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Perhaps I was not clear enough. My bad. :)


RXB is a language, just like regular XB. The Wilhelm compiler compiles BASIC and TIXB code, with certain caveats. The things about RXB that make it unique and different from vanilla XB are new subprograms and features that allow the user more freedom with the language. The CALL MOVES example is one of them.


The Wilhelm compiler does not look for this subprogram. Therefore, using it would not have any benefit if the goal is to compile your code for a FR99 conversion.


The advances of RXB over vanilla TIXB are numerous. Unfortunately, the current compiler simply doesn't understand what they are trying to do, because the creator of that compiler never programmed his compiler to accept these language changes. Perhaps one day Rich will make us an RXB compiler. :D


Anyway, RXB has some awesome features, but they cannot currently be exploited if you intend to compile your code.

I am ok with writing some Assembly but never really got good at is.

I just investigate a problem and come up with a solution in Assembly, but never dealt with the C compiler much which is how most of the Assembly people do in the TI community.


LIke in RXB I used CALL EXECUTE(address) uses BLWP instead of normal XB CALL LINK("name") uses BL instead.

I picked this as you get 16 Registers to use without needing to keep half of them for a return like normal XB does.


I was working on a RXB Assembly Compiler but just did not have the Assembly Skill to pull it off.

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Have wanted one of these since re-entering the world of TI-fandom after a 35 year hiatus, but seeing as this is an item that serves absolutely no purpose beyond being a nostalgic dust collector (at least I can see no other purpose) the price seems way out of whack with reality. At nearly $300 CAD it is about double what I paid for my PEB (with firehose/32k/RS232/DSSD drives and controller!).


So I'd like to make an offer, but wanted some opinions on what would constitute low-balling in this case, because I find it hard to imagine going above $99 (US).

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Would you like to play a game of chess?


I wouldn't worry too much about lowballing unless there are completed sales to compare it to. I'd figure what it's worth to you (or what you think the seller might take) and offer abour 75% of that as a starting point. Many people are lsting things for stupid prices with a "make offer" because they don't know what something is worth and they think of they put a stupid price then it will make you artificially inflate your offer.


Have wanted one of these since re-entering the world of TI-fandom after a 35 year hiatus, but seeing as this is an item that serves absolutely no purpose beyond being a nostalgic dust collector (at least I can see no other purpose) the price seems way out of whack with reality. At nearly $300 CAD it is about double what I paid for my PEB (with firehose/32k/RS232/DSSD drives and controller!).


So I'd like to make an offer, but wanted some opinions on what would constitute low-balling in this case, because I find it hard to imagine going above $99 (US).

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Tried $99...guess that's below his minimum acceptable bid, because it was rejected automatically.


Guess I'll have to see if reality catches up with him in the next 29 days when the ad expires. Maybe he'll put it up for auction (although that's still useless if he adds a reserve of over $99, which seems likely in this case)


He's also got a PEB (empty except for Firehose and card) for $249US a full height TI drive for $200US and a TI controller for $100US, so I doubt if he's going to reconsider his prices unless stuff simply doesn't move for a long time. Then again, I've seen consoles (not even NIB) stay listed at over $200 for months and months even after they've been told by multiple people that the price should be closer to $50.


Hope rings eternal I guess.

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in my local DB images i found these SOLD ended auctions about the Telephone Coupler:


post-24673-0-04809800-1471858849_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-67574300-1471858841_thumb.png post-24673-0-96616200-1471859220_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-81031500-1471858860_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-71241400-1471859244_thumb.jpg


they are all SOLD auction (not just ended)... I am agree that last one, is a crazy price :P... it was a Buy-it-Now too... i think the seller seen it before to put his one listed on ebay.

Edited by ti99iuc
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Have wanted one of these since re-entering the world of TI-fandom after a 35 year hiatus, but seeing as this is an item that serves absolutely no purpose beyond being a nostalgic dust collector (at least I can see no other purpose) the price seems way out of whack with reality. At nearly $300 CAD it is about double what I paid for my PEB (with firehose/32k/RS232/DSSD drives and controller!).


So I'd like to make an offer, but wanted some opinions on what would constitute low-balling in this case, because I find it hard to imagine going above $99 (US).

PeBo, I have a used one without a box, needs a little cleanup. Would sell reasonably. PM me if interested

Edited by RickyDean
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Yeah... i think that one is the right price for a loose one. Mine too paid that price some years ago...


One is boxed, with instructions :) Perhaps I just got lucky.


BTW, it seems to me after looking at the diagram for the Triton Turbo XT, one could actually use any PC with an AT keyboard input with it. Video will not be as straight forward.

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in my local DB images i found these SOLD ended auctions about the Telephone Coupler:


they are all SOLD auction (not just ended)... I am agree that last one, is a crazy price :P... it was a Buy-it-Now too... i think the seller seen it before to put his one listed on ebay.

I remember the one from Blaine Crandell for $95 it was the only one I had ever seen on the US or Canadian ebay (then again I've only been looking for a couple years). It also came with the manual and other documentation...from what I can tell the one currently listed for $300 CAD is just the coupler and box.


It's also what I based my rejected offer on. Just seems crazy that someone would pay more than $100 (or heck $300) for something that's just going to sit there and look pretty.


btw, how much is a corcomp 9900 worth in the real world. Another toy I'd like to get, but £280 translates to $470 CAD ($365 US) which seems high to me. (But in this case I'm less certain since I've NEVER seen one on ebay before) Not that she would EVER let me spend nearly $500 on something that isn't women's size 7, leather and contained in a shoe box.

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I remember the one from Blaine Crandell for $95 it was the only one I had ever seen on the US or Canadian ebay (then again I've only been looking for a couple years). It also came with the manual and other documentation...from what I can tell the one currently listed for $300 CAD is just the coupler and box.

It's also what I based my rejected offer on. Just seems crazy that someone would pay more than $100 (or heck $300) for something that's just going to sit there and look pretty.

Yes you remember good about the auction, I checked the pictures and in the pictures I have saved i can't see the instructions but only the demonstration's page.


post-24673-0-69771500-1471903813_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-27513200-1471903830_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-04633300-1471903866_thumb.jpg


anyway it was a relly good item. About the price for me is also crazy to pay $100 :P but I must say that some prices lately, are increased over the last years for much TI99's items.


btw, how much is a corcomp 9900 worth in the real world. Another toy I'd like to get, but £280 translates to $470 CAD ($365 US) which seems high to me. (But in this case I'm less certain since I've NEVER seen one on ebay before) Not that she would EVER let me spend nearly $500 on something that isn't women's size 7, leather and contained in a shoe box.

Normal price for one of those is around $200 to $250, tops, PeBo.

about this card yes, it was always expensive... i paid mine $200 about 5 years ago. These are pictures i found in my Local DB:


post-24673-0-05088900-1471904319_thumb.jpg post-24673-0-58603000-1471904333_thumb.png post-24673-0-14769200-1471904349_thumb.jpg

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Grazie amico!


I will wait until a 9900 shows up at a more wife-friendly price. No real rush anyway, my stock TI controller works just fine for now. (if I get a Lotharek, I will want larger partitions than 90k, so I'll look at an alternative controller then...and who knows what alternative storage options we'll have in a few months)

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Grazie amico!


I will wait until a 9900 shows up at a more wife-friendly price. No real rush anyway, my stock TI controller works just fine for now. (if I get a Lotharek, I will want larger partitions than 90k, so I'll look at an alternative controller then...and who knows what alternative storage options we'll have in a few months)


With the stock TI FDC with no modification you can get up to 180k (DS/SD) if you replace the stock drive.


Then of course there is the 80 track upgrade to get you 360k from the TI FDC.

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