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Thomas Jentzsch

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Looks like its from the guy doing Brik. It's not an exact clone of Canabalt -- you're collecting things and the gap between buildings is a bit short, but it looks like it could be fun. Strangely, I was thinking about doing a game like this recently and had plotted out how the various VCS resources would be used in my head, but I didn't have time to really get started on it. I think I might have gone with a smaller runner sprite to give it more of a feel of the original game, but I'm not sure how the pacing of the Flash game would work without some of the graphical and sound detail.


BTW, link to his game page is http://www.retro-reload.com/jumpvcs/

Edited by bcombee
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Yeah, it's me :)


I was gonna start a thread, but looks like I've been beaten to it.


I created JumpVCS before Brik, using Batari Basic. It's not really a port of Canabalt, but more inspired by it. As with Brik, I chose to restrict this to a 4K rom which was fairly tricky along with the obvious limitations of the VCS, but I have managed to include multiple levels with increasing difficulty and collectible items as you can see in the video.


I'm hoping to get a physical cartridge release for this and Brik ready by the end of the year once I've managed to get the PAL version working as well. Keep an eye on the page (above), but I'll make an announcement in this forum when the cartridges are ready. Trying to decide whether to make boxes as well, or just cartridges. Any thoughts?

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Yeah, it's me :)


I was gonna start a thread, but looks like I've been beaten to it.


I created JumpVCS before Brik, using Batari Basic. It's not really a port of Canabalt, but more inspired by it. As with Brik, I chose to restrict this to a 4K rom which was fairly tricky along with the obvious limitations of the VCS, but I have managed to include multiple levels with increasing difficulty and collectible items as you can see in the video.


I'm hoping to get a physical cartridge release for this and Brik ready by the end of the year once I've managed to get the PAL version working as well. Keep an eye on the page (above), but I'll make an announcement in this forum when the cartridges are ready. Trying to decide whether to make boxes as well, or just cartridges. Any thoughts?

Looks awesome RePixel8 :) Like the artistic scenery and side scrolling!

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I just joined your mailng list. Both this a Brik look really cool. I can't really afford to buy any more games before next year (I've a big lot pending payment) but if they're still floating around next year I'll definitely pick up Brik and this. :)

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