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AtariAge Summer Homebrew Releases!


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We've just added several new Atari 2600, 7800, and Jaguar homebrew games to our online store! Here's a list of what's new, and you can follow the links for more details about each game:


Blinky Goes Up (Atari 2600)

Armor Attack II (Atari 7800)

Crazy Otto (Atari 7800)

Full Circle: Rocketeer (Atari Jaguar)


You can find these homebrew games and many more in the AtariAge Store!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sprybug mentioned certain issues came up that cannot be named: kind of like Cthulu.



I've always said homebrewers should focus on making de-branded games since gameplay cannot be protected. I'm leaning more towards totally original AtariAge titles now.

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Just to set the alarmists at ease there wasn't a cease and desist thing going on, right?

What else? It is a shame that C&D letters are hurting such a small market.


But I suppose they had to do it, due to some stupid copyright protection laws. :(

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If I had to guess I'd say it was the music. The Big N is crazy about their music.



See, that's the thing: similar is not an infringement. It's all original work by Sprybug. No one in their right mind would confuse this with the game it pays tribute to.


if this kind of bullying is happening no one will create tribute games anymore. If you support homebrew and classic game development make sure to tell everyone how much you care about events like this. Talk with your money as well.

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Even if you are 100% right, who would dare to go to court against a billion $$$ company?


AA itself cannot do anything but make the complaint clear and let its members sort out how they feel about it. Consumers pay big companies that may be involved here. We choose where we spend our dollars. We also directly effect other consumers that make informed choices about who they spend money with.

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Sure, but if you look at F***book and Google and how willful people hand over their whole life to those companies, I have little hope.


Well, we're talking about AtariAge members here. Our gaming is directly effected by threatening tribute games into oblivion and imposing gag orders on communication. I think rmaerz posted a topic about the concept of a Gorf remake for the Atari 2600. If this situation is what I think it is that will never happen. If enough intelligent people take a stake in what means something to them then things change.

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My concern is gameplay cannot be protected. [...]


This used to be the case, but case law is leaning the other way now. Check out this article at Gamasutra.


I was curious and checked out how many Nintendo DMCA takedowns were registered at the chillingeffects.org. 490 in a bit over 2 years. And this is likely a small fraction of the actual DMCA takedowns and C&Ds sent out by Nintendo, since the DB only contains information submitted by the recipients of these notices.


Its easier to navigate your legal rights in the modern age if you keep one thing in mind... The government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations shall not perish from the earth. or something like that.

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Damit! I take a 3 month break for work and look what happens!



Oh well, win some and lose some I was acctually logging in for the first time today to buy that sucker!.... Nintendo needs to get the stick out of their butt and stop being a debby downer!

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This used to be the case, but case law is leaning the other way now. Check out this article at Gamasutra.


I was curious and checked out how many Nintendo DMCA takedowns were registered at the chillingeffects.org. 490 in a bit over 2 years. And this is likely a small fraction of the actual DMCA takedowns and C&Ds sent out by Nintendo, since the DB only contains information submitted by the recipients of these notices.


Its easier to navigate your legal rights in the modern age if you keep one thing in mind... The government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations shall not perish from the earth. or something like that.


Only the original expressive aspects, including the code, artwork, and sound, are protected by copyrightable law.

<---From the quoted article. I don't think anyone is claiming that the code in Atariage Princess Rescue is not original. Redo the graphics and audio while maintaining game code, and rerelease. Instead of Princess Rescue, the game will be "frog rescue." An evil curse has been placed on a prince (turning him into a frog) and only the kiss from a princess can break the spell. She goes on a quest, jumping on enemies, etc, to ultimately defeat the evil witch, rescue her prince/frog and free him with a kiss, restoring order to the kingdom! ;)


PS - Somebody rename this thread!

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In 2012, however, two federal courts cracked down on accused video game clones, extending the principles of copyright law more aggressively than cases of the past thirty years. [...] Even though Yeti Town's artwork, sound, and underlying code were readily distinguishable from Triple Town's, the court ruled that Spry Fox had in fact stated a plausible case for copyright infringement against 6Waves.

^---- also from the article, deeper in. The tide has turned.

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^---- also from the article, deeper in. The tide has turned.


A lot of other AA games borrowed concepts with redone graphics/audio and nobody cracked down on them. Just look at Tetris Chetiry, WarLords Medieval Mayhem, etc... :roll:


And then homebrew games like Pacman 4k and the upcoming DK which even copy the name in addition to graphics, audio, and physics...



Yes, the game engine could easily be reused to make a game that bears little resemblance to Super Mario Bros. I've already suggested this to Chris, but I know he's busy with another project right now. :)



Yes, an equally noninfringing title Sonic the Hedgehog Zippy the Porcupine! :lolblue: Hopefully Sega won't be such a bully and look the other way...

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