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Pesky scientists...

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We interrupt your regular broadcast with the following late breaking news...


The rescue attempt of several hapless terraforming scientists is being attempted on the planet Terra 5. Our roving reporter GroovyBee sent us this IntyCam report of the (as yet) unnamed hero in action :-


post-21935-0-90697600-1369906725_thumb.gif <---- Click to animate


Reliable sources have told us the following :-

  • The rescue attempt may take some months to complete.
  • The planet is huge and colourful.
  • Alien encounters are expected.
  • The hero will be lucky to make it out alive.
  • The bacon has run out :o.


STAY TUNED!! More news as it comes in...

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Groovy, we do need to clone you. One Groovy to continue coming up with cool games and the other Groovy to finish them ;). You're like the dog in the movie Up ... "Squirrel!"


Oh ... and looks mighty cool, BTW. Looks like you have limited ammo and boost power? Keep the great games coming!

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So much coolness, so little time. I think this one has the potential to be the best of the bunch of the games you've announced so far. (Which is saying something because I suspect you've got another 100 or so to announce!) :)

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Is that the third or fourth mini-game? AWESOME!!!!! I always wanted to explore the surface of Mars, scientifically of course. :)



Groovy, is that a mini game or a stand alone game? Either way, you're my HERO ;-)


Our plucky roving reporter managed to speak to several front line, key members of the planet's terraforming squad earlier today. Sanitation Engineer, 3rd class Khan T. SprinkleStraight had this to say "Mars! Mars! Dammit man! Terra Five is a planet in its own right. If you see any of those pesky Martians tell them that we want that shipment of bacon back that they stole a few weeks ago. If we had The Bacon we wouldn't be in this mess!"

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Maybe you could name him Hiro. And his code name could be H.I.R.O.


Our reporter on the scene tried shouting that name into a cave entrance but nobody replied. As soon we find out the mystery heroes real identity you'll hear it here first.

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