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HSC10 Round 5: Hard Hat Mack

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Hard Hat Mack 4,505


Guess the song -


"It's gotta be Mack, gotta get me on the track, gotta dragon on my back."

Correct, I gave you a rep point. ;)

Mack was the co producer of The Game album.

Playing Hard Hat Mack, "it's gotta be Mack" popped in my head. Awesome song.

It's about time we had more Queen talk here in the HSC :thumbsup:

The game was the first Queen album (apart from the Greatest Hits) I bought on tape - not sure it still works but most ot them do :D


Hard Hat Mack - found a horrible looking yellow graphics copy and couldn't quite figure out the 2nd screen but 3,375 to get on the board. My old mono copy didn't load but I think it might need the OSA translator to get it running - proably Fandal's version is patched ok. Had fun playing with Willy :grin: 31,080 level 4, interesting game ;)



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Finally figured out stage 4 on Willy (34,300) if, like me, you get stuck, try going back up through the moving door... Stage 5 looks fun, nice game. If your copy says Option=Super or Start=Normal take Normal (unless you want infinite Willies) and HHM I'm stuck on how to finish the 2nd screen - I collect everything but then what?! TNT kills me, Vandal kills me, Cement Mixer you get the idea. Much better on the mono version, some wicked artefacting on my 14" TV (PAL) - my old copy did need the OS/A translator ;)

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Seeing as you're always helping everyone else.


On HHM 2nd screen once you've collected all the items jump on the conveyor belt top right hand corner but you need to time your jump so that mack gets to the top of the conveyor and the moving tube is above his head so that it picks him up

Edited by McKong
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Ahh thanks McKong - I should have tried that (or waited until the end of roadrunner's HHM video on Post #18 :D

Looks like that is the Apple II version? -slightly different spacing on the bottom right of screen 2 - on our version you can safely wait (wait safely... is that a split infiinitive mr teacher?!) past the chain. Another Tip is that you don't need to move to jump - just press fire - this might save a few Macks' from their demise.


I'm sure I tried to kill the woka-wokas in Willy but perhaps I didn't have the white hat - anyone stuck on level 4 see Post #29 (above). Could the 10,000 walls left thing be when you accidentally get a section you shouldn't have, by sneaking into an area that is meant to be blocked off and it messes up the wall counter? - it's a sure bet that Mr. Case was sneaking down there to grab some more points :D


Speaking of points here are the latest tables:


Hard Hat Mack

1st Deteacher (N) 15,205 13pts

2nd McKong 14,650 11pts

3rd adam242 (N) 4,550 11pts

4th roadrunner (N) 4,505 10pts

5th darthkur (N) 4,105 9pts

6th therealbountybob 3,375 7pts

7th justin case 2,255 6pts

8th devwebcl 2,075 5pts

9th jblenkle (N) 1,750 5pts

(N)=includes NTSC player bonus point


Hard Hat Willie

1st therealbountybob 34,300 3pts

2nd roadrunner 19,270 2pts

3rd Deteacher 17,750 2pts

4th justin case 13,850 2pts

5th darthkur 11,380 2pts

6th jblenkle 5,300 1pt

I'll keep this scoring for now but if we get a lot of play will add some more points

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Looks like that is the Apple II version? -slightly different spacing on the bottom right of screen 2 - on our version you can safely wait (wait safely... is that a split infiinitive mr teacher?!)


I have no idea...I teach music. LOL! If I had to make an educated guess <pun intended> I'd say that sounds right to me. You can say wait safely or safely wait.

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Ahh thanks McKong - I should have tried that (or waited until the end of roadrunner's HHM video on Post #18 :D

Looks like that is the Apple II version? -slightly different spacing on the bottom right of screen 2 - on our version you can safely wait (wait safely... is that a split infiinitive mr teacher?!) past the chain. Another Tip is that you don't need to move to jump - just press fire - this might save a few Macks' from their demise.





That's the DOS version, it's not my video.

I just assumed all versions of HHM were the same. :(

Except the color hacks.

Edited by roadrunner
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Hardhat Willy, 30770 points. What a bizzarre (but fun!) little game.




Hard Hat Mack is still kicking my butt... haven't been able to clear the second screen.

The scoring for Mack is a bit broken - my current score was only achieved by dying (unintentionally, I swear) on a mostly-complete first screen and then getting the last section of floor riveted quickly with my next life while the bonus was still high. If I do the board with one life, I can only get 2500-3000.

Edited by adam242
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Finally got on the 3rd board of HHM.



I can't get passed the 2nd board on Willy. I distyroy all the eggs but "5 left" is still there. I've killed the red pacman and even had the eggs, for some mysterious reason, get down to zero but it still didn't end the board. That tiny little passage way where there's not even a pixel to spare can't be the only way tp progress. I'm too frustrated to deal with it anymore.

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I can't get passed the 2nd board on Willy. I distyroy all the eggs but "5 left" is still there. I've killed the red pacman and even had the eggs, for some mysterious reason, get down to zero but it still didn't end the board. That tiny little passage way where there's not even a pixel to spare can't be the only way tp progress. I'm too frustrated to deal with it anymore.

You never need to go down the really tight gaps - usually it's something missed near the start, perhaps on the right - will check next time I play.

Wonder if the game has a final level :ponder: I killed a few woka wokas for the 1st time but got side-tracked doing this and they got me more so I didn't complete lv4 this time!


There wont be a vote this week as round 6 will be a chance to "Catch-up and Improve scores" plus a few bonus challenges to keep everyone interested. If anyone want's to add any games to the <Play List> we'll have a fresh set to choose from on Round 7 folks :)

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Finally got on the 3rd board of HHM.



I can't get passed the 2nd board on Willy. I distyroy all the eggs but "5 left" is still there. I've killed the red pacman and even had the eggs, for some mysterious reason, get down to zero but it still didn't end the board. That tiny little passage way where there's not even a pixel to spare can't be the only way tp progress. I'm too frustrated to deal with it anymore.




You might have missed the opening to go down lower.

watch the video at the 2:16 mark




Edited by roadrunner
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After many...MANY attempts, I finally managed to top Vdub's record: 28,770!




The hardest part of the game is that stupid thing that shoots rivets at you...I swear, that thing has heat seeking rivets. After level 8, it doesn't get any harder...once you master the 2nd and 3rd boards, it's just a matter of lucking out on the first board.


If you're having trouble learning boards 2 or 3, here's a tip: Hold down the number 2 or 3 and press start...the game will start on that respective level so you can practice.

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There are unplayable for me this time...

For me HHM is a bit frustrating to play but HHW is more fun ;)


My scores:

HHM 6,090 (3) worked out what to do on screen three for the next session.


HHW 40,480 (5) keep trying to kill the wokkas instead of just getting on cracking the eggs :twisted:


More HHW Tips: The hatching eggs are the spinning things so watch out for the Wokas; lookout for the bonues too. The moving red door is fairly easy to get back up past - get near it when it's horizontal then move right next to it at the top when it's vertical. You can slightly scroll down and back up to reverse the bird's direction; instead of waiting for it to fly all the way across and return :)


Looks like HHM's scoring is flawed re the bonues so please post what level you reached too folks.


@jb This round closes Sunday 7th

@deteacher 1pt bonus for beating the HHM record of 15,700 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Looks like HHM's scoring is flawed re the bonues so please post what level you reached too folks.


@jb This round closes Sunday 7th

@deteacher 1pt bonus for beating the HHM record of 15,700 :thumbsup::thumbsup:dfffrf:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Thanks for the bonus point! I'll need all I can get. BTW, I made it to round 15 in that 28K run on HHM.

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Mack 9,840 Level 4


Willy 57,060 Section 6 - need a better strategy for the first part of the waves as too many greenies roaming free. Wonder how many levels there are; seems to have extra features on each section to keep the player on his toes. The Big Diamond netted me a cool 5K :)


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