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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive HSC Season 3 Round 2: Rolling Thunder 3


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Rolling Thunder 3 is the game this week. Like I promised I posted on a Friday giving you 2 weekends to play the game.



The gamble is back and done different. You can wager up to 5 points on finishing 1st. If you gamble and finish 1st, you get a bonus of those points. If you finish 2nd, you don't lose any points wagered. If you finish 3rd or worse you lose any points wagered. You must post in the topic if you decide on gambling.


Bonuses 1 point each


- Roll the score on any other game. (or get a max score if the score doesn't reset) Farming or continuing with more than 0 points (e.g. Millipede for Atari 2600) is allowed for this particular bonus. Once a game has been posted it can't be chosen again


- Play any other game besides Rolling Thunder for any system that has the word Roll in the title.

Round 2 ends 1/20/2014

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just for sh*ts, here is my documentation of my attempt for a bonus point:


Bad farming technique:



result: soaked controller and table


improved (but also bad) farming technique:



result: permanently depressed B button, which still works but feels lame



after about 28 hours of farming, I still had only about 3 million points, out of a maximum of 6,553,500. I had not used the extra lives code, but had racked up about 60 lives overnight. Played through the game a few times, and was only gaining about 400K per run-through. however, I noticed that farming was now more lucrative, since there were many more soldiers running into the screen at this point (4th time through). so I wedged my controller between a box and part of a shelf & turned the TV off.


when I turned it back on I found the button had stopped firing and I was just getting killed. so I played on up to the waterfall & settled into another farming spot:



Played RT3. glanced over & saw I was getting killed... wedge not working. played through a couple more levels. score at a crawl. set up another farm. seemed to be going well. played some Mr. Do! at some point I looked over & saw the dude getting killed & when I finished the level (snowfield) I saw I only had 13 lives left!


my auto farming was failing, the button wasn't holding out, although I could still play using it. I could have farmed manually but I decided to battle on until I got back to the jungle. However, with the difficulty ramped up, being the 4th mission, I was defeated before destroying the aliens and saving the human race!


final result: epic failure!


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