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Flashback Overlays: Intellivision Productions & Psycho Stormtrooper


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i go to the rocky mountain pinball showdown every year. I have a first place trophy for a team tournament that i got playing with Keith Elwin who at the moment is the second top rated pinball player in the world. He was number one the year i played with him. I have a friend who is ranked 74th in the world and is the best player from colorado where i live.

That is awesome! This kinda thing is what we should savor and be all about! ;-)

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I received mine several days ago. I'm in Canada, too - and they seem to have honoured the free shipping. I assumed it was a mistake or webstore glitch as NO ONE does free shipping to Canada (except Asian sellers, oddly enough - you'd think that would be more expensive than the US...). Curious to see how long it takes USPS to deliver. Also kinda thinking I should order several more sets, as they cover all the Mattel games which is 95% of my spares inventory. It would be cool to bundle overlays for every game I include in a bundle when selling excess.

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I just placed my order last night and sent payment and received not only my order confirmation e-mail today but also a shipping confirmation e-mail with tracking number.

I am still not worried either way. I placed two orders , one on 12/1 and another a few days later and haven't had an e-mail confirmation or delivery from either one.


My life experience is my last name is Wolfson so I am probably at the bottom of the list from an alphabetic perspective anyway! It's all good! :thumbsup:

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Placed order on Cybermonday before the software change, PayPal charged. Since then, the one general announcement from them (which I posted way up on this thread) stating there was a delay and then nothing. This was to be a Christmas present. Hopefully it gets here for his birthday in May!


BTW, I did send an email to Keith per his suggestion (in this thread or the other thread) and I did not receive a response. I sent another one sometime after Christmas and did not receive a response to that one either.


No doubt I'll receive at some point, but the service is disappointing.

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I bought mine on Dec 1st. and i bought the ornament on the 13th. I was hoping to get the ornament by Christmas but in no hurry to get the overlays. I did send an email to Intellivision Productions maybe 3 days ago since i just want to make sure the order went in successfully but no response yet.

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I ordered before the software correction. Since then, I got some general emails from Intellivision Productions. The last was the general update about the delays (12/23). Before that, I did get some other messages notifying me of the "order deadline" (12/14) and a general solicitation email on the 10th.


Since the update on the 23rd, I've received nothing in email and no response to my individual emails. I haven't sent them any email in a while though.


I expect that eventually I'll get some general email to everyone who is registered with them to tell them if they placed an order and haven't received anything. At that point, I'll send them my PayPal receipt and this will get resolved.

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