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Atari XEGS Issue


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So I hooked up an extra XEGS from my garage today to test out. It has a strange issue I was hoping someone here could help with. When turning it on and starting Missile Command, the first time you play it, it goes at WARP speed - totally unplayable. After you 'die' the first time, it slows way down. None of my other XEGS units do this. I opened the unit and I don't believe it has ever been serviced or tampered with, and I do not see any evidence of broken traces, legs, etc.


Any ideas what to look for are appreciated!

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Here's a Basic program that will output the Missile Command ROM to a file on disk.


If needed, edit line 30 to change the filename. It'll take a while to run, it uses Basic to write out the file (sleepy time here so I had to rush it).


If you can upload the resulting MISCMD.DAT file (probably have to Zip it first or just rename file extension to BIN) we could check if your game Rom is OK.

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That dump is no good - do you have a SpartaDos cartridge inserted or something?


It has to be run with no cartridge present - it came up with mostly zeros and a bit of program code in the middle that looks like Dos stuff.


Here's a DOS 2.5 image you can boot - if you can run against that then upload it again once the file has been written to it:


Dos 2.5.atr


Edited by Rybags
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