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raptor BASIC + website now live


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rB+ website: http://reboot.atari.org/new-reboot/rbplus/


The release of rB/rB+ was the beginning. We're now in the process of allowing anyone and everyone to take part by offering documentation and support resources via the rB+ site.


The site has a list of the commands specific to rB+ with details of how to use them and examples where necessary. There are also links to other resources such as the BCX help site (the BASIC variant/C translator rB+ is built upon, containing all the other regular BASIC commands supported with examples and descriptions) and the U-235 sound engine it makes use of.


There are tutorials designed to help a beginner get to grips with how a project comes together and a primer to help the absolute novice get a picture of how rB+ works in the context of the Jaguar hardware (more specifically, the Object Processor).


Tutorial 1 takes the reader through the process of considering a game after the concept is decided: First creating assets then completing the sprite descriptions based on them and finally having rB+ gather them into the game. It then goes on to consider the major game elements of the tutorial game (Doger - a simple Frogger-style game) and presents the reader with the fully commented BASIC program.


All of the rB+-specific commands used are explained where necessary and the reader can experiment by altering aspects of the program, building the project and sending to the skunkboard or Virtual Jaguar. Building projects, both BJL-style and ROM projects, is also covered.


Further larger scale case study projects are planned, these will allow us to go into more detail and explore more in-depth features in the context of a game program, as well as smaller more fun and digestible features explaining individual aspects of rB+ such as particles and the map system.

Edited by sh3-rg
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I was just about to peruse omfs object list tool. Thought I'd download a fresh copy of rB+ when I got this:


Not Found

The requested URL /new-reboot/rbplus/ was not found on this server.



I guess a workaround is:




Yep, it's at the other address now. I guess we should update the post.

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