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List of 2600 games by release date?


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Sure thing. I use AllGameGuide for a lot of my collecting porpoises. Here's a link to 2600 titles sorted by release date.




You can't trust that list if you want the actual month/year release dates. That list is going by the date on the box/cart.


I'm in the middle of updating my 1982 and 1983 history pages, so please excuse the mess:






I'm also working on other years thanks to scans in the PD Library and places like Flickr.

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I'm in the middle of updating my 1982 and 1983 history pages, so please excuse the mess:






I'm also working on other years thanks to scans in the PD Library and places like Flickr.

Awesome site! Looking forward to it going back to 77. :-)

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  • 10 months later...

Was just poking around looking for a "release date list", and this is the closest I've been able to find (http://www.allgame.c...s&sort=date_asc) .


Just wondering if anyone has found anything better since this topic was started. I'm not looking for exact dates, but I'd love to find a list of just Atari-branded cartridges, with approximate release dates (month & year, or even something like "spring '81").

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Was just poking around looking for a "release date list", and this is the closest I've been able to find (http://www.allgame.c...s&sort=date_asc) .


Just wondering if anyone has found anything better since this topic was started. I'm not looking for exact dates, but I'd love to find a list of just Atari-branded cartridges, with approximate release dates (month & year, or even something like "spring '81").


Do not trust that list. It looks like it is going by the copyright dates on the carts. The date on the box, cartridge, manual, and copyright screen can be different from the actual release date. For example, Atari 2600 Pac-Man was released in March/April of 1982, but the date on the box, cart, manual, and copyright screen say 1981.


I gave up on my Atari 2600 history pages for a while when I got burned out on trying to add arcade game dates. I also got rid of pages with a low Google PageRank to see if it would help with my overall PageRank. It didn't help. I'm dropping the arcade game stuff and getting back to work on Atari 2600 game release dates. I hope to have pages from the late 1970s up to around 1989.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...

I've also tried to find/compile my own list with release dates narrowed down to month. It's hard, and the catalogs don't help. When I've asked for info from the community, I've not gotten much useful information.


That said, I've puzzled out 1978 pretty well, and about half of 1979.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

Random Terrain, above, has got a good list -- particularly the later dates. If you click the links above, you go to an earlier version. Try here: http://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-history-1980.html


I've been working on my list, which goes through mid-80. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AJTg33VzviW8nFigsxh6EAtQsaYVrn3PcGy8Dc8IwOc/edit#gid=0


The verified dates have comments on them. The unverified dates are set to January of their release year. You can see the catalog references in the far right column so I've got the relative, if not the absolute, release dates.


Please comment here if you have any data that can help refine these dates!

Edited by neopeius
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Your list ends about when Random Terrain's begins. I guess that works out pretty well, but I assume both of you will continue working on your lists. Then we can compare the two lists. Hopefully someday we could get the release date of the entire library. Keep up the good work.

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I've basically got as close as accurate list as I've been able to manage, based in part on old periodicals like Computer Entertainer (which listed releases by month) and Electronic Games. For early stuff I use info assembled by Michael Current, who in turn based his information off old newspapers acquired through library databases.


No help on the last few releases - the last 7 months of CE from 1990 aren't available online.

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I've basically got as close as accurate list as I've been able to manage, based in part on old periodicals like Computer Entertainer (which listed releases by month) and Electronic Games. For early stuff I use info assembled by Michael Current, who in turn based his information off old newspapers acquired through library databases.


Can you link me to your list and/or Michael Current's?



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  • 2 months later...

A year or two ago I created a document using research from this site, Atarimania, and that really huge variation document that I unfortunately cannot remember who maintained it.

I do not have actual release dates but I used the available catalogs to piece together approximately when the games came out relative to each other. Keep in mind, this is only first party games.
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/250397-atari-game-chronology/- Apparently I already posted this once(it's the attachment in the post) so sorry for the repeat but hopefully this helps.
Also, if anyone has good reason to believe I am wrong on something, let me know and I'll update my file. I've been out of the loop on 2600 stuff since I originally posted this so maybe something cool has been unearthed that I don't know about.
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  • 2 years later...
2 hours ago, bizarrostormy said:

Here is my attempt:



Thanks to neopeius and krambigmac for their earlier efforts. I didn’t copy anything from them directly but definitely did use their sources.


I am continuing to work on it.


Have you checked this out yet:



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To follow up from a few years ago, my list has been fleshed out thanks to access to newspaper archives online. Finding newspaper ads really helps narrow things down further, particularly for pre-Computer Entertainer games. Haven’t posted it publicly somewhere but it does hew mostly close to Randomterrain’s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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