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Joust from Mega/Yogi/Jellystone images?


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This is due to a bug in the game loader or menu disk, depending on how you look at it.


The Joust executable that's on the GAMES001 disk attempts to hijack the cassette and disk init vectors and then causes a warmstart via WARMSV. Problem is, neither it nor the menu actually sets the flag indicating that a disk boot has occurred (bit 1 in BOOT? / $09), so the OS just does a reset without invoking the game loader. Use a DOS such as MyDOS to load the executable, and it works.


Never figured out why everyone was so obsessed with abusing the warmstart vector for starting their game....

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And now it becomes all so clear why we have so many MyDos formatted disks and MyDos BB disk images and yet every hard drive partition on the BB was formatted and ran Sparta, except one that only said, MDSsrstd. I feel so stupid to have forgotten that meant MyDos stops reset disks.. Now my 30 year old anagram makes sense again! Why did I give it an 8 friggen character volume name? My brain hurts less now cause I could not remember and it made no sense to me anymore.

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OK, so who wants to make a patch to it and be a legend. :)


There are so many multi boots etc with it on its just not worth the bother..If its the only version of Joust you have I'll gladly post a multi boot with it on that works?


Edit: Here's one just in case..Ignore the V2, as with any games scene threre's always multiple versions of the same game that were packed with different packers etc so if you see a set of the same game with v1, v2, v3 etc etc it does not mean that a high number is a better version in 99% of cases, just a different release version of exactly the same game all archived for completeness.

Joust (v2).atr

Edited by Mclaneinc
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