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Atari's Plato Cartridge question


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It's worth noting that ALL the programs you are using, were written in a language called TUTOR, not just by the systems people, but by ordinary PLATO students, teachers, and users.

You can ask for lesson space and make your own programs. (I want to make a multi player berzerk)



Competition is good, but all of these tempting retro technologies are appearing right now in my life where I'm at a point that I need to acquire the next set of technologies for me to use for the next fifteen years of employment. icon_sad.gif


I managed to come across a lab on writing programs for TUTOR, called 0csix and 0cseven, but it looks like I don't have permissions. I've tried other educational labs, and it looks like I don't have permission for those, too. Do they fine-grain permissions so you have to ask for each or is there some way to get blanket access to a wide breadth of educational material?



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I have recorded, a completely impromptu long-form video showing the patched PLATO cartridge:


If anybody has requests on videos to make regarding PLATO, drop them here or in the atarian notesfile. I'd love to see everyone jump on! :)




p.s. I show the "touch" screen bits around 22:00.

Edited by tschak909
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Should we do a canonical disassembly, so we can start hacking on it? I do know we should crank up the baud rate, at least.





I'll be happy help regarding a disassembly.


I had the same thought about increasing the baud rate. Hopefully the Atari is able maintain its rendering chores at speeds higher than 1200.

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I'll be happy help regarding a disassembly.


I had the same thought about increasing the baud rate. Hopefully the Atari is able maintain its rendering chores at speeds higher than 1200.

ICE-T can handle 9600 baud with a software-rendered 80 column display.
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ICE-T can handle 9600 baud with a software-rendered 80 column display.


Related, the Altirra serial port emulation (with TCP/IP connections) seems to pseudo-connect to Plato at 9600. Where the Atari bottlenecks is on actually drawing the screen data. I find myself often using the F1 key to accelerate the screen draws. I should probably go into System -> Speed Options and lock it at some multiple like 300%, but the only problem I've found is that while I have things accelerated, the key repeat engages too fast.


I seem to remember there is a memory location in the Atari somewhere to adjust the key repeat delay and the repeat speed? I also wonder if there is an Altirra option to slow down key repeats while the emulator is running faster than 100%?

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well, it only REPORTS connecting at 9600. This disparity is literally to deal with brain-dead telecom and BBS packages, and can be set when you're setting up the "modem" device in Altirra.


If you explicitly set rate throttling, then Altirra will throttle the connection to the baud rate asked of the R: device.



Edited by tschak909
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Should we do a canonical disassembly, so we can start hacking on it? I do know we should crank up the baud rate, at least.



I think that's a great idea, while this is IMHO, done very well, I bet some of the better tools and mathematical choices of today could improve things, faster baud rate and a wider variety of serial, pbi, ethercart choices might be made available. Currently this is bound to a limited scope of serial device modem choices.

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Good news:


Steve Cox was able to change BAUD rate.


Bad News:


The 850 and the terminal program can handle 2400 reliably, MAX.


The relative ROM offset $17EE is the operand of an LDX instruction that gives a target BAUD rate:


$0a = 1200 BPS

$0b = 1800 BPS

$0c = 2400 BPS

$0d = 4800 BPS

$0e = 9600 BPS


So with that, here's a patched ROM:





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Having a problem with both versions of the hacked ROM: when in the "Bigjump" and using the + key to scroll down the list, it always bails out at the point shown below, prints the text "OK" off to the left side of the list, and then Altirra's connection status changes to "(in command mode)". At that point I can do nothing but reboot and start over. I can type text, but nothing seem to have any effect on the mode I'm stuck in.




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