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I've got several IIe's and a ton of discs, various hardware...just a ton of stuff...and it all still works...and works well.


What do these things sell for now? I'm thinking about maybe trying to trade around and get a IIGS or maybe a Mac...something different.


any hardcore 2e fans still out there or is it a lost art now?

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I bought a IIe platnium with a disk drive a couple months ago on CL for $100. From spending time in the a2c.chat channel it seems the ideal combination is to own the oldest Apple II or II+ you can find in working condition, and the newest IIGS (most memory and latest rom, and most peripherals.) I had the IIc from 1984 to 1994 when I gave it away.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I bought a IIe platnium with a disk drive a couple months ago on CL for $100. From spending time in the a2c.chat channel it seems the ideal combination is to own the oldest Apple II or II+ you can find in working condition, and the newest IIGS (most memory and latest rom, and most peripherals.) I had the IIc from 1984 to 1994 when I gave it away.


I have an Apple ][ and an Apple ][+ that came from a Garage Sale.. The Apple ][ Serial Number is 25422.


In the recent past, I had the Apple ][ booted up. But a couple weeks ago, I couldn't get it to boot. I know I need to go through it and pull each chip and Re-seat it.



Edited by MarkO
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