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Setting up a 512k cart


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We'd still have to load his code into it to set up the GROM mode--and I'm not sure what a force-load would do to that part of things. Tursi would be able to give us an answer here.


Yes, that's what I envisioned. The Grom Emulation code apparently works. And so does the Grom code I created. So the loader code isn't really necessary, just burn the chip with the Grom Emulation code and the Grom code in the correct places.



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I can probably fix the problem with having to power down to get back to the menu.


Got a copy of the .bin file?




Sure, I can send you the one I have. What are you thinking about to fix it? The MultiCart exe has to switch the bank to where the program shows up on the menu selection screen, and that bank won't default back to bank 0 until the system is shut down.
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I think he's trying to mod it so that on program exit it goes back to the menu so that you don't need a full system reset, Acadiel. I like that idea, as it increases the functionality of the cart.


I'll have to mull over his SPST idea that pulls the chip into a predefined state too. We'd have to set it up so it does a write to >6000 when the switch is pushed into a momentary on state to do it. I'll have to look at available board real estate and see what can be done.

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Here are the multicart binaries (both the diagnostic bank test and the MultiCart image). I'm trying to burn the EPROM forward and backwards you sent, Gazoo.


Also, can't get either the forward or backwards one to show a menu item. Either my cart board socket is frizzing out again, or it's booting up in a non standard bank.


Anyone care to put together a 8K bank test program that reports which one of the 64 banks the sucker booted into? Maybe adapt Tursi's one below... :-)


(I guess I can... but trying to keep tabs on the wife today, since she had to go to the ER last night. So it'll be a while.)

Tursi Multicart.zip


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Here are the multicart binaries (both the diagnostic bank test and the MultiCart image). I'm trying to burn the EPROM forward and backwards you sent, Gazoo.


Also, can't get either the forward or backwards one to show a menu item. Either my cart board socket is frizzing out again, or it's booting up in a non standard bank.




I added menu headers to each empty bank that will throw you back into the first bank. This may help a little with a cart that powers up in the wrong bank. Also fixed a screen glitch when the menu is presented, changed the key unit to 5 before starting a program on the menu, and changed the background color of Disk Fixer to dark blue.


I assume that you are using the right file for the right banking chip, BackwardsROM.bin=379 and ROM.bin=378.


New files are attached.





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Many thanks for doing the image building work, Gazoo! :) Note that the non-inverted image should work fine with both the ÜberGROM and the 512K cartridge.


Or in the case of a 74LS378 that I have in my possession, the inverted one works... both are TI ones, too. Glad the only two cases I have found are either last or first bank, and nothing so far has powered up inbetween. :)

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Or in the case of a 74LS378 that I have in my possession, the inverted one works... both are TI ones, too. Glad the only two cases I have found are either last or first bank, and nothing so far has powered up in between. :)


That's good to know. I'll be sure to leave the last bank open for a header on the cart I'm working on now.

Don't you mean non-inverted one for the 378?



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That's good to know. I'll be sure to leave the last bank open for a header on the cart I'm working on now.

Don't you mean non-inverted one for the 378?



Yes, non inverted. But for all intents and purposes, if it's powering up in the last bank, we just need to adjust for that bank as well. A protection would to be to put the main program in the first and last banks like you mentioned. With 512K, hogging another 8K should not be an issue. That way, we don't have to distribute two rom images, one for the each powerup scenario.

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Yes, non inverted. But for all intents and purposes, if it's powering up in the last bank, we just need to adjust for that bank as well. A protection would to be to put the main program in the first and last banks like you mentioned. With 512K, hogging another 8K should not be an issue. That way, we don't have to distribute two rom images, one for the each powerup scenario.


You don't have to lose the whole 8k in the last bank, just put a header that matches the first bank and have it select the first bank.


First bank:



The menu entry points to the code >D820,>07D0,>6000. That is code for 'write to >6000', which selects the first bank.

The program to be executed should be placed in the first bank directly after the listed code, or be AORG'd at >6020.

Any bank with this 32 byte header will switch to the first bank and continue execution there at >6020.


This is just an example of an entry with a 4 byte entry name, 'MENU'. there's space for up to a 9 byte entry name here, but if you needed more you could push the 'write to >6000' code back as long as you did it in the last bank, too.


I said I wasn't going to give away my secret to getting a >6000 cart to return to the first bank, but I just did. ;)



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I don't know if there are any game players here, so I'm posting the setup of a possible 512k cart with a few games on it.

Is there anyone here that might be interested in such a cart? If not, I'll find something else to do.




Bank Number Eprom Addr Write to CPU Addr Start Addr Contents

----------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- --------

1 >0000 >6000 GAMES menu program

2 >2000 >6002 >A000 >A000 Paddleball

3 >4000 >6004 >A000 >A056 Centipede

4 >6000 >6006 >C000 >E02E Dig Dug

5 >8000 >6008 >E000 Dig Dug

6 >A000 >600A >A000 >A072 Defender

7 >C000 >600C >A000 >A086 Donkey Kong

8 >E000 >600E >C000 Donkey Kong

9 >10000 >6010 >C000 >C020 Jungle Hunt

10 >12000 >6012 >E000 Jungle Hunt

11 >14000 >6014 >C000 >C0FE Moon Patrol

12 >16000 >6016 >E000 Moon Patrol

13 >18000 >6018 >C000 >E0AE Ms Pacman

14 >1A000 >601A >E000 Ms Pacman

15 >1C000 >601C >A000 >A052 Pacman

16 >1E000 >601E >C000 Pacman

17 >20000 >6020 >A000 >A060 Pole Position

18 >22000 >6022 >C000 Pole Position

19 >24000 >6024 >C000 >DE3A Protector

20 >26000 >6026 >E000 Protector

21 >28000 >6028 >A000 >CBDA Shamus

22 >2A000 >602A >C000 Shamus

23 >2C000 >602C >A000 >A000 Parsec

24 >2E000 >602E >BFFA Parsec

25 >30000 >6030 >DFF4 Parsec

26 >32000 >6032 >268C Parsec (length >1180)

27 >34000 >6034 >A000 >B458 Ti Invaders

28 >36000 >6036 >BFFA Ti Invaders

29 >38000 >6038 >A000 >A50C 4A Flyer

30 >3A000 >603A >2FFC >315C A-Maze-Ing (length >0C00)

31 >3C000 >603C >A000 A-Maze-Ing (length >1800)

32 >3E000 >603E >A00E >A020 Ambulance

33 >40000 >6040 >2000 >2000 Demon Attack (length >1776)

34 >42000 >6042 >A000 Demon Attack

35 >44000 >6044 >BFFA Demon Attack

36 >46000 >6046 >DFF4 Demon Attack (length >1500)

37 >48000 >6048 >2FFC >315C Hangman (length >0C00)

38 >4A000 >604A >D000 Hangman (length >1800)

39 >4C000 >604C >A000 >A542 Hopper

40 >4E000 >604E >A000 >A000 Jawbreaker

41 >50000 >6050 >BFFA Jawbreaker

42 >52000 >6052 >A000 >AADE Midnight Mason

43 >54000 >6054 >BFFA Midnight Mason (length >0080)

44 >56000 >6056 >A000 >CA82 Moon Mine

45 >58000 >6058 >BFFA Moon Mine

46 >5A000 >605A >DFF4 Moon Mine

47 >5C000 >605C >A024 >A024 Rabbit Trail

48 >5E000 >605E >CFF8 >CFF8 River Rescue

49 >60000 >6060 >EFF2 River Rescue (length >1014)

50 >62000 >6062 >A000 >DA6E Tennis

51 >64000 >6064 >BFFA Tennis

52 >66000 >6066 >A000 >B9A0 TI Toad

53 >68000 >6068 >BFFA TI Toad

54 >6A000 >606A >A000 >A00C Tombstone City

55 >6C000 >606C >BFFC >C118 Buck Rogers

56 >6E000 >606E >DFF8 Buck Rogers

57 >70000 >6070 >2000 >20D6 Blackjack & Poker

58 >72000 >6072 >A000 Blackjack & Poker

59 >74000 >6074 >A000 >A000 Cave Creatures

60 >76000 >6076 >A000 >A000 Blasto

61 >78000 >6078 >BFFA Blasto (length >0200)

62 >7A000 >607A >A000 >BD4E Burgertime

63 >7C000 >607C >BFFA Burgertime

64 >7E000 >607E >A020 >A020 Worm Attack

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Games are pretty much the *only* reason I'd use a large 'multicart' on the TI...


Yes, it's pretty obvious that this forum is laced with game players. The post was tongue-in-cheek.

For me, the ideal Multicart is the one I posted in the 'Setting up a 632k cart' thread. That's just a menu made in heaven. :)


I put this one together just to show it can be done, and for others to enjoy, but I have no real interest in actually playing the games on it.



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Yes, it's pretty obvious that this forum is laced with game players. The post was tongue-in-cheek.

For me, the ideal Multicart is the one I posted in the 'Setting up a 632k cart' thread. That's just a menu made in heaven. :)


I put this one together just to show it can be done, and for others to enjoy, but I have no real interest in actually playing the games on it.



I see some GROM carts in there.... I'm assuming this is coupled with the ATMega? Or, I suppose we can use the "GPL simulator" for those non EA5 converted carts. (How did those Atari carts get converted to EA/5 anyway?)



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I see some GROM carts in there.... I'm assuming this is coupled with the ATMega? Or, I suppose we can use the "GPL simulator" for those non EA5 converted carts. (How did those Atari carts get converted to EA/5 anyway?)




They're all EA5, it's a Rom-only cart. The Atari carts have been in EA5 format for at least 25 years, I assume the same of the others. Before I put them on the cart image, I tested them in MESS from EA5.


Finishing up the menu is my 'Saturday Morning' project. :)



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