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writing player data DPC (in Stella)


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I'm trying to write to the player data area

If I look at the list file for the player color
statement I see

 2323 30cf .L0107 ; player8color:
 2324 30cf
 2325 30cf a9 02 lda #<(playerpointers+32)
 2326 30d1 8d 50 10 sta DF0LOW
 2327 30d4 a9 02 lda #(>(playerpointers+32)) & $0F
 2328 30d6 8d 68 10 sta DF0HI
 2329 30d9 a2 b8 LDX #<playercolorL0107_8
 2330 30db 8e 78 10 STX DF0WRITE
 2331 30de a9 61 LDA #((>playercolorL0107_ & $0f) | (((>playercolorL0107_ / 2) & $70)
 2332 30e0 8d 78 10 STA DF0WRITE

so I set DF0 to $61B8 and try to write some data.
nothing happens.

before doing that I put the content of the player color pointer
into the score and sure enuff it's $61B8

Where did I go wrong?

(Yes there's a lot of cruft in here and I dimmed aliases
for the data fetcher stuff that're more to my liking)

  set kernel DPC+
  set tv ntsc

  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim sco1 = score
  dim sco2 = score+1
  dim sco3 = score+2

  dim sflg = temp1
  dim insv = t
  dim count = b

  dim DF0LO = DF0LOW
  dim DF0 = DF0LOW
  dim DF0W = DF0WRITE
  dim DF0R = DF0DATA
  dim DF1LO = DF1LOW
  dim DF1 = DF1LOW
  dim DF1W = DF1WRITE
  dim DF1R = DF1DATA

  rem tmp is a 16 bit temp variable

  dim tmp = temp4.temp3
  dim tmplo = temp3
  dim tmphi = temp4

  rem Plpt is player pointer temp where what goes in a
  rem player pointer can be manipulated

  dim Plpt = temp2.temp1
  dim Plptlo = temp1
  dim Plpthi = temp2

  rem P5dpalo, P5dpahi, P5cpalo, P5cpahi are the address(es)
  rem of the pointers to the sprite data, colors

  const P5dpalo = <(playerpointers+
  const P5dpahi = (>(playerpointers+) & $0F
  const P5cpalo = <(playerpointers+26)
  const P5cpahi = (>(playerpointers+26)) & $0F
  const P5ht = 8

  rem P5dlo, P5dhi, P5clo, P5chi are the addresses of the beginning of the
  rem sprite data and color tables from the player shape and color declarations
  rem these are what the pointer to the sprite shape data and pointer to the
  rem sprite color data get initialized to by bB

  const P5dlo = $60
  const P5dhi = $63
  const P5clo = $A1
  const P5chi = $63

  macro x2
  asl {1}
  rol {1} + 1

  rem ************** bank 1 ******************

  bank 1
  temp1 = temp1

  gosub setup bank3

  c = $0A
  player8x = 80 : player8y = 80

  goto b2 bank2

  rem ************** bank 2 ******************

  bank 2
  temp1 = temp1


  DF0LO = $02 : DF0HI = $02
  temp3 = DF0R
  temp4 = DF0R
  gosub display_16


  sflg = (INPT4 ^ $FF) & insv & $80 : insv = INPT4
  if !sflg then draw

  c = c + $10

  DF0LO = $B8 : DF0HI = $61

  DF0W = c : DF0W = c : DF0W = c : DF0W = c : DF0W = c

  temp3 = c : temp4 = 0 : gosub update_score


  DF6FRACINC = 255
  goto main


  sco2 = sco2 & 240 : sco3 = 0
  if temp3 >= 100 then sco2 = sco2 + 1 : temp3 = temp3 - 100
  if temp3 >= 100 then sco2 = sco2 + 1 : temp3 = temp3 - 100
  if temp3 >= 50 then sco3 = sco3 + 80 : temp3 = temp3 - 50
  if temp3 >= 30 then sco3 = sco3 + 48 : temp3 = temp3 - 30
  if temp3 >= 20 then sco3 = sco3 + 32 : temp3 = temp3 - 20
  if temp3 >= 10 then sco3 = sco3 + 16 : temp3 = temp3 - 10
  sco3 = sco3 | temp3

  sco1 = 0 : sco2 = sco2 & 15
  if temp4 >= 100 then sco1 = sco1 + 16 : temp4 = temp4 - 100
  if temp4 >= 100 then sco1 = sco1 + 16 : temp4 = temp4 - 100
  if temp4 >= 50 then sco1 = sco1 + 5 : temp4 = temp4 - 50
  if temp4 >= 30 then sco1 = sco1 + 3 : temp4 = temp4 - 30
  if temp4 >= 20 then sco1 = sco1 + 2 : temp4 = temp4 - 20
  if temp4 >= 10 then sco1 = sco1 + 1 : temp4 = temp4 - 10
  sco2 = (temp4 * 4 * 4) | sco2

  return thisbank


  score = 0
  if temp4{7} then score = score + 32768
  if temp4{6} then score = score + 16384
  if temp4{5} then score = score + 8192
  if temp4{4} then score = score + 4096
  if temp4{3} then score = score + 2048
  if temp4{2} then score = score + 1024
  if temp4{1} then score = score + 512
  if temp4{0} then score = score + 256
  if temp3{7} then score = score + 128
  if temp3{6} then score = score + 64
  if temp3{5} then score = score + 32
  if temp3{4} then score = score + 16
  if temp3{3} then score = score + 8
  if temp3{2} then score = score + 4
  if temp3{1} then score = score + 2
  if temp3{0} then score = score + 1

  return thisbank

  rem ************** bank 3 ******************

  bank 3
  temp1 = temp1





I'm using Stella 3.7.2

If I can get that working the next thing I'm going to try
is jimmy the score font for hex ;)

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Maybe? You set these up and then never use them:


const P5dpalo = <(playerpointers+8) const P5dpahi = (>(playerpointers+8)) & $0F const P5cpalo = <(playerpointers+26) const P5cpahi = (>(playerpointers+26)) & $0F const P5ht = 8 rem P5dlo, P5dhi, P5clo, P5chi are the addresses of the beginning of the rem sprite data and color tables from the player shape and color declarations rem these are what the pointer to the sprite shape data and pointer to the rem sprite color data get initialized to by bB const P5dlo = $60 const P5dhi = $63 const P5clo = $A1 const P5chi = $63

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Maybe? You set these up and then never use them:


const P5dpalo = <(playerpointers+8) const P5dpahi = (>(playerpointers+8)) & $0F const P5cpalo = <(playerpointers+26) const P5cpahi = (>(playerpointers+26)) & $0F const P5ht = 8 rem P5dlo, P5dhi, P5clo, P5chi are the addresses of the beginning of the rem sprite data and color tables from the player shape and color declarations rem these are what the pointer to the sprite shape data and pointer to the rem sprite color data get initialized to by bB const P5dlo = $60 const P5dhi = $63 const P5clo = $A1 const P5chi = $63

yeah that's some of the cruft I was talking about.


I started out doing something else. I left it

in in case I wanted to try something else again.


Besides I tend to load up on that stuff "just in case"



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My experiments were with the PUSH command.

I had a counter running and watched values get pushed through all the Playfield and through the sprites, so there is a way to address them with the data fetchers as they are in RAM.

I only managed to figure out the Playfield through trial and error.


I'm currently experimenting the player pointers because I want to have a console switch change the sprites and colors.


I think you would first define your player.

Then use the math to find the low point and the high point.

Then use the fractional data fetchers to write changes.


There was also something a out setting the low before the high, or setting the high before the low. That was in a ScumSoft post..

The assembly coders understand this, it's just translating into batari Basic that we can't figure out.

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My experiments were with the PUSH command.

I had a counter running and watched values get pushed through all the Playfield and through the sprites, so there is a way to address them with the data fetchers as they are in RAM.

I only managed to figure out the Playfield through trial and error.


I'm currently experimenting the player pointers because I want to have a console switch change the sprites and colors.


I think you would first define your player.

Then use the math to find the low point and the high point.

Then use the fractional data fetchers to write changes.


There was also something a out setting the low before the high, or setting the high before the low. That was in a ScumSoft post..

The assembly coders understand this, it's just translating into batari Basic that we can't figure out.




I can write a big sprite and then change

the pointer to show a little at a time

but you're limited that way.


The way I read things you should be able

rewrite the sprite using the data fetchers

but I can't get it to work.


(more crufty code)



  set kernel DPC+
  set tv ntsc

  set optimization noinlinedata

  dim sco1 = score
  dim sco2 = score+1
  dim sco3 = score+2

  dim sflg = temp1
  dim insv = t
  dim count = b

  dim DF0LO = DF0LOW
  dim DF0 = DF0LOW
  dim DF0W = DF0WRITE
  dim DF0R = DF0DATA

  rem tmp is a 16 bit temp variable

  dim tmp = temp4.temp3
  dim tmplo = temp3
  dim tmphi = temp4

  rem Plpt is player pointer temp where what goes in a
  rem player pointer can be manipulated

  dim Plpt = temp2.temp1
  dim Plptlo = temp1
  dim Plpthi = temp2

  rem here you supply the particulars of the sprite animation
  rem no_bytes is the number of bytes per sprite
  rem no_sprites is the number of sprites in the player declaration
  rem fptr is a variable to use for the number of the current sprite
  rem no_frames is the number of frames/drawscreens between sprite changes
  rem no_list is the number of entries in the sprite display list

  def no_bytes = 8
  const no_sprites = 8 
  dim fptr = p
  const no_frames = 30
  const no_list = 17

  const st_ani = no_list - 1

  rem P5dpalo, P5dpahi, P5cpalo, P5cpahi are the address(es)
  rem of the pointers to the sprite data, colors

  const P5dpalo = <(playerpointers+
  const P5dpahi = (>(playerpointers+) & $0F
  const P5cpalo = <(playerpointers+26)
  const P5cpahi = (>(playerpointers+26)) & $0F
  const P5ht = 8

  rem P5dlo, P5dhi, P5clo, P5chi are the addresses of the beginning of the
  rem sprite data and color tables from the player shape and color declarations
  rem these are what the pointer to the sprite shape data and pointer to the
  rem sprite color data get initialized to by bB

  const P5dlo = $60
  const P5dhi = $63
  const P5clo = $A1
  const P5chi = $63

  rem here the offsets into the sprite table (the player5 data)
  rem for each individual sprite and color are created
  rem and named for the sprites/colors

  const sp0 = 0
  const sp1 = P5ht
  const sp2 = P5ht * 2
  const sp3 = P5ht * 3
  const sp4 = P5ht * 4
  const sp5 = P5ht * 5
  const sp6 = P5ht * 6
  const sp7 = P5ht * 7

  const sc0 = 0
  const sc1 = P5ht
  const sc2 = P5ht * 2
  const sc3 = P5ht * 3
  const sc4 = P5ht * 4
  const sc5 = P5ht * 5
  const sc6 = P5ht * 6
  const sc7 = P5ht * 7
  const sc8 = P5ht * 8
  const sc9 = P5ht * 9
  const scA = P5ht * 10
  const scB = P5ht * 11
  const scC = P5ht * 12
  const scD = P5ht * 13
  const scE = P5ht * 14
  const scF = P5ht * 15

  macro x2
  asl {1}
  rol {1} + 1

  rem ************** bank 1 ******************

  bank 1
  temp1 = temp1

  gosub setup bank3

  player5height = P5ht
  count = no_frames

  player5x = 80 : player5y = 54

  goto b2 bank2

  rem ************** bank 2 ******************

  bank 2
  temp1 = temp1



  sflg = (INPT4 ^ $FF) & insv & $80 : insv = INPT4
  if sflg{7} then fptr = st_ani : count = no_frames : goto start

  if !fptr then goto draw

  count = count - 1
  if count then draw
  count = no_frames
  fptr = fptr - 1
  NUSIZ5 = (rand & $08) ^ NUSIZ5

  rem point DF0 at the player 5 sprite data pointer
  DF0LO = P5dpalo : DF0HI = P5dpahi

  rem calculate the offset into the data 
  rem spl is a list containing offsets corresponding to
  rem individual sprites in the player 5 sprite definition
  rem eg if the list item is sp3, sp3 is 3 * 8 the number
  rem of the individual sprite * the sprite height
  rem which gets added to the base of the sprite data

  tmphi = 0 : tmplo = spl[fptr]
  Plptlo = P5dlo : Plpthi = P5dhi
  Plpt = Plpt + tmp

  rem put it in to the sprite data pointer lo byte then hi byte
  rem (little endian) 

  DF0W = Plptlo : DF0W = Plpthi  

  rem same as sprite data but for color

  DF0LO = P5cpalo : DF0HI = P5cpahi
  tmphi = 0 : tmplo = spc[fptr]
  Plptlo = P5clo : Plpthi = P5chi
  Plpt = Plpt + tmp
  DF0W = Plptlo : DF0W = Plpthi  

  gosub display_16 thisbank


  DF6FRACINC = 255
  goto main

  rem spl is the sprite display list
  rem spc is the sprite color data list
  rem an odd color value results in a reflected sprite
  rem the lists are in reverse order the last item is
  rem displayed first the first item is displayed last
  rem the first item in the color list should be the
  rem playfield background color to blank the sprite
  rem when the animation finishes

  data spc
  sc0, sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4, sc5, sc2, sc6, sc7, sc8, sc9, scA, scB, scC, scD, scE, scF

  data spl
  sp0, sp7, sp5, sp6, sp2, sp7, sp5, sp3, sp1, sp7, sp6, sp5, sp4, sp3, sp2, sp1, sp0


  sco2 = sco2 & 240 : sco3 = 0
  if temp3 >= 100 then sco2 = sco2 + 1 : temp3 = temp3 - 100
  if temp3 >= 100 then sco2 = sco2 + 1 : temp3 = temp3 - 100
  if temp3 >= 50 then sco3 = sco3 + 80 : temp3 = temp3 - 50
  if temp3 >= 30 then sco3 = sco3 + 48 : temp3 = temp3 - 30
  if temp3 >= 20 then sco3 = sco3 + 32 : temp3 = temp3 - 20
  if temp3 >= 10 then sco3 = sco3 + 16 : temp3 = temp3 - 10
  sco3 = sco3 | temp3

  sco1 = 0 : sco2 = sco2 & 15
  if temp4 >= 100 then sco1 = sco1 + 16 : temp4 = temp4 - 100
  if temp4 >= 100 then sco1 = sco1 + 16 : temp4 = temp4 - 100
  if temp4 >= 50 then sco1 = sco1 + 5 : temp4 = temp4 - 50
  if temp4 >= 30 then sco1 = sco1 + 3 : temp4 = temp4 - 30
  if temp4 >= 20 then sco1 = sco1 + 2 : temp4 = temp4 - 20
  if temp4 >= 10 then sco1 = sco1 + 1 : temp4 = temp4 - 10
  sco2 = (temp4 * 4 * 4) | sco2



  score = 0
  if temp2{7} then score = score + 32768
  if temp2{6} then score = score + 16384
  if temp2{5} then score = score + 8192
  if temp2{4} then score = score + 4096
  if temp2{3} then score = score + 2048
  if temp2{2} then score = score + 1024
  if temp2{1} then score = score + 512
  if temp2{0} then score = score + 256
  if temp1{7} then score = score + 128
  if temp1{6} then score = score + 64
  if temp1{5} then score = score + 32
  if temp1{4} then score = score + 16
  if temp1{3} then score = score + 8
  if temp1{2} then score = score + 4
  if temp1{1} then score = score + 2
  if temp1{0} then score = score + 1


  rem ************** bank 3 ******************

  bank 3
  temp1 = temp1



















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Ok, I haven't exercised these particular grey cells for a while, but here goes...


You can't stuff arbitrary data into the virtual players, at least, not without creating pointers to that arbitrary data first. The ARM virtual player drawing routine in includes/custom/main.c wants pointers to the player data, not the data itself. Then it renders all the data from those pointers into a continuous strip for all of the on-screen virtual players, including the unique position and size fetcher data for each. Finally, the bB DPC+ 6502 kernel grabs all that simplified data from the fetchers and throws it at TIA as fast as it can.


Check out this post for an example of copying player0 data to the virtual players. It can probably be used with non-player data, though I'm not aware if there are limitations for positioning the data within the rom. Probably not a problem, but the ARM limitations is where I'm weakest, having learned solely by poking around and trial-and-error.

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Ok, I haven't exercised these particular grey cells for a while, but here goes...


You can't stuff arbitrary data into the virtual players, at least, not without creating pointers to that arbitrary data first. The ARM virtual player drawing routine in includes/custom/main.c wants pointers to the player data, not the data itself. Then it renders all the data from those pointers into a continuous strip for all of the on-screen virtual players, including the unique position and size fetcher data for each. Finally, the bB DPC+ 6502 kernel grabs all that simplified data from the fetchers and throws it at TIA as fast as it can.


Check out this post for an example of copying player0 data to the virtual players. It can probably be used with non-player data, though I'm not aware if there are limitations for positioning the data within the rom. Probably not a problem, but the ARM limitations is where I'm weakest, having learned solely by poking around and trial-and-error.

I haven't read all of that thread yet

but it lools to me like there you're just

copying pointers around (only changing the pointers).

I can do that, that works.


What I was trying to do is change what the pointers

are pointing to and I can't get that to work.


Looking at some of the comments in the files in the

includes folder it looks like it should work.




here's an excerpt from DPCplus.h





; The Data Fetchers can also be used to update the contents of the 4K

; Display Data bank. Point the Data Fetcher to the data to change,

; then Write to it The Data Fetcher's pointer will be incremented AFTER

; the data is written.


; point Data Fetcher 1 to the sprite data

; lda #<SpriteData

; sta DF1LOW

; lda #>SpriteData

; sta DF1HI


; then update it

; LDA #$FF

; STA DF1WRITE ; changes data at SpriteData

; LDA #$81

; STA DF1WRITE ; changes data at SpriteData + 1




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The "data" they're writing in that example is the hi and low bytes pointing to the sprite data.


You can modify any DPC+ queue memory - there are examples around here for how to do so for the playfield memory with push/write - but the virtual players get a single fetcher queue. Just prior to running the 6502 DPC+ kernel loop, a custom ARM function is called that copies the data pointed to by all of the virtual player pointers into that fetcher queue, at the correct heights. (assuming the virtual player isn't currently blinked off)


If you want to overwrite images in that queue, you'll need to insert your code between the ARM function call and the kernel proper. And you'll need to figure out the location in the queue to push your data into, based on the player's height and y.


Or alternatively, change main.c to behave how you want, and recompile main.o.

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The "data" they're writing in that example is the hi and low bytes pointing to the sprite data.


You can modify any DPC+ queue memory - there are examples around here for how to do so for the playfield memory with push/write - but the virtual players get a single fetcher queue. Just prior to running the 6502 DPC+ kernel loop, a custom ARM function is called that copies the data pointed to by all of the virtual player pointers into that fetcher queue, at the correct heights. (assuming the virtual player isn't currently blinked off)


If you want to overwrite images in that queue, you'll need to insert your code between the ARM function call and the kernel proper. And you'll need to figure out the location in the queue to push your data into, based on the player's height and y.


Or alternatively, change main.c to behave how you want, and recompile main.o.


Ah, ok I think I've got it. Thanks.


So is there a bit of unused RAM where

you could write sprite data and point

the pointers to?


Perhaps if eg the queue grows up you

could let the sprite data grow down

and write to the top of the display data



I suppose if it's documented any where it's

in the ARM code.


I could try and fill the queue and see where

it runs out of space except maybe it wouldn't.


Guess I'll just have to try it.


Thanks again.



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 2323 30cf .L0107 ; player8color:
 2324 30cf
 2325 30cf a9 02 lda #<(playerpointers+32)
 2326 30d1 8d 50 10 sta DF0LOW
 2327 30d4 a9 02 lda #(>(playerpointers+32)) & $0F
 2328 30d6 8d 68 10 sta DF0HI
 2329 30d9 a2 b8 LDX #<playercolorL0107_8
 2330 30db 8e 78 10 STX DF0WRITE
 2331 30de a9 61 LDA #((>playercolorL0107_ & $0f) | (((>playercolorL0107_ / 2) & $70)
 2332 30e0 8d 78 10 STA DF0WRITE
so I set DF0 to $61B8 and try to write some data.

nothing happens.



The valid address range for DPC+ RAM is $0000 - $0FFF.


$61B8 is not in that range, which means the data you're trying to change must be in ROM - and being in ROM means you can't change it anyway.


When setting the address, DPC+ will AND the address with $0FFF so $61B8 is treated as address $01B8.


If you install the latest version of Stella you can use the new Cartridge RAM tab in the debugger to view the contents of DPC+ RAM, which may help you see what's going on:



The page of RAM (the first 2 digits of the 4 digit address) is controller by the scroller. Move it down until the page is the one you're looking for, in this case 01. See the purple arrows.


The 3rd digit of the address is denoted by the row, while the 4th digit is denoted by the column. See the orange arrows. I selected $01B8, so it's the green box in the datagrid that contains 00.

Edited by SpiceWare
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Ah, ok I think I've got it. Thanks.


So is there a bit of unused RAM where

you could write sprite data and point

the pointers to?

I guess you could try pushing the bytes of the player image onto the bB DPC+ stack, and then use its address. It's 256 of spare ARM bytes dedicated to the bB program. (its not the actual ARM or 6502 stack)


Only I'm not entirely sure of the ARM address (I just know its the 7th Fetcher) but looking at SpiceWare's comments above, it's one of the pages between 0 and $1000. :)

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The valid address range for DPC+ RAM is $0000 - $0FFF.


$61B8 is not in that range, which means the data you're trying to change must be in ROM - and being in ROM means you can't change it anyway.


When setting the address, DPC+ will AND the address with $0FFF so $61B8 is treated as address $01B8.


If you install the latest version of Stella you can use the new Cartridge RAM tab in the debugger to view the contents of DPC+ RAM, which may help you see what's going on:

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2014-09-08 at 1.51.58 PM.png


The page of RAM (the first 2 digits of the 4 digit address) is controller by the scroller. Move it down until the page is the one you're looking for, in this case 01. See the purple arrows.


The 3rd digit of the address is denoted by the row, while the 4th digit is denoted by the column. See the orange arrows. I selected $01B8, so it's the green box in the datagrid that contains 00.


Well thanks for that little tutorial.


Unfortunately I couldn't get Stella

to run last time I tryed installing it.

(apparently Stella won't run without

Stella.ini and I suppose you have to

run Stella to create it or something ;) )

(I haven't tryed to dope it out yet)




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The "data" they're writing in that example is the hi and low bytes pointing to the sprite data.


You can modify any DPC+ queue memory - there are examples around here for how to do so for the playfield memory with push/write - but the virtual players get a single fetcher queue. Just prior to running the 6502 DPC+ kernel loop, a custom ARM function is called that copies the data pointed to by all of the virtual player pointers into that fetcher queue, at the correct heights. (assuming the virtual player isn't currently blinked off)


If you want to overwrite images in that queue, you'll need to insert your code between the ARM function call and the kernel proper. And you'll need to figure out the location in the queue to push your data into, based on the player's height and y.


Or alternatively, change main.c to behave how you want, and recompile main.o.


If I'm reading that correctly the problem

is that queueing will only take data from

the pseudo-ROM space.


How hard do you think it would be to include

the queue?


Any non-obvious (or obvious for that matter)

gotchas you could mention?




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Yeah, you're right. I just checked the main.c memcpy statement that's responsible for copying the virtual player data into the queue, and it uses an offset to the ROM "flashdata" area....


So as-is, you can only pass pointers/offsets to ROM based sprites.


If you were going to rewrite it to use RAM instead, you could change the "flashdata" to "queue", or give it a special test to do both. e.g. for addresses with HI byte greater than 127, use an alternate memcpy with "HI-128" and "queue".


The only caution I'd give is that the ARM code space is nearly stuffed. If you do the above, you may need to comment out some other unused functionality to accommodate it.

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