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LF: Atari 800 288k Windhover/Byrd install docs


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Tried to go to that link and got this!!!




Be aware


There is nothing wrong with that page if one uses an Apple device. Just ignore the warning when using iPad, iPhone, iMac, etc.


UPDATE: http://atari.a8maestro.com says "What with Google marking my site as suspicious for threats, and the host not really wanting to maintain shared web hosting-not doing threat scanning, and my webmail becoming very difficult to access for 18+ months, I decided to move to another hosting company. Bear with me as I get things moved over.

I have recovered as much email as I can from the old host. This means any mail not sent to gmail.com in the last 6 months has probably been lost."

Edited by fibrewire
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Found a different, earlier version of the Windhover Project / Jay Torres RAM upgrade for the 800.


This is from the SPACE Newsletter (Minnesota), January 1986, as reprinted there from the Manitoba Atari Computer Club, Oct 85.


Full issue of the Jan 86 SPACE newsletter:




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I'd also be interested in seeing the whole Byrd upgrade, complete with illustrations.

Doing time as Addmema.arc in the Michigan U archives:



Under Info, under Modifications


Then I made the pics into jpgs for printing which is why they are vertical and put them in here:



Be sure to read the readme, it has info on related files in the same archive.


They seem to be the same bird (oooh) as far as operating at D7xx instead of 1Fxx, and it's mirror at CFxx as a true Axlon does. Changes to the software seem to be the only way to make them 'work' like an Axlon unless Claus comes by to give us some addon info to really Axlonize these two mods.

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That's awesome, thanks.


Last question remaining for me: When/where did the Byrd upgrade first appear?


The text files floating around, including the one in addmema.arc from umich, are all the same version from October 1985.


However, the Ramdisk maker, also in addmema.arc, carries a date of 1983.


So, I suspect that the Byrd upgrade actually originally came out in 1983 as well, which means there should be an original 1983 version out there to find. If so, it probably appeared in usergroup newsletters from that time.

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