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Do I/Should I buy an Atari 2600?

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Hey all,


I'm starting down the fun road of learning all about the Atari 2600 and programming for it. Assembler is something I've always wanted to try my hand at for more reasons than just the 2600.


Right now I am focusing on learning Assembler and going through "The Atari Programming Tutorial" by Duane Alan Hahn (awesome!).


I have Stella set up on my computer and am ready to go (I think?).



A couple questions answered would be so appreciated?


1) What else would you recommend I have?


2) When, how, why, should I buy an Atari 2600, until I have something to actually run on it?


3) Where would you buy one if you did?


4) MUST the 2600 be hooked to the TV or can it somehow be hooked to a monitor?


5) Do they make a modern day 2600 equivalent?




Thank you for the questions and this excellent forum! This forum is what makes programming for the 2600 half of the fun!





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Get a harmony cart to test your games. ^^

They're about 70 bucks.

You should buy one just because it's awesome looking, even if you don't have any games.

Also to get games for it, they go for as little as around 10 bucks for a lot of 5 or so. (Just gotta look in the right places)

The model you should go after is the light sixer. It's old enough, and all the switches are on the front, and it's one of the sexy woodgrain systems. ^^


The marketplace here is better than eBay, so check here for Ataris, or you can try at a local game xchange store in your area, OR better yet,

go to atari2600.com. The guy/people over there are really excellent. They refurbish systems and sell them for a reasonable amount.


eBay isn't exactly the best place to look really, but I have gotten lucky there once and won a working Sears edition light-sixer for 10 bucks.

I just bid on it for fun and didn't expect to win, then sure enough, boom.


Hope this helped.

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"Hope this helped"? It was a HUGE help! Thank for replying!


What is the going rate for a 2600 "light sixer"?


Does one always connect the 2600 to a TV? Or are there other options?


Atari2600.com sounds good, I like supporting the "small businesses" when I can.


Harmony Cart? Is that how you test your stuff? Just throw it over there?

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"Hope this helped"? It was a HUGE help! Thank for replying!


What is the going rate for a 2600 "light sixer"?


Does one always connect the 2600 to a TV? Or are there other options?


Atari2600.com sounds good, I like supporting the "small businesses" when I can.


Harmony Cart? Is that how you test your stuff? Just throw it over there?

A light sixer alone can be had for $20-25 easily, with games A little more. I have never hooked any of my Ataris to a monitor,but there must be a way.

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Yes, it's always best to test on the real thing as there can be issues, like screen jitter, that show up on real hardware but not in Stella.


I have mine modified for S-Video and stereo sound. It's hooked up to a Commodore 1084S monitor. Modern monitors don't normally support the scan rates of old consoles.



Edited by SpiceWare
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1) What else would you recommend I have?

Harmony Cart, Genesis Controller (2600 joysticks can cause cramps), VCR for old RF connector


2) When, how, why, should I buy an Atari 2600, until I have something to actually run on it?

Hmmn? Check out homebrews and demos on Stella while you hunt for an actual unit.


3) Where would you buy one if you did?

Flea market, Salvation Army


4) MUST the 2600 be hooked to the TV or can it somehow be hooked to a monitor?

Viewsonic made an analogue TV to VGA box. Otherwise go RF into VCR out to a "RCA to VGA" convertor.


5) Do they make a modern day 2600 equivalent?

Flashback units can be modded but are only partially 2600 compatible. Some FPGA units almost exist, but, no.. just get the real thing.

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All - Thanks SO much for the replies!


Lodmot - Nice! That is what I'll be gunning for.


All - Okay, I have a 13" TV, I should buy a 2600 (any certain version?), and a Harmony? Got it! I have DASM, Stella and will need an editor! Got it! Thanks a lot everyone for getting me started!

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I'm sure someone here can sell you a 2600. Just post a WTB thread in the marketplace. If your tv has AV, or even better, s-video inputs, then order a longhorn engineer video mod kit for it. If the TV has RF input only, then buy one of those little connectors from radio shack that someone else already mentioned.


You can buy a harmony cart here:







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Right now I am focusing on learning Assembler and going through "The Atari Programming Tutorial" by Duane Alan Hahn (awesome!).



I'm not sure what that tutorial entails, but if it doesn't link to Andrew Davie's tutorials, check this out:




Also, the book "Machine Language for Beginners" is a great way to learn 6502 Assembly. There is also a second book by the same author called "The Second Book of Machine Language". They are both available online:





Have fun and don't be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck! There are many people here who would be happy to answer your questions.

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Right now I am focusing on learning Assembler and going through "The Atari Programming Tutorial" by Duane Alan Hahn (awesome!).


Just to be clear, the pages under the Assembly Language Programming section at my web site aren't by me (Duane Alan Hahn). I just adapted them. They are by Andrew Davie, Robert M, and Nick Bensema.

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