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Atari 2600/7800 Dualshock 2 Adapter Part Deux


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I am totally confused. LOL When I run Paul's testcart on the 7800, every visual representation is what I expect, can you be more specific? :?


Sorry, I made it confusing, CPUWIZ...Let's try it this way:


Left port on console
Player 1 Movement = Left1, Right1, Up1, Down1
Player 1 Left button = Fire1A
Player 1 Right button = Fire1B
Right port on console
Player 2 Movement = Left2, Right2, Up2, Down2
Player 2 Left button = Fire2A
Player 2 Right button = Fire2B
With the above in mind...
Let's take as example: Config 04
Example game: BasketBrawl - Configured for Two players - One on One.
Game Controls:
Left port/Port 1 controls Player 1
Right port/Port 2 controls Player 2
Left button = Jump
Right button = Punch
How the game should control based on Config 04...
Player 1 Movement = Digital Pad
Player 1 Left button = Fire1A = 'Square' = Jump
Player 1 Right button = Fire1B = 'X' = Punch
Player 2 Movement = Left Analog Stick
Player 2 Left button = Fire2A = 'Triangle' = Jump
Player 2 Right button - Fire2B = 'O'= Punch
Using Config 04, following the line labeled on the adapter as Port 1 into Port 1/Left side of the console, and plugging the line labeled Port 2 into Port 2/right side of the console, results:
Player 1 Movement = Left Analog Stick
Player 1 Left button = Fire1A = 'X'= Jump
Player 1 Right button = Fire1B = 'Square'= Punch
Player 2 Movement = Digital Pad
Player 2 Left button = Fire2A = 'O'= Jump
Player 2 Right button - Fire2B = 'Triangle'= Punch
The same concept follows for all configurations when keeping the line labeled for Port 1 into Port 1/Left Port of the console, and the line for Port 2 plugged into Port 2/Right Port of the console:
-Whatever movement (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) should be assigned for Player 1 is mapped for Player 2 instead.
-Whatever movement (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) should be assigned for Player 2 is mapped for Player 1 instead.
-Fire button assignments are properly coupled for those that should belong to Player 1 and those that belong to Player 2 but their desired Left button (A - Button 1), & Right button (B - Button 2) are swapped.
To work around the above movement issue, plug the adapter line labeled for Port 1 into Port 2/Right Side of the console, and the line labeled for Port 2 into Port 1/Left side of the console.
Still sticking with Config04 as the example, movement is now properly assigned so that Player 1 movement is controlled by the Digital Pad, and Player 2 movement is controlled by the Left Analog stick.
Regardless of how the adapter lines are plugged into the console, Left (Fire1A/2A) and Right (Fire1B/2B) button assignments for all configurations are swapped [A (left button) mapped to B (right button), and B (right button) mapped to A (left button)].
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Performed some more testing this weekend and noticed an issue with Xevious. It's always behaving like a one button controller/setting. Regardless of how the difficulty switches are set.


However, other games like Alien Brigade, Midnight Mutants, and even Choplifter! are fine behaving as two independent buttons. :?


Unfortunately, Dark Chambers completely "wigged-out" with the controller. The game screen/graphics scramble with it and the game crashes. Same cart, plays perfectly fine with a stock/standard controller.

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I don't know what happened to Trebor, he had some issues getting the PICkit3 to work yesterday morning, last time I heard from him. Probably just the normal holiday family crap.


I just had an interesting idea, whilst watching the Sirius gameplay replay demo, I wonder if it would be cool to simulate slowed down digital movement, by using a slow rapid fire mechanism on the directions, this would make it easier to play really twitchy games. :ponder:

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I don't know what happened to Trebor, he had some issues getting the PICkit3 to work yesterday morning, last time I heard from him. Probably just the normal holiday family crap.


I just had an interesting idea, whilst watching the Sirius gameplay replay demo, I wonder if it would be cool to simulate slowed down digital movement, by using a slow rapid fire mechanism on the directions, this would make it easier to play really twitchy games. :ponder:


Ohh, with a small ring buffer this is totally feasable, I might try that tomorrow.


EDIT: Or even better, translate the analog directions into speed deltas and apply the directions accordingly. :idea:

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I don't know what happened to Trebor, he had some issues getting the PICkit3 to work yesterday morning, last time I heard from him. Probably just the normal holiday family crap.


Among other responsibilities and commitments, in addition to updating/flashing the PIC with the less than cooperative software while working with the PICkit3, has been an experience to state the very least.


After purchasing and waiting for the PICkit3 to arrive, the directions to flash the device that was received on Christmas Eve were attempted within 24 hours. Sorry I could not attend to it or post an update every day, but thought some substantial postings were made with testing by me prior to that. ;)


Anyhow, the good news is after a dozen or so attempts, a few mystical chants and special voodoo dances later, finally it looks like the programming 'took'; "Programming Completed" - per the application log. :)


Now, the bad news...Went ahead and reassembled the adapter, reconnected the PS2 controller and connected the DB9 connectors to the console. Powered the system up, and I received no response from the controller (Not even the "flash" from the center). :(


Took the adapter apart again and saw 3 of the wires running from the PS2 adapter end to the PCB have come detached. Considering the intricacy of the PCB, and I am certainly no CPUWIZ, the device has been packed up and shipped - Priority Mail - back to you, this morning. I'll send you the tracking number via PM, right after this post. It should be delivered by Wednesday at the latest, per USPS.


Nonetheless, it is reaching finalized stages. Truly a highly desirable adapter for many 7800 and 2600 users.

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Took the adapter apart again and saw 3 of the wires running from the PS2 adapter end to the PCB have come detached. Considering the intricacy of the PCB, and I am certainly no CPUWIZ, the device has been packed up and shipped - Priority Mail - back to you, this morning. I'll send you the tracking number via PM, right after this post. It should be delivered by Wednesday at the latest, per USPS.

Please tell me you know how to solder? :ponder:


Can't wait to see this working guys! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gone are the days of popping down to Radio Shack for a project box.


Or pretty much anything else, really. :roll:


I have a whole bunch of them, that are useless, they are never the right size for anything. :mad: And they were expensive too, back in the day. These days, I can measure the size of my PCB and add some slack for cables, add notches for cables etc. and just print it. Sure it is not as pretty as a polished project box, but there is no Dremel work involved either.


I hear you though, I went to get some protoboard recently and the guy didn't know what I was talking about at all, even after explaining that I am talking about a PCB without traces, just pads. Pathetic.

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