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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive HSC Season 1, Round 1: Sonic the Hedgehog 2


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Hi guys and gals,


Welcome to Round 1 of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive High Score Club. Started with the encouragement of the previous moderator Jibbajaba. This will be a short season of 5 rounds, with more to come if interest is maintained.


Let's kick this off with a game that EVERYONE has.


Full rules can be found in this blog post.


Quick and dirty:

Play the game. Post your score. Highest score wins. Points are earned depending on how you place on the leaderboard to determine a champion at the end of the season!


Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "And now for the game everyone has"


You are ultrahip blue hedgehog Sonic and all your animal friends have been turned into robots! Somehow running really fast will save them.


Sonic Team, 1992

Choose Sonic Only


To access options from the title screen press down twice and select options


This round closes 12:00 AM EST on April 14th, 2013



How many lives can you stock? The player with the most lives wins!


Here's the tricky part though: you must provide a screen shot to claim the challenge point.





Final Leaderboard Week #1









Challenge Leaderboard (Final) Week #1



Season Standings








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You're purple because you are under water...errr...purple chemicals....


Crap, i gotta play this game again. I had alotta trouble in the chemical world.

Tails wasn't much help. Must read the entire first post. "select options" :)

On a side note i don't know how my screenshot turned out all purple?

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Just a friendly reminder, this round closes on Sunday the 14th at midnight EASTERN STANDARD TIME


To be fair to everyone, I won't accept any scores posted after that time.


Also a reminder: no one has attempted the challenge yet. Stock as many lives as you can and post a screenshot (the fun is in not knowing when to take the shot!) of your counter. .


Thanks to everyone who has participated so far. I think we're off to a good start.

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Crap, i gotta play this game again. I had alotta trouble in the chemical world.

Tails wasn't much help. Must read the entire first post. "select options" :)

On a side note i don't know how my screenshot turned out all purple?



Yeah, me too. The good news is that although I didn't get as far I snagged a Chaos Emerald and topped my previous, albeit ineligible score. :-D






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