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StarQuake POKES


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In Emulator AtariWinPlus click on top menu 'Miscellaneous' and scroll to 'Monitor'. Click here and a new, a black window will open.

In this window just post each line you see with those values and ENTER at the end of each one.

When all are entered just write:

cont and click ENTER. You will return to the game with the changes made.

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In Emulator AtariWinPlus click on top menu 'Miscellaneous' and scroll to 'Monitor'. Click here and a new, a black window will open.

In this window just post each line you see with those values and ENTER at the end of each one.

When all are entered just write:

cont and click ENTER. You will return to the game with the changes made.


Thank you very much. I will give it a shot ASAP.

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Forgive my ignorance... but how can these POKES be used in emulators / real hardware?


On real hardware you need a Turbo Freezer to freeze the game, enter the codes in the debuger and then resume the game.



[quote name=Sub(Function(:))' timestamp='1373976744' post='2793035]

That's one crazy "cool" 800xl you have there :)


Thank you, it is a wonder that it is still working with all that soldering inside. While I nowadays have an XE with VBXE, U1MB, covex and stereo pokey, this machine still has a special place in my heart since it was my first computer. When I was about ten/eleven I bought it together with my dad and brother. And when it was the birthday of my dad, we gave him an Atari game but of course me and my brother were the ones who played it the most :-D



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Problem here is the difference.

There's so many versions around of the same game.

And Emulators? That's easy because you just have to enter those values in Emulator's Monitor.

But it's simple but there's differences from one to another.

I tried to help Yauthja and just 'shot'!...

Then I opened Atari800WinPlus Emulator and couldn't enter the values. Because in this one Emulator you just put the values without ? Hex sign. Only change thir $ into C in the left side line Memory/Line Adress.

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Problem here is the difference.

There's so many versions around of the same game.

And Emulators? That's easy because you just have to enter those values in Emulator's Monitor.

But it's simple but there's differences from one to another.

I tried to help Yauthja and just 'shot'!...

Then I opened Atari800WinPlus Emulator and couldn't enter the values. Because in this one Emulator you just put the values without ? Hex sign. Only change thir $ into C in the left side line Memory/Line Adress.


You´re totally right, Jose. Unfortunately, I have loads of job to take on these days. My compromise is to put your advices in practice this weekend and, with the results, write an article for my blog -so other atarians can learn about POKES.


Best regards,


- Y -

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Then I opened Atari800WinPlus Emulator and couldn't enter the values. Because in this one Emulator you just put the values without ? Hex sign. Only change thir $ into C in the left side line Memory/Line Adress.


some versions of one may differ.


Edited by g0blinish
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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe you should enter what was written here.... c 2d6f ea ea;) The d2 instruction is illegal instruction, probably will lock up computer (when your energy decrease). If you wanted to have more lives which are stored in $d2 memory you should enter c d2 d2 (even that d2 is strange to the game and it will show garbage but then counts from 99 lives to zero).

Edited by MaPa
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Exactly! Now it works fine -at least with two versions of the game. The previous code had the computer locked up.


So, we can use the Turbo Freezer code in emulators using the monitor and "c" replacing the $ symbol?


- Y -


Maybe you should enter what was written here.... c 2d6f ea ea ;) The d2 instruction is illegal instruction, probably will lock up computer (when your energy decrease). If you wanted to have more lives which are stored in $d2 memory you should enter c d2 d2 (even that d2 is strange to the game and it will show garbage but then counts from 99 lives to zero).

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c 1f74 1a 1a (infinite lives)

c 322b 1a 1a 1a 1a (unlimited shots)

c E5B 1a 1a (unlimited "steps")

c 2d6f 1a 1a (infinite energy)


Is there a way to use these codes with Altirra?


never used one, but... maybe Cheat-Cheater helps?


lol, i googled a lot of infinite lives for the Atari games and find nothing. probably, my account banned :-D

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Is there a way to use these codes with Altirra?


For Altirra you need to activate the debugger ("Debug->Enable debugger" menu). This will open some debugging windows. Make sure the console window is open ("Debug->Windows->Console" menu). Click on the emulated Atari screen and press <F8>. This will stop executing the current program. Click on the "command line" of the console window. Now you can enter debug commands. The command for changing memory localsions is:

e <$address> <$value1> <$value2> ...


Thus for infinite lives type:

e $1f74 $ea $ea


Then press <F8> again to resume the game.





Note: The "1a" value in your example is not the offical opcode for a NOP but an undocumented 'NOP' instruction. Thats why I used the version with "$ea" (from the first post) for the official NOP opcode.


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