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HSC9 Round 14: HSC Olympics


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I've cut Leaderboard II down to Courses 1 and 2 as this is plenty hard enough to keep players occupied. I replayed Course 1 and scored 100 +28 :)


Fight Night I really don't know what to do so had a go on Main Event [should we do Tournament?]; despite pumelling Mr.Dip or whatever he was called! he did some sort of flying low-blow on me several times and won :twisted: Not sure I enjoyed this game but will see what you all think - it has some positive comments on atarimania ? If several players don't like it then we can drop it!


(William?!) Tell - nice BASIC game push down/up to load bow, move l/r to move closes for easier (less points) or further away (more points) 3,470


Star League Baseball - eons since I've played this but was still fun - if a bit hard: press fire twice to throw back to pitcher, fire and L/R/U/D to throw to bases... different directions when pitching etc... they hit a home run on the 7th innings with the bases fully loaded. Very difficult to score runs but I managed to grab one on the 9th innings only for the game to end ? just when I was on a roll :twisted: OK I don't really know the rules and didn't know what to press when the screen can up after 7th innings, I tried Option but didn't see anything happen... Lost 12-1


Not sure if there's enough here to keep everyone occupied for a month so if you find any other suitable games please post - Surf's Up could do with checking out - I couldn't suss it out ;)






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BMX Simulator SUCKS, however it has cool music so that's a plus.


It so doesn't!!! Just don't keep fire held down too long, esp when turning release it and then catch it again... and take it steady, you don't even need to win the first few races to qualify for the next one. This was by far one of the better budget games :P

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It so doesn't!!! Just don't keep fire held down too long, esp when turning release it and then catch it again... and take it steady, you don't even need to win the first few races to qualify for the next one. This was by far one of the better budget games :P

Agreed I'm enjoying playing it, mind you if I'm crap at a game I usually hate it too :D

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What speed for Chop Suey?


I have a score for slow




I had a few goes at Pro Mountain Biker. Is the default course A

Not a fan of this one, playing one course was enough.


For Equestrian i rather race the default course.

You scoring this by time or faults?

Chop Suey play on either speed (the game is not too hard once you've mastered it!).

Equestrian see post #2 ;)

Pro Biker A and B combined... talking of which:



Total 6:36:3 (best times are shown on title screen - use fire & l/r to change gears - press fire to walk when stopped - very useful!)


Leaderboard II Course 2 was much easier than course 1.. was doing really well had -2 on the first 9 but then lost it a bit to finish +10 [82]


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Here are my scores from some games


As there are a couple of players playing for GB i will be an independent state


I've drafted you into Team USA for now - they seem to think they're an independent state :D

If we get some more Stateside players (c'mon guys!) then we'll sign you back up :)


Milk Race 885 Still haven't fully worked this one out. Not sure how you tell if you are going to progress to the next stage when the clock runs down

Not played this one yet but whatever you're doing seems to be working so KEEP PEDALING :D

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