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Latest PS3 (rev3) seem A-OK to me


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I read a crap-ton of shit reviews about the "Super Slim" PS3. I searched for a 160GB or 320GB. No avail.


Well, there ain't a lot of choice, and with high-dolla' stuff like this, I like to buy locally, so I can say "take this muthaf**kah back" if it fails, shortly. I read bitching about the rev 3 manual disc door, etc. I like it! Every time my [fat] PS2 motorized tray *shudders*, I wish I had this. It certainly feels less-cheap than the hinged door on the redsigned PS2.


I've finally played Gran Turismo 5 XL edition. If I understand correctly, this is the same as Euro GT5 Academy?


I got the Xbox 360 (and I love Forza) 6 months earlier, and I really like it. But - having played GT5 recently now - I'm not sure if all the bitching was warranted? Maybe it was??? But oh, that wonderful controller!!!


I'm no fanboy of anything, but I *really* like the PS3 so far! I waited for 6 years before either, and I chose the 360 first. 360 is great! But so is PS3! How lucky gamers are to have so many nice machines!

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I've finally played Gran Turismo 5 XL edition. If I understand correctly, this is the same as Euro GT5 Academy?

The XL edition is a more fully patched version of the original game--so you don't have to spend 12 hours updating it--just 5 or so. It also had some DLC vouchers.

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