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Flashback Overlays: Intellivision Productions & Psycho Stormtrooper


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To be fair, Rev, it seems that for whatever reason filing a dispute through PayPal is the only way to get their attention. That's what I would do in your shoes.



Absolutely untrue. Most of us have gotten their attention without filing a dispute. And at least one person HAS filed a dispute and hasn't gotten any attention. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to do so, but there's very little reason to believe that filing a dispute has any influence on an order (or a response from Keith) at this point.



And I'm never ordering again from a site that some people find issues with. :P


You'll never order online again :P

Edited by freeweed
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Just a little bit of news on the situation w/ the overlays and whatnot. I received an update regarding the situation about an hour ago, and feel much better about things going forward. As has been mentioned before, two major events happened regarding this scene:

  • Demand for the overlays far, far, outstripped what was expected
  • The whole website fiasco

This quite reliable source intimated that, while no orders are believed to have been lost (it was, in fact, stated more strongly than that -- that the orders are all intact), catching up on fulfilling them has been more challenging than anticipated, and getting the orders filled is the single highest priority. It's not as if time has stopped and zero orders are coming in since the initial onrush and storefront fiasco.


From my own past experience working in a tiny business (<5 employees, but a long, long time ago), I can tell you that when something crazy like this happens, you simply don't have the capacity to deliver the optimal experience to your customers, and it rips your guts up to know that and be essentially defenseless against the disappointment it brings to your customers. You try to get as much done as you can with what you have and just keep working at it.


No denying it is frustrating to get things late. But... Remember when you had to wait 6-8 weeks for something you ordered - and that was if it all went smoothly? I'm personally thinking of it as part of the full retro experience. Sure, I wish my grubby mitts were filled with these overlays, but there are lots of other things to keep one busy, too.


At the same time, in the long run, having the Flashback and related items be wildly more successful than expected is, IMO, a good thing for those of us still enjoying our favorite video game system as it's well into its fourth decade -- and rapidly closing in on entering its fifth decade -- of action! A successful product will hopefully breed more exciting offerings in the future.

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Exactly all of that Steve! Must be tough in that situation for sure.


My reliable source says they have a few more products in the works coming up so keep an eye out for them.


On another note i missed whatever ornament that was put out altogether. What did it look like? anyone have a picture of it?........Sorry, I am old I just can't bring myself to type pic..........Damn I just did it.

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Exactly all of that Steve! Must be tough in that situation for sure.


My reliable source says they have a few more products in the works coming up so keep an eye out for them.


On another note i missed whatever ornament that was put out altogether. What did it look like? anyone have a picture of it?........Sorry, I am old I just can't bring myself to type pic..........Damn I just did it.


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No denying it is frustrating to get things late. But... Remember when you had to wait 6-8 weeks for something you ordered - and that was if it all went smoothly? I'm personally thinking of it as part of the full retro experience.


I love it. Puts things into perspective. And we're approaching the 6-8 week mark for many people right now. Perhaps Keith was just going for the retro feel :P

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No denying it is frustrating to get things late. But... Remember when you had to wait 6-8 weeks for something you ordered - and that was if it all went smoothly? I'm personally thinking of it as part of the full retro experience. Sure, I wish my grubby mitts were filled with these overlays, but there are lots of other things to keep one busy, too.


I remember when it took 6 to 8 weeks for letters to arrive, I don't miss it and I expect any business taking money via a modern method to also use modern communication methods. The actual time for delivering the item is not an issue, at least with me, not responding to (multiple) emails, is.


This quite reliable source intimated that, while no orders are believed to have been lost (it was, in fact, stated more strongly than that -- that the orders are all intact), catching up on fulfilling them has been more challenging than anticipated, and getting the orders filled is the single highest priority. It's not as if time has stopped and zero orders are coming in since the initial onrush and storefront fiasco.



Those of us that are patient understand they were caught off guard by the Website issue and the high demand.


However that doesn't change a normal business process:

You fill orders in the order they came in...especially if there is a possibility of running out.

There is no excuse for orders placed on December 1 to not have been sent out, yet others placed in January already have their items.

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Yes. I have to admit that I received a notification of a Shipping label being printed back around the 10th, but when I plug the tracking number into USPS.com there is no further update shown.


Being in Canada, I am used to shipments taking weeks to arrive from the States, but it does seem to be takling a while to drop my package in the mailbox...

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That's the whole point I was trying to make earlier and why I got annoyed to the point I had to file a PayPal dispute to get a response. I understand Keith and company got overwhelemed and I am sure they are gong to make it right, but there's two problems here:


1) Total failure to send me e-mail updates (I never got them compared to some others) or to respond to my e-mails asking for a update

2) Not taking care of the orders in the order they were received -- in other words, since I was among the first to order on 12/1, my order should have been among the first to go out. The fact that others have ordered later then me and gotten theirs first does not speak well to their handling of the orders


I'm glad to have gotten a shipping notice, though, and as far as I'm concerned the matter is closed with me. :)

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I am still not worried.


I ordered on Dec. 01, cyber Monday and because I saw the problem my Wife ordered for me again 2 days later. Haven't heard a word since and I talked to Keith in person since then who said all would be ok.. Patience is a virtue and I can wait forever for them!


Best to all Wolfy

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So Intellivision Productions announced a complete overlay set to be released on Dec 1st. I'm assuming it will include overlays for 60/61 games. In the Flashback manual, it looks like they are using Roger's designs for the INTV Corp games. Those all appear to still have the Psycho Stormtrooper moniker, but some have 'Intellivision Productions Inc' also added, while others do not (Thunder Castle & Thin Ice for example). I'm assuming Intellivision Productions' intent was to add their name to those designs, although they didn't add it to the old Mattel ones. I'm wondering if the inconsistent labeling on the INTV Corp ones was intentional or accidental and more importantly, if some new ones are mostly indistinguishable from Roger's older ones, will this devalue the original Orphan Overlays? I'm sure complete boxed sets will still command a decent price, but loose ones typically sell higher ($8-20) per pair. Will this dilute that market? Thoughts?


So 500 complaints later about not getting overlays :roll: I thought I'd revisit my initial post. My original query was what effect, if any, will the Flashback overlays have on the original Orphan Overlay values.


Orphan vs Flashback:

I've seen single pairs of Orphan Overlays sell for between $8-25. The average pair goes closer to $8-10. A complete boxed Series 3 set will run $200-350 (52 pairs @ $4-7 per pair).


Intellivision Productions ended up using Roger's designs and apparently didn't make any noticeable design changes for the INTV Corp era games. $15 for 50 pairs (30 cents /pair) :-o


Available for purchase here:



The thickness and textures are different, but this would be difficult to differentiate in a picture. Any purist collector should be aware that these are out there and should be careful when paying a premium for "original" Orphan Overlays now that eBay could be flooded with much cheaper near identical copies. An auction like this is exactly what I'm talking about:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1716517384221?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=171651738422&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

Spiker Overlays eBay


...OK, so I know it's Spiker and I know the asking price is absurd, but with 30 cent near-identical copies out there buyers/collectors really have to be careful. These could very well be "authentic", but even if they were I can't help but think that you might as well just buy the cheaper ones :ponder: Even if the seller offered these Spiker ones for $8, how many purists are really gonna fight over these when pretty decent cheap alternatives exist? I could see the CIB Orphan Overlay sets holding value, but I'm guessing singles fall to $4 per pair or less. Feel free to comment and/or opine.


How about some Comparisons?


Guess which overlay is the original Orphan Overlay and which is the Flashback Overlay :D


Tower of Doom:

Tower Of Doom (Front)

Tower Of Doom (back)


Chip Shot:

Chip Shot (Front)

Chip Shot (back)


Learning Fun 2:

Learning Fun 2 (Front)

Learning Fun 2 (back)


In every pic, the original Orphan Overlay is on the left and the newer Flashback Overlay is on the right. A very easy way to tell the difference is by looking at the backs. You can see the image through the back of the Orphan Overlays, but the Flashback Overlays are pretty much white paper. On the front sides the Orphan overlays are shinier with more imperfections and the Flashback Overlays have higher resolution images, but are more paper-like. The dark border around the title seems to be a bit thicker on the Chip Shot and LF2 Flashback Overlays, but I'm not sure if that's the case on all of them. Tower of Doom doesn't even have a black border.


Thoughts? I'll start...Jason, you spend way too much time pondering this crap! :rolling:

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So 500 complaints later about not getting overlays :roll: I thought I'd revisit my initial post. My original query was what effect, if any, will the Flashback overlays have on the original Orphan Overlay values.


Orphan vs Flashback:

I've seen single pairs of Orphan Overlays sell for between $8-25. The average pair goes closer to $8-10. A complete boxed Series 3 set will run $200-350 (52 pairs @ $4-7 per pair).


Intellivision Productions ended up using Roger's designs and apparently didn't make any noticeable design changes for the INTV Corp era games. $15 for 50 pairs (30 cents /pair) :-o


Available for purchase here:



The thickness and textures are different, but this would be difficult to differentiate in a picture. Any purist collector should be aware that these are out there and should be careful when paying a premium for "original" Orphan Overlays now that eBay could be flooded with much cheaper near identical copies. An auction like this is exactly what I'm talking about:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1716517384221?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=171651738422&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]



...OK, so I know it's Spiker and I know the asking price is absurd, but with 30 cent near-identical copies out there buyers/collectors really have to be careful. These could very well be "authentic", but even if they were I can't help but think that you might as well just buy the cheaper ones :ponder: Even if the seller offered these Spiker ones for $8, how many purists are really gonna fight over these when pretty decent cheap alternatives exist? I could see the CIB Orphan Overlay sets holding value, but I'm guessing singles fall to $4 per pair or less. Feel free to comment and/or opine.


How about some Comparisons?


Guess which overlay is the original Orphan Overlay and which is the Flashback Overlay :D


Tower of Doom:




Chip Shot:




Learning Fun 2:




In every pic, the original Orphan Overlay is on the left and the newer Flashback Overlay is on the right. A very easy way to tell the difference is by looking at the backs. You can see the image through the back of the Orphan Overlays, but the Flashback Overlays are pretty much white paper. On the front sides the Orphan overlays are shinier with more imperfections and the Flashback Overlays have higher resolution images, but are more paper-like. The dark border around the title seems to be a bit thicker on the Chip Shot and LF2 Flashback Overlays, but I'm not sure if that's the case on all of them. Tower of Doom doesn't even have a black border.


Thoughts? I'll start...Jason, you spend way too much time pondering this crap! :rolling:

the reason the black borders are bigger is that intellivision productions shrank the images to use more of the artwork that was cutoff on the original overlays. Personally i like the images better that way. Not sure how the keypad lines up with them. I will have to pull them out and see.
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Anyone who thinks the "Orphan Overlays" are in any way "original" or something a "purist" would want is deluding themselves. I say there's zero value in these things now that you can get them dirt cheap. We're not talking original 1989 Spiker materials here vs a repro. We're talking 2010+(?) home-made vs a repro.


Anyone who believes differently is setting themselves up for being scammed.

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I've sent three emails (maybe once a week) and have yet to hear back anything from Intellivision. I ordered mine Dec 1st. I've never received an email saying mine had shipped or any tracking number. It's frustrating, I guess, because:


A) they don't seem to be responding to any email complaints/inquiries.


B) people who ordered their set in last week or so are already getting them (I recall seeing on FB someone ordered on Jan 1 and received Jan 9.)


I can wait but it'd be nice to just get some kind of response from them saying they shipped or are about to.


I'll be honest I'm not a collector like a lot of people on this site. But Intellivision would have to be nuts to not think some of you collectors would be ordering like 10 sets of the overlays, etc (especially at that initial price) and the demand would be high. It seems to me they underestimated their fan base and weren't ready to handle this.

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Anyone who thinks the "Orphan Overlays" are in any way "original" or something a "purist" would want is deluding themselves. I say there's zero value in these things now that you can get them dirt cheap. We're not talking original 1989 Spiker materials here vs a repro. We're talking 2010+(?) home-made vs a repro.


Anyone who believes differently is setting themselves up for being scammed.

Lol, are you calling me delusional? :)


I'm simply saying that the Orphan Overlays, particularly the ones that were never available (like for the INTV Corp games), once had a value associated with them. These new ones are a pretty cheap comparable alternative, so I think the value of the older ones will inevitably fall. Purists, however, who remember the Orphan Overlays as a limited collectible homebrew release from 2009, may still differentiate and value the older ones, however crazy that may be. I doubt that CIB Orphan Overlays will lose value, but the market for pricey loose original ones surely took a hit.

Edited by JasonlikesINTV
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Fine, my words were a teeny bit harsh :) I'm just saying that the Orphan Overlays may have been a neat thing to have back a few years ago, but let's face it - they're pieces of plastic someone printed off for fun. Any "value" people put on them was probably highly overstated and has mostly evaporated now that we have a steady and cheap supply of them. ESPECIALLY because there's not exactly much to distinguish the originals from the new ones - and if anything, from how you've described it, the new ones are BETTER.


If people are willing to ascribe "value" to anything remotely Intellivision-related simply because it's rare - well, I can use my inkjet to print off the word "Intellivision" if you're willing to pay me $500 for the sole copy. I think the collector mindset can sometimes go a little overboard, and in the case of stuff like this, has. But hey, let the market decide. If people are eager to be duped into paying huge money for something of little intrinsic value, especially given the likelihood of fakes and virtually no way to distinguish from an ebay photo, be my guest. You're practically asking to be scammed if you do. And you're also encouraging people flooding the collector market with trash. Given some of the insane markup I've seen on stuff that's hardly a few years old, I'm rather surprised no one has started pumping out really shitty homebrew (I'll leave a certain game unmentioned) and 25 sets a month of trading cards printed off their home inkjet onto 20 cent Office Depot cardstock.


Mind you, maybe a set of plastic IS worth $300 to the folks who can't get their orders fulfilled by Keith...

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