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What are you playing on your PlayStation 4?


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20 minutes ago, zzip said:

Been playing through Dark Souls 2 SotFS again,  it was fun, but I'm on the DLC now and finding them tedious compared to the main game..   or maybe I'm just eager to be finished so I can move onto the next thing.

Completed both sets of DLC and found them a slog and unrewarding to be honest.


Never had the impression From's heart was in them.

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Just now, Lost Dragon said:

Completed both sets of DLC and found them a slog and unrewarding to be honest.


Never had the impression From's heart was in them.

There's three.   One's the city with the pyramid-like buildings,  the second is a couple of towers with elevators and chain links you have to walk across and the third is a large, frozen, icy castle.


They all look great, but yeah they are a slog to play.   I think I like the third one best

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14 hours ago, zzip said:

There's three.   One's the city with the pyramid-like buildings,  the second is a couple of towers with elevators and chain links you have to walk across and the third is a large, frozen, icy castle.


They all look great, but yeah they are a slog to play.   I think I like the third one best

Been years since i played them ;-)


Remember sailing through the inital ones without too much difficulty, but having no sense of really having achieved much and then leaving the last one for months,as so sick of it.


Returned, completed and just came away thinking they hadn't really added anything to the game.


My original feelings are probably on the Soulsborne thread,buried within the pages.


It's why i can't see myself continuing with Sekiro,  huge amounts of time for minimal progress and no real feeling of achievement, especially when i have ended up cheese fighting a boss by exploiting A.I flaws.

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Look at that, an actual PS4 exclusive game came in the mail yesterday (also a controller for a totally unrelated system, but I'm too lazy to take a different picture)! This makes a total of 3 since the system launched. Finally I can say I have something in my PS4 that's not a BD (almost always Star Trek). It wouldn't surprise me if it got ported to PC and that number goes back down to 2 exclusives again. Still, Sega PC games are usually not available on Steam in Japan for whatever reason so I most likely would not be able to get the PC version anyway. I bought this game completely at random and know literally nothing about it at all other than that it exists and that I have a copy. Hopefully it's not terrible.


Edited by Steven Pendleton
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  • 1 month later...
On 4/27/2020 at 1:52 PM, SegaSnatcher said:

I'm starting Detroit Become Human and then after that I'll finally play God of War.  

I finally played this earlier this year.  I personally enjoyed it less than the other Quantic Dream games, but it has its fans.

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I've been playing a lot of Kingdom: Two Crowns the last couple of months.  I'm starting to think it might be a "forever game" for me, an all time classic I return to again and again.  


I made some recent progress in Wild Guns Reloaded.  Basically it amounted to me finally sitting down with it and spending some time with it, continuing over and over.  I'm still not any good, but at least I can semi-reliably get past the first level. 


Probably most odd for me is the past few months I have not been in the mood for turn based games.  Normally those are all I'm in the mood for.  Lately I've been in an action mood.  


I was eyeing those Darius collections that recently went up on the shop, but the prices make me balk.  Instead I hooked up the PS2 again to play Darius Gaiden on the Taito Legends collection, and hooked up the Genesis again to play Sagaia.  Still, those Darius collections would be convenient.  If only they'd go on sale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/8/2020 at 2:34 PM, Razzie.P said:

Knack 2


I've had this since launch, but just now working it in to my play list.  I had a lot of fun with the first, and this seems to be more of the same, so far, so not disappointed at all.

I enjoyed both Knack games.   I don't understand why so many people hate the first, but think the second one is good,  they play similarly to me!

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  • 4 months later...

NFS: Payback


I built a Fanatec wheel set up a year ago or so and just never got into it....I used it solely on PC (that's the room it was in!) and all the games were all WAY too "real" or "sim" for me. I wanted to have arcadey fun. After investing all that cash and time in building the thing, I figured I should try to "make it work". So I looked up PS4 compatible games with the wheel, and asked the wife to get me three games for Christmas: Gran Turismo 2 (I know, not arcadey), Project Cars 2, and NFS: Payback (none more than 20$ at this point)


I haven't even GOTTEN to the first two yet. Holy CRAP is NFS Payback fun with a wheel set up. I mean, the story and dialogue/acting are some of the most absolutely cringiest things I have ever seen (no understatement)...but that is what the X button is for. Skip that crap, race, drag race, drift, run from cops, do missions, hit jumps, find hidden collectibles, etc etc etc. Wow. Played the thing so much this weekend I felt like had been on a road trip!

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On 8/6/2020 at 12:12 AM, Shawn said:

Finished Uncharted Lost Legacy. Shorter than the other releases but it was a ton of fun and worth the $20 I spent for the GH edition.

I also just played Lost Legacy over the break.  I believe I also only spent $20 on it, and I really liked it.  I think I actually enjoyed it more than Uncharted 4, but it was so much shorter that you can't really compare them.  Still, shorter CAN be better.


I also played through The Order 1886.  Another short game that I got really cheap.  That one is more of an interactive movie, but it has some strong moments of gameplay nonetheless. I liked it, but would consider it just average and not as much fun as Lost Legacy.

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Just started playing Diablo III Eternal Edition.   Never played a Diablo game before.  It's kind of fun though my character never seems to take much damage.  Maybe need to crank up the difficulty level.   Also started on Middle Earth Shadow of War which is free on PS+ a month or two back.   Yes, I'm going through a Fantasy RPG phase at the moment :)

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Been on a major Watch Dogs 3 binge. Really enjoying the game and the multiple character elements to make a "team" effort to the storyline. Watch Dogs has been a series I've very much enjoyed since the first game. I was worried this was going to be a departure from what I find to be the winning formula that made me interested in the game but it is not. It's a lot of what you got in the previous 2 games and more. If you are a fan of the Watch Dogs series you should really look into this one as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completed Watch Dogs 3 storyline and the couple of post campaign side missions. Great game overall. Really disappointed that the trophy system is glitched and broken for 4 of the more tedious elective quests to get trophies. I look at these trophy quests as a means for further and replay game value after beating the main storyline of games. It's fun to get them all and achieve 100 percent completion for the Platinum Trophy. I did so with both the previous two WD games but it looks like I won't be doing so for #3. If anyone is interested in which trophies are known not to trigger properly:


Paste Up Graffiti  (had this happen to me personally)

Drinking At Every Bar

Dart Games

Spend $100k Clothes (had this one not trigger also)


Taking the time to complete a game of darts and to also drink at all the drinking locations is a total pain in the ass as they are all over the map without any way to keep track of them in game. I was kinda happy to find out they are broken as now I won't bother seeking the ones I didn't come across organically playing the campaign. 

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On 1/26/2021 at 6:38 PM, Shawn said:

Parcel Fox Delivery Trophy is also glitched. You have to deliver 20 packages to get it. I've delivered at least 25 but more likely 30 of them and my counter has been stuck at 4.


Don't know why but for no reason at all Parcel Fox actually added the deliveries I did while playing yesterday. Gives me hope I might actually complete that challenge. Perhaps I have to do 100 of them to get the 20 recognized for the achievement ...lol..

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