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Saving programs to text files?


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Is it possible to save a program to plain text using classic99 or any other emulators?


It would be great to help debug and distribute programs as plain text.


I have searched here and google, I may be searching poorly? but I think I have tried all combos in classic99.


I also tried to download tidir, this seems to extract/convert programs to text, but the link did not work.


Thanks in advance for the help!


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Outside of emulation, you can use my TIImageTool to list a BASIC program if you have the program on a disk image. If it is a TIFILES file you can import it on a disk image and then view the BASIC code. From there you just save the text or copy it to a file.



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Classic99 has FULL support to save your files in a PC-compatible format.


The only issue is when you want to load them later into Classic99, you have to use a DSK#.?W.Name format to load them.


I'll fill in for Tursi here and say "Read the manual that comes with Classic99, it details everything". :)



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Classic99 has FULL support to save your files in a PC-compatible format.


The only issue is when you want to load them later into Classic99, you have to use a DSK#.?W.Name format to load them.


I'll fill in for Tursi here and say "Read the manual that comes with Classic99, it details everything". :)



or just use the XB paste feature.

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Yeah, programs can't be handled by the TI BASIC (XB) interpreter in text format, they can only be LISTed in text format. You can also list directly to a text file, LIST "DSK1.?W.LISTING.TXT", for instance. The '.?W.' after the DSK1 means "treat as a Windows file".


For reading windows text files back, remember the .TXT and you don't have to remember the ?W to load them -- by default Classic99 will treat any file with no header and a .TXT extension as Windows text and read it (as long as it was opened as DV80 or DF80). If you don't use the .TXT extension, then Classic99 needs to be told.


There are options in the disk configuration to control the defaults, as well.

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My problems/issues continue :(


Classic99 to and from text files is awesome!


My problem is, I cannot get any xb programs to convert and compile with XB Compiler 2.1.

I can use the same programs in Win994a Sim and they compile fine.


I can also read tidisks I create in Win994a and read them in Classic99, I just cannot find a way to move files

from Classic99 to Win994a. The strange part, I believe I was able to move files from Classic99 to

Win994a prior to me trying to save files as text! I have read the docs, but cannot create files in Classic99

and Copy/move files to Win994a. So, I either need to figure this out, or figure out why I cannot compile!!!


I have read TONS of docs, an example would be great! Or was I dreaming that I was able to copy to Win Disk?


Oh, Win994a disks seem to corrupt very easy. I loose lots of work. So, Classic99 and text files has been wonderful!

Also, the speedup feature is great for testing too. If I could only compile! It could be disk type now that I think about it?


TIDISKs cannot be written to if I remember all the info I have been consuming....it is all kind of a jumble now!


But I do have a little Pacman demo getting close to finished.. Would love to compile it soon!


Thanks to all in advance!


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