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A copy of Omega Boost for PS1.


I've gone a bit overboard with my retro game spending recently, so I've started burning discs to cut back a little bit. Even for the cheaper games, the cost adds up real fast.


Didn't buy it today per se, but I also purchased an RGB SCART cable for my PS1 about a week ago. It arrived earlier today, and the difference in visual quality is immense.

Edited by RetroSonicHero
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2 hours ago, rubeon said:

Proper '77 model Stratego 🙂 the modern version all suck

I think I have that one too. It always throws me off that the newer ones switched all the ranks backwards, but there are some "classic" sets that have the original ranks, I have the "bookshelf" one.

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4 hours ago, Asaki said:

I think I have that one too. It always throws me off that the newer ones switched all the ranks backwards, but there are some "classic" sets that have the original ranks, I have the "bookshelf" one.

I also hate the little round "castle keep" look the newer pieces have, or worse: the paper card with the plastic stand wtf


why mess with perfection?

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On 2/2/2024 at 5:09 AM, rubeon said:

A few random pickups this week:


Proper '77 model Stratego 🙂 the modern version all suck





Mercenaries is one of my favorite Xbox games. I never got very far into it but it was fun just blowing sh*t up and exploring

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On 2/2/2024 at 6:09 AM, rubeon said:

A few random pickups this week:


Proper '77 model Stratego 🙂 the modern version all suck






I got Stratego for Christmas, kinda picked it out myself, for a dollar at Goodwill-

Sat on the floor for five minutes, making sure it was all there. Was amazed that it was.

Me and my best bud in Elementary school "Enrichment Geeks", spent hours playing this. Dying to get someone in my Family interested, but so far, no go.

Man, what a good game!

Yurs is on better shape, lol, but that's ok.






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23 hours ago, Alex_813 said:

Now that I'm off the wagon again, went to see my dealer (flea market vendor). Got these for a buck a piece because of missing labels. Going to clean them up and see what they are. Anyone want to guess what I have here before I try them?


Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Frogger, Pac-Man

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I really avoid reproductions in my collection, but I’m also a big Sears fan with the entire picture label collection finished.  For that reason, I had to pick these 2 reproductions up to add to the picture labels. They’re very nice for what they are.  


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Finally... Ninja Golf!




I have to admit I'm impressed that Atari, in its current form, is offering rereleases that are not only physical, but compatible with vintage hardware.  I'm usually only interested in vintage stuff, but this marketing arrow definitely hit home with me. I'm not sure how big my demographic is, but they got my money anyway.


This is a game I've been wanting for a long time (I came close to paying almost $100 for one last year). The publisher being Atari makes this being "new" even more amusing to me, and compounds more interest into an already very weird game (my favorite kind).


So yay! ... Ninja Golf, a ~40 year old game, on preorder!


Now if they can get Al Lewis' estate to sign off on the use of his likeness, they'll make another sale from me on Midnight Mutants.

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Got the Gold solo, the rest as a lot.


Hands were kinda shaking when I opened the Gold, am getting pretty close to having all the 2600 patches, tho the ones I lack are...house payments, lol, kinda like the Gold(I got a good deal).

Only really needed the Worm Whomper from the lot, don't much care for the game, and not the biggest INT fan(it's ok tho!), but "it's there", so I needed it.

Rest are doubles, and most seem to be in better shape than the ones I already had, so yay!


Haha-I deserve that Gold.

Earned it on over a half dozen systems/emus now, lol, trackball or not!

(Trackball, not "not").




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31 minutes ago, Rogerpoco said:

Got the Gold solo, the rest as a lot.


Hands were kinda shaking when I opened the Gold, am getting pretty close to having all the 2600 patches, tho the ones I lack are...house payments, lol, kinda like the Gold(I got a good deal).

Only really needed the Worm Whomper from the lot, don't much care for the game, and not the biggest INT fan(it's ok tho!), but "it's there", so I needed it.

Rest are doubles, and most seem to be in better shape than the ones I already had, so yay!


Haha-I deserve that Gold.

Earned it on over a half dozen systems/emus now, lol, trackball or not!

(Trackball, not "not").




I haven’t managed to snag a gold as of yet myself.   Like you, I’m deep into the patches, but the few left are not cheap to find.  I’ve been lucky and managed a few of the big ones for hardly anything.  Doubt that luck will continue for something like the HERO patch.  

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This gorgeous beast of a handheld.


It's a PSP 3000 in its Japanese exclusive Vibrant Blue color. One of the nicest looking handheld consoles I've ever personally seen, in my opinion. The camera really doesn't do it justice. Those of you who have seen one of these in person know that it's actually a much deeper shade of blue when looked at in moderate lighting, but becomes much lighter when even a room light is shined on it.


Simply gorgeous. For all intents and purposes, this is my "dream" PlayStation Portable console.


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I haven’t posted anything in here since September so a couple of these are old. Mostly manuals to turn my CBs into CIBs. I also got a cool little USB adapter so I can use an original 9-pin joystick with an emulator.


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Well, nothing I bought really, but my sister cruised by Nintendo World in Japan and was thoughtful enough to pick up some swag/landfill items and send them to me. 


Donkey Kong barrel "pasta" chips, Rice Crackers in a coin bank barrel

Zelda "Triforce" shortbread cookies

N64 controller rubber coaster

Majoras Mask enamel pin





Edited by NE146
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This guy. I don't think this needs a formal introduction.


I wanted to compare the level of ghosting with my silver PSP 1000, as they tend to vary as the LCDs degrade with age. Also, piano black is by far the most iconic color. Black to the PSP 1000 is silver to the original 2004 DS model.


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Yesterday at a Half Price Books found a Fast and the Furious Toretto House which looks to be in 1:87 or HO scale.  Either I can find some room on my HO scale layout or just keep it in the box.  (I also know about the train model as well.)  









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