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New Jaguar graphics convertor (Windows)

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Just finished fixing up a couple of outstanding bugs in a graphics converter tool I started writing a couple of years ago. Just taken a while for me to bother fixing it :) It's by no means complete (or bug free I imagine) and I have a few features to add in and de-kink yet. But Ithought I'd put it out here and get some initial early feedback from it.


It uses ImageMagicK to allow it to read pretty much ALL file formats (JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF etc etc), and supports Jag formats down as low as 1bit images and up to 16 bit images (dont' think I have added 32bit yet :) )


Anyway, enough waffle, I need my sleep. You can get the file from here: http://www.u-235.co.uk/gfxconv/gfxconv-0.02.zip


With a very very small changelog here: http://www.u-235.co.uk/gfxconv/changelog-0.02.txt


Please don't host these files anywhere else, by all means link to these files.



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Presumably this is the one you mentioned at Replay/JagFest, nice to see it has not died as it sounded like being a useful tool - will have a play when I have more time. Presumably to use the output file to say replace the image in the Atari Startup.S file one just replaces .incbin "/jaguar/startup/lt_box.rgb with .incbin "/jaguar/startup/New_Image.map (or whatever the extension happens to be).

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great job.. had to search all the dlls but it works now


Oops! what DLLs did you need to search for? Would be useful to know so I can include them in the install instructions.


Presumably this is the one you mentioned at Replay/JagFest, nice to see it has not died as it sounded like being a useful tool - will have a play when I have more time. Presumably to use the output file to say replace the image in the Atari Startup.S file one just replaces .incbin "/jaguar/startup/lt_box.rgb with .incbin "/jaguar/startup/New_Image.map (or whatever the extension happens to be).


Yup it is :), yup that should be about it, obviously make sure the image is of the same dimensions


Linkovitch : do you have a webpage that can be linked to? I'd rather not link to the files directly, as they will become obsolete if you release a new version in the future.


There will be, working on a new site atm, and just wanted to get the beta out asap as the sun was coming up and I needed my bed :) I'll update here when it goes live. Thanks

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Linkovitch : do you have a webpage that can be linked to? I'd rather not link to the files directly, as they will become obsolete if you release a new version in the future.


Just put the site live and have attempted to future proof it for you too! :D


If you link to www.u-235.co.uk/gfxconv/ the site will redirect you to the correct page for the tool. So when I change the site in future I will be able to ensure that the redirects goto the correct place etc etc. I will setup the same for all our other releases too (already in place for the SoundEngine)

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GUI would be nice .. okay okay.. my next wish for christmas :-D


Oops! what DLLs did you need to search for? Would be useful to know so I can include them in the install instructions.

Here they are:









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I guess you didn't read the "Installation" section of the manual then? :) You need to install ImageMagick before using it as it uses that for handling the source images :)


It specifically doesn't have a GUI as it's intended purpose is to be called from within an automated make type build process. So you could simply drop your updated art over your existing assets, run make and gfxconv would be called to build the new jag assets as well as the source files to build your project.


Well, that's how I use it :D

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