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Venture and Commando XE Cases

Paul Westphal

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Hey guys, I found someone new to produce XE plastic cases. they look pretty good, except the art is a little off and he pulled the pics off the 2600 version. I will address this today. But they are still pretty cool and something is better than nothing. If you can think of any others you might need, let me know as I am in direct communication with him. He also does Jaguar cases.

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Man, I thought this was about cartridge shells at first and got excited.


Here's one of the auctions:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1716009279481?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&camp


I'd like to see a photo of the interior. The auction states that since these cases were not designed for XE carts, they will move around a bit. That's the biggest problem for me right there. If someone can find a suitable shell, I have a professional color laser printer and could easily run off inserts inexpensively.



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He's just printing out covers and putting them in universal game cases. Go to the cover project online and they have some xe covers. I put all my xe games in cases, and my covers look way better than these. These cases bulge a little because they were originally made for super Nintendo and sega genesis games. The XE carts are thicker, they close, but barely, and since they are thicker, they don't flop around inside, like games do. I made a cover for space harrier xe that looks better than these.

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