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Please receive here my official thanks to all of you for putting a smile in my face. :)


The highly positive response for this strip poker game, the amount of orders for cartridges is simply bigger than I expected to be honnest. I was thinking, maybe 30 copies tops... well, it went beyond my expectations to the point that I have to order more material to complete these orders which I hope can be done specialy if Harvey DeKleine is still providing his help with pcbs that would be great. I need to print some more labels and start making the first cartridges during to ship them as soon as paypal finaly transfer some money into my bank account.


The popularity of this game actually makes me rethink about coding a few other potential games ideas that I've discarded in the past years.


Thank you so much for your support, it is really appreciated. :thumbsup:

Edited by newcoleco
  • Like 5

...I have to order more material to complete these orders which I hope can be done specialy if Harvey DeKleine is still providing his help with pcbs that would be great.

Daniel, I have PCBs on order which should arrive within about a week. I could get some to you very shortly after that. I can send you a PM when I know the arrival date.

Oh did you ever?( says the old prude with her hand on her forehead) Oh how dare you filthy heathens ruin the good wholesome family entertainment image the CV has!!!! with this vile sexually suggestive filth :-o :-D :P :ponder: I'm glad the game hasn't offended any prudes YET.

Edited by Rik

The highly positive response for this strip poker game, the amount of orders for cartridges is simply bigger than I expected to be honnest.


What can we say Daniel, we're all a bunch of pervs... :)


Sooooooo, that bit in the original post about boxes and manuals from Dale... is that really a thing, or was that just pillow talk? :P

Let's not rush things... I'm still waiting for my boxed copy of Flora and The Ghost Mirror. ;)

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