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WANTED: TI-99/4A RS232 Serial cable


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I am in need of a new RS232 cable for my 99/4A which I can continue to transfer files to and from my mac to the 4A. Someone mentioned to just get a 24 pin cable, I tried that and it did not work.. seems TI's use a special cable for RS232. I am looking for at least two cables in case one breaks.. If someone can help, please let me know.. I tried LLConnor, but his email didn't go through.. I assume he is no longer available.




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You don't need all the pins to communicate - receive, transmit, and ground are all compatible - only the hardware flow control pins won't work as-is. You need to use a straight through cable (no null modem like Mac->Mac would use). A 9-pin to 25-pin adapter will work fine. Make sure you disable flow control on the Mac side and keep the speed low - 2400 bps max on most terminal programs, but I'd start at 1200 bps till you have it working, then see what you can squeeze out of it.

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You don't need all the pins to communicate - receive, transmit, and ground are all compatible - only the hardware flow control pins won't work as-is. You need to use a straight through cable (no null modem like Mac->Mac would use). A 9-pin to 25-pin adapter will work fine. Make sure you disable flow control on the Mac side and keep the speed low - 2400 bps max on most terminal programs, but I'd start at 1200 bps till you have it working, then see what you can squeeze out of it.

Hi Tursi. thanks for the suggestion.. I am actually using PC99 on my Mac Pro under dosbox and it seems to work ok, some of my transfers are not working right.. what is strange is that when I use Mike Wright's RSECTOR and WSECTOR, the countdown from 030 until it hits 025 just stops and I can't seem to finish the transfer.. I don't know if this is a dos box problem or a PC99 problem..


in dosbox my setting is: serial1=directserial real port:tty.usbserial - I have 5 USB ports on my Mac Pro.. the usb-serial is connected to one of the back USB ports.. but when I go into PC99 under RS232, what is the configuration that I need ? I have it set up as RS232/1 Address: 3F8, and IRQ: 4

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