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Bomb Man 7800 (messing around)


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Definitely just messing around at this point I've only modified the multisprite sample, but since 7800basic was created by the amazing RevEng I immediately thought a Bomberman clone would be awesome on the system, even ordered a dev cart so I can test on physical hardware. I've been working on an html5/android game (shameless plug) but needed a deviation to work on for a while so I finally dedicated the afternoon/night to messing around with 7800basic.




Its barely anything at all right now, and I have no idea how far Ill get with it but when I showed it to my wife she was confused because #1 Bomberman exists already, and #2 why would anyone make/buy games for the Atari haha so needless to say I needed to post my excitement with like minded individuals. Also its incredibly cool to make something for a system you love so much.


I'm also hosting the project on github, uses node and the gulp task runner which automatically converts my images saved from photoshop to the correct format, and builds/runs the rom through mess.

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Fantastic work, Loktar. Bomberman would make of an awesome addition on the 7800. Your shared progress serves as an inspiration to aspiring 7800 developers.


Really appreciate too the tidbit on how the project is being hosted and the advantages gained. Thanks for sharing it and keep up the great work!

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Thanks for the kind words. No idea how far I'll make it a lot to learn on the 7800 front for sure. I'm too spoiled by modern dev where I don't need to worry about things like memory available :P... or use terms like bank switching. Definitely a lot to learn.

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Definitely just messing around at this point I've only modified the multisprite sample, but since 7800basic was created by the amazing RevEng I immediately thought a Bomberman clone would be awesome on the system, even ordered a dev cart so I can test on physical hardware. I've been working on an html5/android game (shameless plug) but needed a deviation to work on for a while so I finally dedicated the afternoon/night to messing around with 7800basic.




Its barely anything at all right now, and I have no idea how far Ill get with it but when I showed it to my wife she was confused because #1 Bomberman exists already, and #2 why would anyone make/buy games for the Atari haha so needless to say I needed to post my excitement with like minded individuals. Also its incredibly cool to make something for a system you love so much.


I'm also hosting the project on github, uses node and the gulp task runner which automatically converts my images saved from photoshop to the correct format, and builds/runs the rom through mess.

Can you tell me how the graphics convertor works? Can i convert regular jpg or bmp with it to 7800basic format?

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Can you tell me how the graphics convertor works? Can i convert regular jpg or bmp with it to 7800basic format?

I should have worded my description a bit better, basically it takes png's that are indexed colored and reduces them to the correct depth, its an image minifier. I can only get Photoshop to save at 8 bit as the lowest so I run it through the pngmin which gives me a 2 bit file.. however I bet I could make a task to convert jpg's/gif's (as long as they use indexed colors correctly) to 2 bit png's as well.

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Did you ever played around with http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-tools.php I would love to see a way to convert regular PNG files or JPG/GIF to 7800Basic format.

I think gif would be best because they are already 8-bit collor depth. The converting would be serveral steps I think only I didn't got it working yet.


My idea is gif > png > png (reduce collor) > png (index color) something like that. Could some help out here ? This would speed up development alot. Because I can place my code and regular pictures in on my system and convert them at compiling time.

This way I can use the same gfx files for other targets when creating a game.

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