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The ever popular ALPINER


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I've read a post or two in other messages about fellow TI'ers that do not have a disk copy of Alpiner. Very suprising, because I have a ton of cartridge to disk conversions and I don't have it either. I'm pretty sure a conversion must have taken place because they are available on Ebay. I'd buy one but I think the seller asks too much - I think $5.00 shipped is a fair price. Does anybody have this game on disk?






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I just went through my « catalogue » of cartridge compilation disks, and was pretty surprised that Alpiner is not on any of them. I could have sworn I had played it from disk, but I guess I got confused because I have the cart (and because I'm senile - or stoned - or both).


Another notable omission is Atarisoft's Jungle Hunt. All the other Atarisoft titles are available on disk (except for the holy grail of holy grails « Joust » of course), but somehow Jungle Hunt never made it to any of the atarisoft compilation disks (even the allegedly "rare" Centipede made it to 3 of them, incuding a stand alone disk).


Since a few folks were not aware of the disks that are out there, I should mention a great source for cart to disk conversion compilations... It is the french site Ressources pour ti-99/4a. in fact it's a great resource for anything 4A. To find the disks, click on « Images » then you have the choice of « Cartouches » (Cartridges), «Disquette» ou «Cassettes» (hopefully you don't need a translation for the last two). The site itself is very easily navigated even if you don't know a word of french (although you really should have paid attention in high school, tabarnakl!)

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You will find Jungle Hunt in the attached file, just took me 1/2 hour to dig that up, I must catalog my disk files at some point.


You need a Editor Assembler cart or equivalent and got to option 5 and type DSK1.UTIL1


Cool, thanks for that...look forward to seeing what other goodies it contains. I arrogantly assumed I had the vast majority of the compilation disks (besides a couple of the GPL simulation disks, which I know I'm missing because of gaps in the numbering)


I can't imagine using a nanopeb without a catalogue...I actually use two, one in volume order, with a listing of what is one each volume (I didn't copy stuff onto the np sequencially, so the catalogue also shows me instantly where the blank volumes are when I'm sitting at my PC copying stuff) and one that is in alphabetical order of program content, so it shows me under « C » that Centipede, for example, is sitting on volumes 51, 52, and 109 and whether it uses EA3, EA5 or XBasic Auto to load (which will be less important info when my ubergrom board arrives next week so I can slip in Gazoo's 2.7 chips and no longer care what cart is plugged in!! HOO-Rah!)

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  • 1 month later...

I can probably put one together for you.

What's your disk capacity? Sssd, dssd, dssd, dsqd?


Any other files you might want on it?




Hi Ralph.

A SSSD would be perfect. With the stock TI disk controller and a 360K drive, I can create and use SSSD or DSSD. I prefer the single sided because I like to make flippy disks.


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Send me a PM with your address information and I'll try and get a disk off to you Saturday.


Please note: I have launched the above files on my main system and it seems that the speech is sometimes garbled. Gameplay seems fine.

I don't know if its the file or an issue running on my main system. The main is set up with a Triple tech card inside the Pbox and I'm using a GramKracker so that could be the issue. I am running it using E/A option 5. I'll try it on my alternate system and see if the speech works better.


Anyway, if the above is ok, I'll put together the disk SS/SD per your instruction.


Again I'll ask, any others that you might want?




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Thanks to sparkdrummer who created a disk image for me! I was also able to figure out how to make a 90K image and insert the Alpiner files posted above by Torrax. In both cases the game plays fine, but speech is messed up here and there while playing. Maybe the dump of the game that has made rounds is bad, or these is some incompatibility running it from disk/peb?

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Thanks to sparkdrummer who created a disk image for me! I was also able to figure out how to make a 90K image and insert the Alpiner files posted above by Torrax. In both cases the game plays fine, but speech is messed up here and there while playing. Maybe the dump of the game that has made rounds is bad, or these is some incompatibility running it from disk/peb?


In my cartridge database, I'm showing Alpiner has 8K of ROM and 24K (6Kx4) GROM. That's 32K. My thought is that if it's being loaded how most of these are being loaded; with a small GPL loader/simulator in lower memory expansion, and the bulk of the program going into the upper 24K, something had to likely be cropped off.


In contrast, something like Parsec has 8K of ROM and 18K (6K x 3) GROM. That's 26K, leaving 6K free for the loader/GPL simulator. That would likely be easier to shoehorn to run in 32K.


Another hard one to get to run is probably Tunnels of Doom. It has 30K of GROM (6K x 5); it's one of the handful of larger games that have what TI maxed out as far as their usage of GROM - 30K. (Fantasy, Germ Patrol, the MB Games Demo cart, Moonmine, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Return to Pirate's Isle, and Von Drake are also games that have 30K of GROM. There are plenty other edu/utilities that also have 30K of GROM.)

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In my cartridge database, I'm showing Alpiner has 8K of ROM and 24K (6Kx4) GROM. That's 32K. My thought is that if it's being loaded how most of these are being loaded; with a small GPL loader/simulator in lower memory expansion, and the bulk of the program going into the upper 24K, something had to likely be cropped off.


In contrast, something like Parsec has 8K of ROM and 18K (6K x 3) GROM. That's 26K, leaving 6K free for the loader/GPL simulator. That would likely be easier to shoehorn to run in 32K.


Another hard one to get to run is probably Tunnels of Doom. It has 30K of GROM (6K x 5); it's one of the handful of larger games that have what TI maxed out as far as their usage of GROM - 30K. (Fantasy, Germ Patrol, the MB Games Demo cart, Moonmine, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Return to Pirate's Isle, and Von Drake are also games that have 30K of GROM. There are plenty other edu/utilities that also have 30K of GROM.)

Thanks for the reply.


Like sparkdrummer, I loaded the game using the E/A cart, option 5. The game seemed to play fine, all but the speech.

I purchased an actual cart on ebay last night. I get a big kick out of the Speech Synthesizer, and Alpiner uses is a lot, so worth the cart purchase.

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Thanks for the reply.


Like sparkdrummer, I loaded the game using the E/A cart, option 5. The game seemed to play fine, all but the speech.

I purchased an actual cart on ebay last night. I get a big kick out of the Speech Synthesizer, and Alpiner uses is a lot, so worth the cart purchase.


You could also have acquired a Games 6 cartridge, which has Alpiner with speech. The bonus is that there are 28 other games on the cartridge. :)





But if you're happy with just one game on a cartridge, have at it.



Edited by Gazoo
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You could also have acquired a Games 6 cartridge, which has Alpiner with speech. The bonus is that there are 28 other games on the cartridge. :)





But if you're happy with just one game on a cartridge, have at it.



Neat. Where can one find more info on the cart? Where to buy / price?


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I'm testing the initial image on real iron this weekend. After that, you have several options. Atrax provides programmed chips and you can buy the bare Red boards on Arcadeshopper's site to build your own, or I can build you a complete module in a TI case with a nice Games 6 label. I already have the labels on hand, so once the tests are done I'll be able to take some of my pre-assembled Red boards and build some cartridges.

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I'm testing the initial image on real iron this weekend. After that, you have several options. Atrax provides programmed chips and you can buy the bare Red boards on Arcadeshopper's site to build your own, or I can build you a complete module in a TI case with a nice Games 6 label. I already have the labels on hand, so once the tests are done I'll be able to take some of my pre-assembled Red boards and build some cartridges.

Hi. How much would an assembled cart cost? Is this a programmable cart? How is it programmed? I'm very interested in it, but know nothing about it. :)


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Hi. How much would an assembled cart cost? Is this a programmable cart? How is it programmed? I'm very interested in it, but know nothing about it. :)



Read the 'Setting up a 512k cart' & 'Setting up a 632k cart' topics.



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I build the games cartridges for $30 each, shipped to a US address (somewhat more for other countries, with price dependent on how much additional postage I have to pay). They are not delivered as programmable cartridges--I build them with a standard 512K EPROM. It is possible to put an NV SRAM chip in them, but there isn't anyone interested enough in that option from the programmer side to write a loader for it yet. That may come eventually as it would help with cartridge development efforts, but it doesn't exist now.

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I build the games cartridges for $30 each, shipped to a US address (somewhat more for other countries, with price dependent on how much additional postage I have to pay). They are not delivered as programmable cartridges--I build them with a standard 512K EPROM. It is possible to put an NV SRAM chip in them, but there isn't anyone interested enough in that option from the programmer side to write a loader for it yet. That may come eventually as it would help with cartridge development efforts, but it doesn't exist now.

Thanks for the offer. I'm going to pass on the cart this time around. Although I read a little on it in the other thread, I'm still a bit unsure about how it works as far getting the software on to the cart.


I did get my Alpiner cart and I love all the speech in the game. Next is Tunnels of Doom. After that I think I have most everything else on disk.

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I'm testing the initial image on real iron this weekend. After that, you have several options. Atrax provides programmed chips and you can buy the bare Red boards on Arcadeshopper's site to build your own, or I can build you a complete module in a TI case with a nice Games 6 label. I already have the labels on hand, so once the tests are done I'll be able to take some of my pre-assembled Red boards and build some cartridges.


I also sell programmed chips @ arcadeshopper.com



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