachute DejaVu - with better joystick control). Parachute 2011 (in our HiScore) was rewritten by Larek to assembly language.

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Checkout atarionline.pl for a thread about Fatum "Fate" and a nice interview with the programmer (extract below) (use the google translate button then click on the word "place") ;)


DRC: What is your relationship to abandonware?

Czy zezwalasz albo zachęcasz do kopiowania i używania swoich (8-bitowych) gier współcześnie, na przykład dlatego, że firma, która je wydała, już dawno nie istnieje?

Do you allow or encourage the copying and use their (8-bit) game today, for example, because the company that issued them a long time does not exist?

Jako dawny rezydent giełdowy, powinieneś być pewnie wyluzowany w tym temacie.

As a former resident of a stock, you should be well laid back in this topic.


JG : Abandonware – sama koncepcja jest bardzo fajna.

JG: Abandonware - the concept is very cool.

Niestety prawa do naszych produkcji "Muff", "Drutt", "Fatum" zostały przeniesione na firmę ASF.

Unfortunately, the rights to our production of "Muff", "Drutt", "Fate" were transferred to the company ASF.

Byłoby dużym nietaktem, gdybym nawet po tylu latach namawiał kogoś do łamania tych praw mimo, że firma ta dawno już nie istnieje.

It would be very tactless, if I even after so many years of urging someone to violate those rights, even though the company has long since no longer exists.

Faktycznie jako "stary giełdziarz” moje podejście do praw autorskich było, ogólnie mówiąc, dość lajtowe , niemniej teraz zmieniło się diametralnie. Natomiast jeśli chodzi o wszystkie nasze pozostałe produkcje to jak najbardziej zachęcam do ich używania


Indeed, as the "old stockjobber" my approach to copyright was, generally speaking, quite lajtowe, but now has changed dramatically. But as for all of our other productions are most encouraged to use them :).



Tables Updated :grin:

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O.K. I probably find how use porerups in fatum (after buying it): use Shift key.

OOOOH now must play it again :)


Is the game still for sale? Where can people buy it from?


Some improvements:

Bank Bang! 21,300 - anyone know if 'day 1' ever ends and what do the $/boxes on the top row do? Just noticed this has keyboard support (1,2,3) but please use joystick if you can folks.


Guard 2,184 - top right is number of waves to clear - hard to see enemy missiles - tap stick left or right to adjust scroll/speed.


Trix level 3 (just) 2,631 (159 blocks)


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Dr.Mario on medium - I gave up at level 30,

Dr.Mario on fast is much more difficult, I completed level 15 (starting from 0), to complete higher levels you must have a lot of luck.



should I confess my hsc login and coder's name in the game's credits are the same not by coincidence?


Trix: 2699






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Dr.Mario on medium - I gave up at level 30,

Dr.Mario on fast is much more difficult, I completed level 15 (starting from 0), to complete higher levels you must have a lot of luck.


should I confess my hsc login and coder's name in the game's credits are the same not by coincidence?


Trix: 2699

In which case add the following to the improvements list and this will make a good game great :D

-delay the fire press as it's too easy to skip the options screen (unless you press start)

-make the scoring reward good play not bad - like in the Jewel Bits 1v1 there was a level bonus for speed perhaps

-make medium speed get gradually faster as it takes too long to play

-the tune sometimes goes off after level 10 ?

- could make the tunes alternate


p.s. agreed Trix is a fine game, superb music too :)

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Some improvements:

Bank Bang! 21,300 - anyone know if 'day 1' ever ends and what do the $/boxes on the top row do? Just noticed this has keyboard support (1,2,3) but please use joystick if you can folks.


Ohh, Yes... Use joystick with fire to change door - but only if no one is in ;) And day/night ends when You fill all $$ banks in row ;)

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In "Octopus" we will get more points if we do not go out on the ocean surface. Each time you exit the boat until you get 3 points, but each time the game speeds up, and soon the octopus is very fast. It is better to be under the water and avoid the octopus tentacles. In this way an octopus moves much slower speed and it is easier for us to stay alive.

Congratulations and good luck results in their gaining even more.


PS. Sorry for my English. Translated by Google ;-)






W grze "Octopus" zdobędziemy więcej punktów, gdy nie będziemy wychodzić na powierzchnię oceanu. Przy każdym wyjściu na łódkę dostajemy aż 3 punkty, ale za każdym razem gra przyspiesza i w krótkim czasie ośmiornica jest bardzo szybka. Lepiej pozostawać pod wodą i unikać macek ośmiornicy. W ten sposób ruchy ośmiornicy przyspieszają znacznie wolniej i łatwiej jest nam utrzymać się przy życiu.


Gratuluję wyników i życzę powodzenia w jeszcze większym ich zdobywaniu.


PS. Przepraszam za mój angielski. Tłumaczył Google ;-)

Edited by larek
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Some improvements:

Bank Bang! 21,300 - anyone know if 'day 1' ever ends and what do the $/boxes on the top row do? Just noticed this has keyboard support (1,2,3) but please use joystick if you can folks.

Ohh, Yes... Use joystick with fire to change door - but only if no one is in ;) And day/night ends when You fill all $$ banks in row ;)

Thanks Sikor - I thought there was more to this game :thumbsup:



In "Octopus" we will get more points if we do not go out on the ocean surface. Each time you exit the boat until you get 3 points, but each time the game speeds up, and soon the octopus is very fast. It is better to be under the water and avoid the octopus tentacles. In this way an octopus moves much slower speed and it is easier for us to stay alive.

Congratulations and good luck results in their gaining even more.


PS. Sorry for my English. Translated by Google ;-)




W grze "Octopus" zdobędziemy więcej punktów, gdy nie będziemy wychodzić na powierzchnię oceanu. Przy każdym wyjściu na łódkę dostajemy aż 3 punkty, ale za każdym razem gra przyspiesza i w krótkim czasie ośmiornica jest bardzo szybka. Lepiej pozostawać pod wodą i unikać macek ośmiornicy. W ten sposób ruchy ośmiornicy przyspieszają znacznie wolniej i łatwiej jest nam utrzymać się przy życiu.


Gratuluję wyników i życzę powodzenia w jeszcze większym ich zdobywaniu.


PS. Przepraszam za mój angielski. Tłumaczył Google ;-)

Thanks Larek :thumbsup:

This will make the game much more playable :)

Do you have any tips for Parachute :?: Can you rescue people if they are in positions 1 and 3 at the same time (using fire)?


I wonder how many other new games we don't know how to play fully!!!


Tables Updated :twisted: ;) ;)

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