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Mark's Sprite Designer...


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Hello K....


I am doing some ground work and am trying to use your sprite defining program. It's pretty cool especially the animation script. Has a couple of things that are a bit of a bugger (hope I did not mis use that term :-/...) Hopefully I can convince you to do a little remodel work when you have time.


1) The keys operate a bit fast. Takes a bit of finess to keep from scrolling to far. Could you slow it down ?


2) You save the definitions in a DV80 file which is perfect except I can not open them with the editor. Funnelweb just freezes up. Don't know if the same happens with the EA module as I don't have one.


Could you fix these issues ? Please ;-)


Thanks a million.



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Try opening the files with the programmers editor in funnelweb, or even the editor in editor assembler. Does it still barf then?


The source code should be on the attached disk image (it's a TIDISK image so it should be readable with TIDIR).


Someone should be able to change the delay and re-compile it - I don't have the C99 tools anymore - though if you don't have any luck I'll try to get a C99 development environment set up in Win994A. C is a PITA on the 4A platform - you have to compile the C99 program into assembly source code, then assemble the source code into object code, then load it all along with the required libraries just to find out that the bloody thing doesn't work!! It's easy to see why Forth is/was so popular on 'constrained' machines back in the day!


Oh, and while you're at it - turn off your super-duper-oh-look-at-me-I've-got-16-bit-32K-in-my-console-na-naa-na-naa-na system, that might slow it down a bit :grin:

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Try opening the files with the programmers editor in funnelweb, or even the editor in editor assembler. Does it still barf then?


The source code should be on the attached disk image (it's a TIDISK image so it should be readable with TIDIR).


Someone should be able to change the delay and re-compile it - I don't have the C99 tools anymore - though if you don't have any luck I'll try to get a C99 development environment set up in Win994A. C is a PITA on the 4A platform - you have to compile the C99 program into assembly source code, then assemble the source code into object code, then load it all along with the required libraries just to find out that the bloody thing doesn't work!! It's easy to see why Forth is/was so popular on 'constrained' machines back in the day!


Oh, and while you're at it - turn off your super-duper-oh-look-at-me-I've-got-16-bit-32K-in-my-console-na-naa-na-naa-na system, that might slow it down a bit :grin:


Speedy is throttled back ;-)......


I saw that it was in C so I backed out slowly while avoiding eye contact. No biggie if you can't get to it (or don't want to revisit the pain.) It is a good program though. Especially the animation scripting part.


Maybe this is a good opportunity to put Mr. W's Basic compiler to the test. Perhaps a contest would help out. Hmmmm....

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Well, as it happens, the C version (glad to see you adopted the appropriate safety-protocols when dealing with potentially deadly C code) was inspired by an XB version, which is almost exactly the same, albeit slower.


I can't find the source code though. I'm fairly sure it was posted here so I'll see if I can find it...

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Well, as it happens, the C version (glad to see you adopted the appropriate safety-protocols when dealing with potentially deadly C code) was inspired by an XB version, which is almost exactly the same, albeit slower.


I can't find the source code though. I'm fairly sure it was posted here so I'll see if I can find it...


Try this. :grin:



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Marc, perhaps a liiitttllle hint on what you are currently working on??? If it's anything of the quality and fun factor of Marvin's, then I'm drooling already :) I have spent more hours playing that game than I care to remember!!!


Glad to hear that Walid. I'm updating my site this weekend and I'll post a short video. Just now working on Grafi-x and the subroutines right now but if it turns out all right it will be a chase-em type scroller set in the subatomic world. Bit esoteric but might be fun, we'll see ;-).



Back to the thread at hand..... Any good news Willsy ?

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