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I'm coming in late to this thread and trying to pick up the gist of the conversation. I've just finished my Incognito install and it fired up fine the first time. I'm new to SpartaDOS but as a command line DOS, it's not hard to figure out once you nab the docs online.


There are so many things going on with this "new" 800 that I'm still figuring what's up and what's down. Apparently SpartaDOS has an odd relationship with carts since it was a cart with a piggyback option? Does the SpartaDOS built into Incognito "think" it's a cart?


Secondly, and disappointingly, I replaced the 2 resistors with 2.2K's and feel good about the connections, etc. but any cart I insert either sort of ends up being "invisible" or begins to make the system act odd after a few warm boots into the Incog menu, etc. I can't get a single cart to fire up on a cold-boot or using any other "go to cart" type of trick.


Am I a flash-update behind to have it work with 2.2K resistor carts? I just received this Incog...?

Hmmm...well, I do have the Rev. D CPU card in this 800 but I am about as positive as I can be that I wired Incog pin #1 (on the left as you look down on the installed card from the keyboard side) to ANTIC Pin #9 HALT and Incog pin #6 (on the far right position near the CF card) to ANTIC Pin #15 RDY.


I'm relying on this photo:




And the pinouts for ANTIC on wikipedia as guides.


If I have either or both of these two wires wrong, what would my symptoms be? Would I also get SpartaDOS X giving me a lot of "device not ready" errors except for its RAMdisk?


What a puzzle this thing is for newbies!

If all 3 of you installed pin 1 and pin 6 you can remove those as incognito will work with out the compyshop wired (unless you have compshop only program).


come cartridges need settings changed to work 100% Like no sparta, side off ect..


PS: Also a note on the 2nd shipment of incognito boards The one I received I had to update the bios with the cart fix, so all must have

been shipped same as the first run.

Edited by bandit



The more I play with the system, the more it seems like only carts aren't working. In other words, I've figured out how to partition the CF and it's working as a HDD and as an XEX launcher through SIDE. I assume the Compyshop RAM mode is working since SpartaDOS X has access to it's "O:" RAM drive.


Is there a way to determine the bios rev. to see if we need updates?


Britishcar, See message #42 in this thread, you must run that program to make cartridges work. I do not know if there is a way to check rev of bios.


The the last boards are the same as the first run and need that patch to make cartridges work.


Getting the file to the atari is the hardest for some people. if you have SIO2PC ect. it is easy.



Thank you. I've downloaded the bios-update.xex file. Now, I'm just sort of sweating it out wondering whether I should really try this. I've not had the best of luck with Flash BIOS updates in general. Seems like a perfect way to brick your hardware if just one tiny thing goes awry.


I have no problem getting an XEX file onto the CF card since I just use a USB/CF reader to move the XEX file to the CF.


I also have a virtual floppy drive setup on an SIO2USB connection using thumb drives. I use that to run mostly ATRs...I don't think I'll have a problem running an XEX from a virtual floppy mounted on D1:


So here's my question: is it best to run this flash XEX from the SIDE Loader (with SDX enabled as Candle states) or from a virtual floppy on say D1: running DOS 2.5 or something?

Okay so I found my SIO2PC cable, and hooked it up to my PC Win7 through USB. I then downloaded APE v.3.0.2, and the devices seem to connect (the green LED light are flashing when I turn on the A800, and the red LED flashes when I connect the USB to the PC. However, the A800 does not seems to boot anything ATR or XEX when I try DIR, BOOT, MENU and so forth... It only writes "138 Device does not respond". I am no expert on SpartaDOX X, but it does seems odd to me. Any ideas?!?

Edited by fandenivoldsk

i've checked bios-flasher and it seems it only works when lauched from real sio device

it has some crude error reporting build in though

light grey screen means that sector erase command has failed

currently i have no clue about the causes of this, but i'll make this code more roboust and informative in near future

Just to let you know, I just hooked up my SIO2SD device (made by Lotharek, that I normally use with my Atari 800XL) to my Atari 800 Incognito, and it also only shows "138 Device does not respond" when I mount a game.atr file to D1, and try to access it with a DIR command.

Edited by fandenivoldsk



IS ataridos.sys in you config.sys










and there a dozens of other that are helpful.

Edited by rdea6

it would go "unknown file system" rather than "device does not respond" unless some wierd remapping doesn't take a place

there is a chance that side.sys or pbi driver is covering your sio devices

try with bioth cf card removed and side hardware disabled

i've checked bios-flasher and it seems it only works when lauched from real sio device

it has some crude error reporting build in though

light grey screen means that sector erase command has failed

currently i have no clue about the causes of this, but i'll make this code more roboust and informative in near future


Does this mean that the bios should update my incognito if I could get the file onto a floppy?

I'll paypal $20 to anyone who can mail me a disk with that bios atr file on it. :)

Rather than paying $20 for a floppy you'd be better off purchasing one of these, just connect 4 SIO signals(Data-Input/Data-Output/Command/Ground) to the appropriate pads(and change VCCIO to 5V) and you have an SIO2PC/USB that will work with AspeQT. AspeQT running on a Windows PC can be used to emulate up to 15 drives from mounted folders or ATR disk images

that would be quite odd and enterily not incognito related

can you confirm these devices work with another atari?

if so, try replacing pokey chip, possibly pia on your 800 motherboard


Yes the SIO2SD works with my NTSC Atari 800XL. Also, I just found my old Atari 1050 disk drive, and tried it with my Atari 800 Incognito, and it will not boot anything; still just saying "138 Device does not respond". So it looks like anything SIO related does not work on my Incognito :/


@FastRobPlus: Does real floppy disks work on your Incognito? Could you try boot at game or some other software using your disk drive with a floppy?

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