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TRON games...


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I had the Discs of Tron arcade machine for a couple years.  The big environmental cabinet. It was sweet. :)


What did you do with it and why did you get rid of it? I would gladly have taken it off your hands, even if it meant driving all the way to central Iowa to borrow my parent's truck, all the way to Sioux City, and all the way back again to store it at their farm until I got a house and all the way back to Omaha AGAIN. Yes I would have wanted it that badly. I even bid $1,000 or so for one on eBay last year when I got my tax refund. :D


heheh, I kinda GAVE IT AWAY!


a few reasons, since I'm sure you'll ask. :)


1. too damn BIG

2. weighs 700 pounds

3. I got tired of playing it, I could play on the first life for hours.

4. I moved 3 times with it, and I finally couldn't take it anymore.


(I still have an extra control panel for it)

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If you say so!! maybe I should start lifting some weights so I can get strong enough to break my controllers.


  :roll:  :ponder: ;)


I've had the same problem. I have two of the controllers that are similar to the tron ones (the champions or whatever they're called) and one of them broke exactly as described. I'm not exactly hard on my controllers and I only used them a few times after I bought them at a garage sale.

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If you say so!! maybe I should start lifting some weights so I can get strong enough to break my controllers.


  :roll:  :ponder: ;)


I've had the same problem. I have two of the controllers that are similar to the tron ones (the champions or whatever they're called) and one of them broke exactly as described. I'm not exactly hard on my controllers and I only used them a few times after I bought them at a garage sale.


yup, cheaply made turds, they are.


(unrelated: go see x2.)

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