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HighScore.com Contest: $50 AtariAge gift certs to winners


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Oh...and I wanted to share a little something I discovered years ago when I had a Saturn. Those that have Ten Pin Alley for the Sega Saturn might find the entire King James' Version of the BIBLE hidden on the disc. Place it in your PC to find it. Yea...I've placed every disc-based game I own for consoles in a PC to see what all was actually on them.

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Another thing, Serious. The VIS is considered an extremely rare console with only about 70 titles made for it. And since most of the games for it are educational I don't believe that anyone has ever tried to emulate it. Wouldn't make since any way it is a PC with a stripped down Windows OS. Why emulate a Windows PC on a Windows PC? Besides, most of the titles now can most likely be found in an abandonware website for DOS and Windows. So I don't think you would have create a category for a VIS emulated. Just for the real hardware.


More information can be located here: http://www.videogameconsolelibrary.com/pg90-vis.htm#page=reviews


More information on Links can be seen here: http://www.myabandonware.com/game/links-the-challenge-of-golf-1pi


Links for the VIS is the same game that appeared for MS-DOS PCs. The only real differences are the opening screens (DOS beats the VIS version) and the controls of course. Other than that, they are the same game. If you have a DOS system (or DOSBOX) then you might want to try the game. The link I shared also lets you download a copy of the game.

Edited by kamakazi
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Can you add the Tandy/Magnavox VIS to the list and Links: The Challenge of Golf for it? I spent $20 on it and if just for this game then I feel it was worth it.



I've just added:


Links: The Challenge of Golf [Male/Beginner/18 Holes]


I used these settings based on what was in your video.


Scoring is lowest points are best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


There's a few new contests that have just started on High Score that I thought I'd mention on this thread..


Prizes are available in three categories:


  • The top 3 voters during the contest period will win their choice of $25 AtariAge gift certificates or eBay gift cards.
  • The player who wins (and retains) the most Worldwide trophies on NES (emulated or real hardware) during the contest period will win an Everdrive N8 cartridge (like the Harmony cart, but for the NES).
  • The player who wins (and retains) the most Worldwide trophies on Commodore 64 (emulated or real hardware) during the contest period will win an SD2IEC drive (like the Harmony cart, but for the C64).


The contest will end on August 3rd (midnight Eastern time).



Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

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