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Cortex BASIC on a 64K Guidry Cartridge

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I've done a bit of work on my port of Cortex BASIC so it can now be programmed into a 32K EPROM on a 64K Guidry bank-switched cartridge, and selected from the TI main menu. When run from a cartridge, just over 14K of RAM is available for program and variable storage (compared with around 5K of RAM free when loading the program as an E/A option 3 file).


Details, including a link to the EPROM binary image, are here: <http://www.avjd51.dsl.pipex.com/ti/ti.htm#programs>.


If you want a little program to try out ...


10 GRAPH : XS=2: YS=2

20 A=256: B=A*A: C=192

30 FOR X=0 TO A STEP XS: S=X*X: P=SQR[b-S]


50 R=SQR[s+I*I]/A

60 Q=(R-1)*SIN[10*R]

70 Y=INT[i/3+Q*C]

80 IF I=-P THEN M=Y: N=Y



110 IF (M=Y OR N=Y) THEN X1=X/2: Y1=100-Y/2: PLOT 128+X1,Y1: PLOT 128-X1,Y1

120 NEXT I

130 NEXT X

140 GOTO 140



Edited by Stuart
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Excellent job Stuart! I'll be trying this out on the real hardware when I get a chance! :thumbsup:

Thanks for those three boards. They're all built up and work fine. ;-)


(Mark, to return the favour, do you need some 74LS379s for your boards? I bought 10, and only need three plus a spare, so the remainder are yours for the asking. Ditto for the two caps on each board as well.)

Edited by Stuart

Considering that the file is for a 32K EPROM (actually it's only 25K, Classic99?), will it work if I write it to a 64K EPROM, which is all I have, and set the jumpers to 32K, or do I need to pad the file to 32K and duplicate it so it ends up being 64K?

Correct - it's a 25K file. I didn't bother padding it out to the full 32K. If you pad to 32K and duplicate, and set the jumper to 32K, I think it should work (A15 will be held high so it will use the copy of the code in the upper half of the EPROM?). You can always just erase the EPROM if it doesn't work ...

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