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HSC9 Round 13: Donkey Kong... with a twist!

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1st tables:

Donkey Kong

1st McKong 162,200 12pts

2nd therealbountybob 124,500 11pts

3rd Sikor 47,500 10pts

4th Magnia-Boy 38,900 9pts

5th jblenkle 38,600 8pts

6th roadrunner 15,900 7pts

7th Champions_2002 14,300 6pts


Gorilla Warfare

1st It could be you! for 4pts ;)


p.s. I watched the video :-o :D

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I thought you were scoring this with 2 tables

1 going for all the bonus items and 1 not going for the items?

you missed my 16,100 score


for G Warfare i had 10 points 2 times :)

no just 1 table with the bonuses! well done on GW you're in 2nd spot :D climb tree get fruit, climb down, work your way up and across the vines - there's a safe place to wait top right before the gap... before you go up to deposit the fermenting fruit!!!


Magnia - re the DK difficulty I just had a few goes on the emulator on NTSC - the game is way faster - a lot of us are PAL users so have a much slower (& easier in this case game) so don't be put off by the scores - though the HSC record is on NTSC :ponder:


I've just finished coding my new (BASIC) game ;-)

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Donkey Kong (My high score: 46400)


I finally established my USB joystick to work with Altirra (previously I had this kind of setup for Atari800Win). One question... Is it valid to play with default (Level 1) difficulty?

Hi, yes start on level 1 (we usually play from a games default starting level in the HSC). Glad you got the joystick working :thumbsup:


Hard to get the items on this level as the flames really swarm on you!!!

[pie factory] yes it's really much tougher now but I seem to have developed this strategy: (McKong and Scalak will not read anymore of this line... ) go right and get the bottom item, go up left ladder (usually between pies) get hammer and make some noise then get up left ladder to bonus and then it's either up and hide left, get hammer wait make the tricky flaming barrel jump or back down and regroup and go up left and to the top... jumping a firebug on the conveyor belt is not so hard if it's making you go slow... being patient is key!


really enjoying playing collecting all the items, it's nice to fully explore the screens - it brings into play getting the 3rd item on the springs screen and jumping back at the right moment... level 4 pie is really tough, just made 129,000 reaching Lv5 Pie and then finally beat this screen and was just beginning to think about beating McKong's score but lost 2 easy men on the next screen! 132,500 :)


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Just had a go on Gorilla Warfare, long time since I played this, hey it's not so bad! pretty good for Atari BASIC anyway :D It's really the opposite of DK - steady (slow) gameplay, predictable movement of baddies - hint the soldiers patrol a couple of vines each and reappear at the top when they have disappeared off the bottom.... [emulator uses might want to play on NTSC to see if this speeds things up a tad]


Made base 2: final score 1800 ;)


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I can't quite figure out Gorilla Warfare...the instructions to it are kind of vague and the game itself doesn't offer much in the way you are supposed to play it. Couldn't score any points so I gave up trying.

that's ok... but if you want to try again here's a

Guide to GORILLA WARFARE Base 1 (all 4 screens "bases" have the same concept)

1. Go right and climb down the vine to the floor, climb the tree and get the fruit, climb down.

2. Go across the vines (use l/r with fire to climb up diagonally if it's safe to do so) to the top right of the main section where the soldier doesn't go.

3. Wait here for the right hand soldier on the little vines to go to the top, then go across to the far right.

4. Go up to the top, head left, drop down near the red soldier (again there are safe places to wait if needed) and pull down standing over one of the 'fruit/bomb shaped holes - this will deposit the fruit.

5. Go back to the tree (either climb the left vine and go back across the top or drop off the right edge when it's safe) and repeat this the other fruit.

6. You can now reach the detonator (bottom right) but you also want to collect the big fruit for 500pts (and to unlock base 4 if you get one on each of the first 3 bases).

7. Take the detonator to the gap in the top of the tree, going over the top of the vines and dropping off the little platform, pull down to activate the explosives and KABOOM level completed!

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Here you go McK nearly a p.b. for me (this has taken a serious amount of playtime!!!)

171,900 made it to Level 6 and faced a hail of barrels whilst repeatedly jupming over firebugs died making the big push to the first hammer :D


back to Gorilla Warfare next for some more sedate gameplay ;-)

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