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Price check: Heavy Sixer Atari System


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  • 1 year later...

Looks pretty good cleaned up. I bet it didn't come that way for only $2. Never tell what you paid for something if your going to turn around and sell it again. A big turn-off for me is finding out someone paid practically nothing for something and then turn around and want big money for it. I never buy to resale. Knowing now that you only paid $2, that's all i'd offer. It's un-tested and not complete.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks pretty good cleaned up. I bet it didn't come that way for only $2. Never tell what you paid for something if your going to turn around and sell it again. A big turn-off for me is finding out someone paid practically nothing for something and then turn around and want big money for it. I never buy to resale. Knowing now that you only paid $2, that's all i'd offer. It's un-tested and not complete.


But if you have lets say 6 2600's(more than enough) and you see another one in the wild for $2, you're just gonna leave it there knowing you can resell it for at least $25-30 bucks.I have 3 PS2's(1 slim 2 original models) and if i see another one for cheap($5) then I WILL buy it to resell because it's only $5 and I know I can get at least $25 30 bucks off it and adding another to my collection is hoarding.Unless it's a rare variant, high failure rate console or sought after console I will not have more than 2 in my collection(1 to play and another just in case that one stops working and maybe another if the console has a high failure rate like the Astrocade)

Edited by xDragonWarrior
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