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Flashback Overlays: Intellivision Productions & Psycho Stormtrooper


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That when you pay for stuff in life, you shouldn't get screwed.


Dude, seriously, take stock of your circle of influence and control--it's much smaller than it appears.



As much as I hate quoting Stephen Covey, it is an important lesson, mate. You'll drive yourself to an early grave.



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I got the "you're still in our database" email last night. It was nice to hear from them because I had forgotten about ordering these things. I did so on the first day they were announced. I replied with a friendly email restating my address, which will hopefully help them sort this out. I suppose I can do a PayPal complaint if it would help.


How many orders for these could they have received? Anyone know?

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LOL, ya i'm still obsessed with Kroz. Can't help it. It makes me sad to see not many people talking about it. It's like everybody skipped right over it and went straight to Ms. Night Stalker and Ms. Pac-Man. Both great games. It just seems like i am the only one rambling on about it.



















Did i mention Kroz is my favorite game? Oh this is the same post? :ponder:

I love Kroz too yet it is so hard to figure some of the puzzles out so my whole family does it together. On the other note.....this is the most entertaining thread running and everyone is posting some very funny stuff!


If I never get my overlays the price of admission has already been covered! :P

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But... Remember when you had to wait 6-8 weeks for something you ordered - and that was if it all went smoothly? I'm personally thinking of it as part of the full retro experience.

This made me smile.


But then I thought about what was needed back then: you'd need to fill out a reply card by hard, mail it in, and the people on the other end would need to fish out your coupon, transcribe your handwritten scrawl, hopefully get it right, cash your check or money order, wait for funds to clear, and prepare your package for bulk shipment.


These days, they have instant, electronic transmittal of shipping and payment information, which could be immediately printed to a prepaid shipping label. Orders were opened in early December with the understanding that there would be a lag between order and fulfillment, but that they would ship in time for Christmas.


I like Keith and everything, and it's cool that there is a big demand for these items (it's cool that they're available at all!), but there's no denying they pooched the execution of this offer. There's a good lesson here about the difficulty of fulfilling large shipments of physical items. It's Kickstarter fatigue all over again!

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There's a good lesson here about the difficulty of fulfilling large shipments of physical items. It's Kickstarter fatigue all over again!


It's either my built-in cynicism or me stretching too far for analogies, but it also feels very much like a lot of homebrew projects. That miss their ship dates by months, and sometimes years. A few get all pissy about it and swear they're quitting the scene, and the rest sit back and are patient.


Stuff is hard. Kickstarters often learn this the hard way.

Edited by freeweed
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I just received this email late last night (side note: mine have not yet arrived). Short version: most overlays have shipped but they are still working on on the last 5%.

Dear Intellivision Customer,

If you have received your order from us, we hope you are enjoying it!
If you have not received your order, please rest assured that--first of all--we HAVE your order (despite the fact that you may not have received an order confirmation).

Secondly, we have fulfilled and shipped 95% of the orders received and we are diligently working on the remaining. If you are part of "the remaining," we know you've waited a long while to receive your Overlays Pack. We have been shipping them fast and furiously since December 29 and we continue to ship out approximately 100 orders a day.

When your package is labeled for shipping, you will receive a shipping confirmation email which will include a USPS tracking number.

Please accept our humblest apologies for the delay of your order. And we want to sincerely THANK YOU for your order and we hope you are having fun playing the classic Intellivision games. If you are unhappy with any of the items you ordered, or if your console or a handcontroller is not functioning properly, please don't hesitate to contact us by replying to this email and we will work to resolve the issue or refund you.

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I once made an order to a flower shop for Mother's Day, and they missed the delivery date. They apologized and offered free delivery, but it was too late.


Another time, I ordered some goods for Christmas as a present to a relative, and the supplier missed the date, even though they guaranteed delivery for Christmas Eve. They too offered compensation, which I declined since the moment had passed.


On both occasions, I provided appropriate feedback to the supplier letting them know of my disappointment in various colorful ways (depending on my mood or the importance of the gift), and I let them know in a most assertive way how hey lost my business.


And they did: to this day I refuse to transact with them.


What I did NOT do at all, was go online and bitch about it to strangers, vilify publicly the stores, resort to rabble rousing on Internet forum boards, or seek some sick personal satisfaction in getting others to pity my misfortune.



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Just to clear, I'm not trying vilify Intellivision Productions. I'm only posting that they still are actively working on completing the orders. I'm ok with the wait considering their server crashed.


So to anyone else out there who hasn't received their overlays, they are most likely on their way.

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