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HSC10 Round 10: Rescue on Fractalus

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Rescue on Fractalus

& Season so far Catch-Up see post #2

time for some serious 8-bit action; one of the best games ever and we need to rescue some downed pilots and shoot some Jaggis :) If you've not played R.O.F. before (why?!) then you need to know some of the basics so here goes:

fly around shoot the Jaggies, land near a downed pilot (<3 on the radar) get enough of these guys return to the mother ship and level up! You need to have the joystick near the keyboard for this one...

L and

S ystems on/off - when landed, use to allow pilots to approach, or to fry aliens. Also clears enemy "lock on"s.

A irlock open/close - to let pilots on-board (wait for them to knock!)

B oost - return to the mother ship

Left(+)/Right(*) take off / change speed [altirra use ALT and the L/R cursor keys, atari800WInPlus4.0 & altirra ^or*/+]

hints: when rescuing fly slowly and start to land and then take off again quickly to get near to a pilot. If you overshoot just spin round as you land and he's usually still in range :) rescued pilots give you extra energy.

ESCape = Pause

play the full disk version (if you can) with the animated loading and score table - atarionline.pl V1 ATR or Fandal ATR are the kiddies. Atarimania has ROM (of '87 version suitable for XEGS) and guide in the atari user review at the bottom.


regular gaming - push up to change starting level; play any levels as you wish (you may start on level 1)

pro challenge - start on level 16, go up every 4 levels, (I expect the better players to go for this one; see post #1).

[scoring...still hmm] post score and ranking level (shown at end of go)


EVERYONE WELCOME to play; if you need any help just ask - it's a relatively tricky game to understand the controls but really worth checking out. Some links that might help:





round closes Tuesday 2nd July 10am UK Time


Edited by therealbountybob
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I retired after about 3 hours completed level 28 on the 'pro challenge' 213,829 I accidentally fried a couple of our guys on the last level :ponder: It was too hard to find all the aces so I've scrapped that idea!



OK so ROF can take a long time to play (if you know the game)... not sure what to do about this for HSC play - any suggestions? Perhaps the re-released version that allows start on level 32 would be better for the top players - not sure if it's on disk/atr/exe though (atarimania is a ROM image) [start on Level 16 for the Pro Challenge]


We could limit the levels or just have it as it is. Perhaps people want to also use this as a catch-up round for any games they have missed this season and for those who have played everything to improve on up to 3 games?


[see post #10 for more info]


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Okay, I guess it's time I learned how to play ROF... never spent much time with this the first time around - short attention span, I guess.


I had a try tonight (wow - so that's what I've been missing!) and scored 12749 points starting on level 4, completing 4 and 5. I'm not sure why the game ended, as I made it back to the mothership after level 5. Hmm. Anyway, that's my first go.




Also, I've swapped back to my 1200XL for this game, so I can enjoy NTSC's higher frame rate! :)


EDIT - Duh! It wasn't over, it's just some kind of intermission screen, waiting for me to continue. I had walked away for a minute, thinking it would wait and that screen came up. Will update with new score later!


EDIT II - Kept going and was finally killed on level 12. 72,307 points! Not bad for a first try.



Edited by adam242
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I retired after about 3 hours completed level 28 on the 'pro challenge' 213,829 I accidentally fried a couple of our guys on the last level :ponder: It was too hard to find all the aces so I've scrapped that idea!



OK so ROF takes a long time to play (if you know the game)... not sure what to do about this for HSC play - any suggestions? Perhaps the re-released version that allows start on level 32 would be better for the top players - not sure if it's on disk/atr/exe though (atarimania is a ROM image)


We could limit the levels or just have it as it is. Perhaps people want to also use this as a catch-up round for any games they have missed this season and for those who have played everything to improve on up to 3 games?




3 hours! I've never played this game cos I didn't like the look of it. I'm sure it's a good game but I'm not sure whether I really want to get into a game that takes so long to play. Think I'll play Captain Sticky's instead :-D

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land near the pilot (<3 on the radar) get enough of these guys return to the mother ship


I have no clue how to rescue these guys...or where exactly to land near them.


EDIT: Never mind...finally figured it out...haven't played this since it originally came out...

Edited by jblenkle
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Rescue on Fractalus - 48,205



OK, I guess this game doesn't let you take bathroom breaks. I landed to pick up a pilot, ran to the bathroom, and then when I came back, I let him in the ship...I thought...


The game told me there was an alien in the ship and the airlock was jammed so I couldn't let him back out. Then the game ended.

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Rescue on Fractalus - 48,205



OK, I guess this game doesn't let you take bathroom breaks. I landed to pick up a pilot, ran to the bathroom, and then when I came back, I let him in the ship...I thought...


The game told me there was an alien in the ship and the airlock was jammed so I couldn't let him back out. Then the game ended.

Press ESCape to pause folks ;)

So maybe start on level 16 and then go up every 4 levels, what you think?

:thumbsup: Great Idea I think this is the best option. I will also allow save states from emulator users; but if you die you have to start back from the beginning (I know this gives an advantage). Looks like I need a full day of ROF but starting on 16 will be better, level 28 was just starting to get interesting, I had a cool 5 targets hit in 5 shots spress, really nice how you can aim them :) After completing a level push up to increase to 4 levels above - rr McK this should reduce play time! it was only 3 hours 'cos I am so good :P


I'll add some more instructions to post #1. I didn't mention the aliens on purpose (I remember the first time they freaked me out) really :D

In a nutshell [L]and <3 on the radar; turn ystems off, wait for a knock on the door, open the [A]irlock to let them on board or hit ystems on to fry our bug eyed friends... quite nerve-wracking when you have fingers poised over A & S keys and one twitch could be bad news :) It's not too scientific just start to land see if you're near and if not keep thrusting and landing until you are near!


Hey orph I would still be interested in buying an NTSC 800XL if you have found one?

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Rescue on Fractalus - 48,205

OK, I guess this game doesn't let you take bathroom breaks. I landed to pick up a pilot, ran to the bathroom, and then when I came back, I let him in the ship...I thought...


The game told me there was an alien in the ship and the airlock was jammed so I couldn't let him back out. Then the game ended.

In this situation I think you can hit oost (if mother is around) and the sucker will be jettisonned ?! but the pause key is safer ;)

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Yeah, I saw an alien today too...it came and banged on the window and startled me because I totally wasn't expecting it.


99,714 - alien dude busted through my windshield on level 13.



This took about an hour... I'm gonna have to set aside a chunk of time this weekend for a good run.

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Rescue on Fractalus (pro challenge) - 11,811

you can make lots more points by collecting extra pilots; usually 2 or 3 are fairly easy to find. That's why my go was 3hours as I was hunting for the Ace (I'm assuming there is one on every level? but perhaps not?? I'll read up...) but even one or two gives a decent bonus :)

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I've had a nice talk to David Fox (programmer of the game) and will interview him for the german RETURN magazine. If you have some questions about RoF and/or David Fox then feel free to post them here (is it o.k., Jason?). I will post his answers also here.

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I've had a nice talk to David Fox (programmer of the game) and will interview him for the german RETURN magazine. If you have some questions about RoF and/or David Fox then feel free to post them here (is it o.k., Jason?). I will post his answers also here.

Hi Bunsen, yes this is fantastic :thumbsup: feel free to post any other links/articles re gaming from RETURN to any old HSC threads too (now we have web translation!).

So any ROF questions folks?


Here's some from me:

Perhaps ask about the difficulty possibly! being too easy for too long, was that why the re-relase allowed start on level 32? How far did the programmers get to when they played? would be nice for some insights (like in the MULE manual)


Did they think of adding any other features? :)

Are there any occasional/rare events or features on the later levels?

Did they make any debugs or changes after the game was released? Or for the XE re-release?

This may be already known but on the (atari) programming side - what was his background and what was his experience with Atari? What was the game written on/in?


and finally were there any games he started working on (or any of his colleagues) for the A8 but didn't get released or completed?


Be sure to thank him for this great game ;-)


[reading the wikipedia ROF page (link on post#1) there is a link to another interview with Mr.Fox http://www.dadgum.co...on/BOOK/FOX.HTM ] I should read this first!!!


Rescue on Fractalus (Pro Challenge) - 70,976

nice improvement there :thumbsup:

Edited by therealbountybob
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