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For me collecting TI-99 stuff has multiple reasons.

- Preservation efforts for European TI stuff, TI internal Documentation

- Hardware, mostly to be able to use it with my system - to not be in the situation to not have it around when its needed

- Backup units for favourite Hardware

- Nostalgia (I wanted to get the same setup as in the 80s, probably I actually wanted the same feeling as in the 80s)

- started to collect Cartridges when the modern multi-ones were not around yet, now I don't want to stop it.


Sometimes I get stuff for free, sometimes I find a low price opportunity, sometimes I decide to byte in the apple (gram kracker, mbx, 99/8 were all pricy).


With the 99/8 i knew before I would want to explore that computer. In order to do it not only in emulation (thx to ciro and mzapf), I needed the real thing. So I bought the one that was sold in December 2015. The software can be coming from anywhere and is easily replacable.

With the basic 99/8 investment I got into the mode of wanting to do as much with it as possible to not be in the situation of not having the proper accessory hardware. So I bought the Hex-Bus hardware, I think two pieces of each to have a backup unit ;)

Of course it can still happen that the special modded Cpu dies or the Keyboard starts failing or some custom chip dies, but 2008$ is a little much for an incomplete set of replacement parts.

The 99/8 documentation and software became much more interesting now as an owner. As there is hardly any official software, so what was released, should be tried to shared across the community.


As far as I know the Gram Kracker is the only Gram Device showing up from time to time on ebay. So if you want a Gram Device for your computer and don't have one yet, you will probably fight with others in the same situation. For me the Gram Kracker fascination came from being able to change parts of the operating system Grom0-2. I paid around 400$ for mine. For my Mbx around 300$.


It seems we can create almost any formerly released original Cartridge now, but I am sure this won't change the value of the original ones. It happened with other consoles who got their flash/universal module way back and the prices for the original ones are going higher than ever, look at the Nintendo NES 8-bit cartridges who can be replaced by one PowerPak Flash-cart.


I would like to welcome the a***0 guy. With combining the two 99/8 he got an almost fully working unit and with buying off the 99/8 docs he showed interest in the machine.

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I would like to welcome the a***0 guy. With combining the two 99/8 he got an almost fully working unit and with buying off the 99/8 docs he showed interest in the machine.

Same. We need to figure out who they are first. And if they're simply throwing it in a museum, or actively trying to do something with it.

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I dunno if the buyer will feel 100% welcome with people raging about their willingness to spend so much money on it. :)

That said, eBait is getting ridiculous in the asking price if nothing else. Not everything 30 years old is worth hundreds of dollars. But they think people will pay huge amounts for it. Once in awhile, somebody will. Like I said, the 99/8 I'd expect to go for bank because it's an unreleased prototype. But the average beat up TI console? Box or not, I don't think so. Even a clean, nice-looking one. Now, a /4 in that condition might fetch $100 or more from folks right here on the forum, I'd guess. But it's all a question of condition, rarity, and desirability. I don't want any /4 myself any more than I want an Apple ][+. No need, I'm not building a museum here, I'm buying stuff to use. I'm happier if it's stuff in good condition, but this stuff isn't an investment for me—and I'm gonna laugh if it's an investment for anyone else. Only a few rare machines really are worth thousands upon thousands of dollars. Things like the Apple 1. The rest? It's just old toys for people who still play with them, mostly. Worth a bit, but not much unless there's a reason why you're not going to find many of them.

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I've seen this movie a bunch of times, I can't seem to remember ever seeing a TI 99 in it.



EDIT: just did quick run through of the movie, these are literally the only 2 scenes with computers in the whole film.






Pretty sure that's a CoCo

Edited by LASooner
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I dunno if the buyer will feel 100% welcome with people raging about their willingness to spend so much money on it. :)


That said, eBait is getting ridiculous in the asking price if nothing else. Not everything 30 years old is worth hundreds of dollars. But they think people will pay huge amounts for it. Once in awhile, somebody will. Like I said, the 99/8 I'd expect to go for bank because it's an unreleased prototype. But the average beat up TI console? Box or not, I don't think so. Even a clean, nice-looking one. Now, a /4 in that condition might fetch $100 or more from folks right here on the forum, I'd guess. But it's all a question of condition, rarity, and desirability. I don't want any /4 myself any more than I want an Apple ][+. No need, I'm not building a museum here, I'm buying stuff to use. I'm happier if it's stuff in good condition, but this stuff isn't an investment for me—and I'm gonna laugh if it's an investment for anyone else. Only a few rare machines really are worth thousands upon thousands of dollars. Things like the Apple 1. The rest? It's just old toys for people who still play with them, mostly. Worth a bit, but not much unless there's a reason why you're not going to find many of them.



yes, but after a day of coursing in high prices, though finally loosing an high auction, sometimes I feel relieved :)

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It seems we can create almost any formerly released original Cartridge now, but I am sure this won't change the value of the original ones. It happened with other consoles who got their flash/universal module way back and the prices for the original ones are going higher than ever, look at the Nintendo NES 8-bit cartridges who can be replaced by one PowerPak Flash-cart.


It is also evidenced within our own community. We have had file versions of various cartridges for many many years, and with the advent of SD Floppy emulation and the nanoPEB's use of CF's (and now the FlashROM 99), load times from "disk", which originally slowed loading to a crawl, are now not perceptively slower than loading direct from a cartridge. Yet even having all these cool & groovy modern tools, many of us have bookshelves filled with hundreds of the same cartridges for titles which we already have a perfectly functional file version copy.


Not sure if it is because I was already an adult when I owned my first 99, or if I just had a repressed collector inside me who has now come out to play, but no file version of cartridge based software, or massive library of memory card stored titles will ever replace the nostalgically tactile response of holding a cassette-sized plastic-encased circuit board, or flipping through an original 30 year old paper manual.


And you either get that or you don't. My bank account wishes I didn't, but I do.

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The $565 GRAM Kracker? Someone probably really wanted it, because they're super rare now.


$407 for two consoles and some carts? I have no explanation.


A RS232 for $300? Really??


Another console with a few games... $299.99.


Espial for $250? Thank goodness that one didn't sell. That's just insane for a somewhat mediocre game. It's purely supply and demand.


Another console for $244.97? Geez.


A text based Adventure game... $219.99. And another one.


Two more consoles for $200.






...and sometimes there is coming up this bargain with Scott´s 12+1 Adventures-all-in-one :)




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abt the gram kracker, are they just for you old guy programmers? i thought there was a cart now. what is left to rip?


I use the GK as a multi-cart of sorts.. with "gram packer" software you could make your own custom menu, as exampled in my video below the "haugen DOS" menu is my GK setup.. It also works as a supercart for applications that require that by turning off the write protect.


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Here is a fantastic looking P-Box. From the lack of drive and only one card (the Flex card), I doubt this thing has ever been used.

He's asking a substantial amount, but he also has the make offer button listed. Who knows, if he gets REASONABLE OFFERS from people, he might come down in price and someone here MAY get lucky.






From the other stuff he has, he does not appear to be a big classic computer guy... so anything is possible. GOOD LUCK!

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Yeah, probably a better deal, because upon closer inspection the auction I listed appears to be for a "FACTORY BLEM".


Click on photo attached to see what I mean.


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Yes, I have 2 PEBs from Zach Beschorner, very good stuff. Wasn´t he the man next to "PixelPerfects",

where this two guys bought out this vintage store from this old couple on the west coast,

finding tons of NOS TI-stuff hidden in basement? Very nice story, I dream about such a finding very often :)


For the PEB with the "rallye-stripes" on the inscription here, watch the seller´s sold listings, this old Buick.

Maybe he transported the PEB in the car, and maybe he always went full throttle, and thats the effect ? :) :)

( Like this inscription from Yuri "Orlov" (Nicolas Cage) on his jet in "Lord of war" ? (sorry, can´t find a pic) )

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finding tons of NOS TI-stuff hidden in basement? Very nice story, I dream about such a finding very often :)


Me as well dream often that I am in the past in the 80s and am able to shop with the current bank account. Although with being born in 1980 I don't have a single memory on seeing TI-99 stuff in a shop. I remember only seeing the C64 (or C128) on its final days of sale.

Our fathers ordered the Navarone expander and some TI cartridges for us from some sent-away-only-shop in Germany who had an ad in some german TI magazine. That was the only time we ever got some new stuff bought by our father for the TI.

The other times have been, when others moved on to another computer and gave us their TI stuff, that gave us the first PEB, a lot of new cartridges, tons of magazines and manuals and Disk Drives.

I totally missed the spot where the TI and its accessories were sold in real shops. But the other members from the Usergroup tell me sometimes about that time.

See some photos of me and my brother with our TI:


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yes, I remember, as a kid, walking with my Dad to "Saturn" in here Cologne IIRC, watching out for bargains in Cartridges

And I remember they had mounted the "Demonstration"-Cart, running on a display-system in the shop

(But I just remembered that some weeks ago, when I was able to buy and run this cart :) )


And I was crying a bit when we left, because the Extended Basic was 300,-- DM or so

But all was good, I found it short time later under the chrismastree :) :) :)


An old friend of mine borrowed me his PEB, back in the days, when he went on holiday for a week.

I was ill for one week, and was NOT able to go to school :-D

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