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Official Super Game Module thread (thoughts & reviews about SGM and games)


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I would recommend you to use this test ROM http://atariage.com/...m/#entry2748035


It would be interesting if it uncovers some failure in RAM.


Ok so here's the story, i would get scrambled graphics or games would freeze, i bought two SGM's and both had the same result so it wasn't the SGM.

First thought was the power supply, in Europe it's very hard or impossible to get a loose power supply, i remembered i still have the US one which i got with my Yurkie Vision,

so i ordered a step down converter (220Volt to 110 Volt) online for 70EUR which is now at the postoffice.

Than i remembered a fellow collector who also lives in Amsterdam and asked him if he had a cheap system for sale, he only had a boxed one, so i bought the boxed system mainly for the power supply. Tried it at home still the same problem.


Than i noticed that pushing the SGM up or down would give different results, so in the end i bent the iron clamps in the extension port with a screwdriver, so they hold the SGM real tight, placed the Colecovision on a realy flat surface and now it all works :-D


Only Super Zaxxon doesnt work, which did work before i bended the clams :?

Edited by san-d-2000
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If Lord of the Dungeon doesn't work

Then it might be your power supply for sure. :|


Have you ever tried a Canadian Power supply?


Just tried Lord of the Dungeon with the power supply from the European system i bought today,

and it works now. I think the problem is a worn out expansion port.

Any suggestions on fixing that?

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Just tried Lord of the Dungeon with the power supply from the European system i bought today,

and it works now. I think the problem is a worn out expansion port.

Any suggestions on fixing that?


At least, it's not your power supply...


Well, I never had to clean out the expension port to be honest

But I'm sure you can fix this by using the same products people uses to clean their unit



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Just tried Lord of the Dungeon with the power supply from the European system i bought today,

and it works now. I think the problem is a worn out expansion port.

Any suggestions on fixing that?


Have you tried any of the diagnostic tools?

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Than i noticed that pushing the SGM up or down would give different results, so in the end i bent the iron clamps in the extension port with a screwdriver, so they hold the SGM real tight, placed the Colecovision on a realy flat surface and now it all works :-D


Only Super Zaxxon doesnt work, which did work before i bended the clams :?

Sounds kind of similar to the problem I had initially with the SGM not recognizing on my main system. My solution was to add two rubber pads to the already existing rubber pads on the bottom/front of my ColecoVision. Once I did this, the SGM has worked flawlessly with my system due to the lineup of the SGM and Expansion Bus being corrected height wise. I have yet to open up the CV in question to make sure PCB is seated properly, but was already expecting to have to adjust the "iron clamps"/guides in the Expansion Bus Interface.


BTW, the SGM was recognized without any issue on a couple of ADAM systems that I tested it out on.


Weird about Zaxxon Super Game. It makes absolutely no sense. Does this happen with both SGM units that you own?

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Interesting. Good to see King's Valley is getting some love. Konami is always great.

How about Thexder? How far have you guys gone.


I just received Thexder in the mail and played it for a while today. I like it, even though it continually kicks my ass. After several games, the farthest I've made it is this room in Level 2 where those red molecule enemies always swarm me and take me out in half a minute.

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I just received Thexder in the mail and played it for a while today. I like it, even though it continually kicks my ass. After several games, the farthest I've made it is this room in Level 2 where those red molecule enemies always swarm me and take me out in half a minute.


Sounds like you should be using the shield. Just saying. ;)

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Well Mystery solved, today i went to the attic searched through about 25 boxes (all Atari stuff) and in the last box i found two Colecovision systems,

both work flawless with the SGM, so i guess my Yurkievision has bad DRAM. Was nice to finally play Thexder without the fear of my system crashing mid-game.


So a quick question what's more Easy replace the DRAM or do an AV mod on the other other two?

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I just received my Super Game Module today! Wow! I am so impressed by the whole thing. The awesome packaging, everything.


I felt like Steve Martin in The Jerk when he sees his name in the phone book. I wanted to jump up and down in the driveway and scream "The Super Game Module is here, the Super Game Module is here!". But since I didn't want to be commited to a mental institution, I remained as calm as I could until I got in the house. :grin:


Eduardo, and everyone else involved, thank you so much for your dedication, devotion, and everything else. I know it has been a long journey for you to get this finished but I have to say you have done an excellent, if not perfect, job!


I really can't thank all you great people that continue to make the ColecoVision better and better!

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I have received the SGM a few weeks ago but didn't have much time til lately to try it out. Looks Great, Works Great in both my colecovision & ADAM.


THEXDER on my colecovision. This is beyond cool. I think of thexder as a late 80's game I played on my tandy 1000. I am really impressed with this game version. I am espicaially impressed with the sheer number of colours used on the mech sprites. (how many overlayed sprites were used per frame? )


Kings valley is neat. Reminds me of BAGMAN


Dragons Lair & Zaxxon are great too. I had already played them on my ADAM but they are much faster to run in cart form.


Bring on Buck Rogers.


Oh and of course Donkey Kong. Now I have D2K Arcade on intellivision and that is excellent but I'm looking forward to having the best donkey kong conversion be back on colecovision again.


Any documents about how to program for 1) the megacart 2) the SGM.

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Any documents about how to program for 1) the megacart 2) the SGM.

For the SGM you have the information here http://atariage.com/forums/topic/203851-super-game-module-technical-forum/


Pixelboy provided me information about Megacart when developing Princess Quest but he got it from Opcode, so you should send a PM to Opcode.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It shows up in chrome as an unsafe script for me. In order to watch it, I have to right click the icon on the right side of the address bar and click "allow unsafe script" for it to load and play. Hope this helps ya. BTW, cool little video....the guy demoing it is entertaining. icon_smile.gif

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Yes I have mine and I am in Canada . all four SGM games are excellent. My favourite is Thexder.


By the way if anyone is not sure, l found the Konami‘s Ping—Pong game to be a real sleeper. This is a really fluid game that plays very naturally on the coleco controller with a very exact shot placement and you can

really get into it.


I was very surprised by the this game. I would actually recommend it above some other games

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Really looking forward to receiving mine in the next week or so, then I can try out Kings Valley and Super Zaxxon :)

Plus until I do some more memory optimisation my next game Pyxidis is not running in 1k so needs to SGM. I do want to try and make that one work without, but work in enhanced mode if it detects the SGM and/or extra memory of the Adam. Best of both worlds then.

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