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Good sega arcade ports

Dangerous Dave

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I found that where they may have lost something minor in translation, they often gained something unique as well. More levels in Golden Axe, scrolling playfields in Altered Beast, tweaked gameplay in most, etc. With a 14mhz modded system some of that missing smoothness of scaling and speed is brought back to many of those ports. Sega really brought it home with the two player coop fighting games and Capcom and Konami Arcade ports. The Golden Axe stuff and Bare Knuckle games are really fun and exclusive. Shinobi sequels were excellent and with a Power Base Converter you could get all of the Joe Musashi stuff up until Shin Shinobiden. Although, you did say

"other than Sega".


I really like playing Smash TV on my cabinet with two arcade joysticks. TMNT is extremely well done. I wished they would have kept a lot of the level design in Toki as it just looks like a lot of recycled background chunks in 'Going Ape Spit". The game plays well, though. Sailor Moon has some pretty big reductions in color and level design ,but is cute and fun. Williams and Arcade classics carts are really good in my opinion.

Forgot mentioning Hyperstone Heist. That is a great one! When I was younger I remember seeing the Toki game and I didn't look too closely, but I literally thought it was "Toki Going Apeshit" :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me the Genesis is second only to the Atari 2600 when it comes to my favorite systems for arcade and arcade-style games. Many people have already mentioned the Golden Axe and Mortal Kombat series, and the original MK on the Genesis has always been (and probably always will be) my favorite Mortal Kombat game on any system. Mortal Kombat II is loads of fun too, but at this point I'm just getting too old and my reflexes/memorization abilities aren't quite up to the challenge of the later and more combo focused MK3 and Ultimate MK3. As a kid I always loved the Mortal Kombat series and never cared for Street Fighter very much, but these days I do have a lot of appreciation for Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition on the Genesis too. Samurai Shodown is great as well, aside from a bit of slowdown when you're playing with or fighting against characters with animal companions.


Fighting games aside, I think my favorite arcade ports on the Genesis are probably Raiden Trad and Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi. Neither are direct arcade ports and both were revamped a bit for their home console release, but they each just ooze style and awesomeness in typical Genesis fashion. The dog in Shadow Dancer has to be one of the coolest characters to ever grace a video game, and don't even get me started on the music in Raiden Trad! It's just... well, listen for yourself!





That is the sound of 100% pure unadulterated Genesis awesomeness. :-D

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By "revamped" you mean severely downgraded, right?

Honestly I wouldn't know, since I have never played the original arcade versions myself. What I do know though is that the Genesis releases are both tons of fun to play and great games in their own right. They may not be the most accurate arcade conversions in the world, but they're still my favorites on the Genesis. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Also, not arcade ports but "sequels" that are really good are Space Invaders 91 and Ultimate Qix.

As strange as this sounds, Ultimate Qix actually is an arcade port. The original name of the game is Volfied and it plays very similar to the arcade version.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I didn't know Bubble Bobble came out for SMS.

It did, and it is a great version. Unfortunately rumor has it the European version has a bug that prevents you from reaching the end. I can not 100% confirm this as relieable though. The Brazilian version is said to have this fixed.

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The SMS has a lot of games you wouldn't believe, when you look at the European and Brazilian releases. Even Mortal Kombat got an official SMS release. And II. And 3!


I can say Bubble Bobble is at least as good on the SMS as on the NES, though it doesn't quite sound as good. The extra range of the NES's triangle-wave channel makes a lot of difference.

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It did, and it is a great version. Unfortunately rumor has it the European version has a bug that prevents you from reaching the end. I can not 100% confirm this as relieable though. The Brazilian version is said to have this fixed.

This bug? http://www.smspower.org/forums/13537-ProblemWithBubbleBobbleROM



Sounds like it was an emulator issue.

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I know many might disagree with me, but I really liked the Genesis ports of the two Data East arcade games "Midnight Resistance" and "Captain America and the Avengers". The former lost a bit (single player-only, and many comprimises to make up for the lack of rotary stick) while getting an even better version of the soundtrack while the latter (only two-player) just seemed like a really fun port of the arcade game to me (and far more tolerable than the SNES port, music-wise).

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i can really only judge on my nostalgic memories but i thought the punisher was awesome it was vibrant and smooth on my genesis


i also liked paperboy


at the time most arcade games were either tournament fighters or beat up the same guys while walking down the street


road blasters is good i play the heck out of it on my lynx it and rampage


too bad there wasnt a genesis version of rampage it jumped a generation then came out on ps1

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The issue with Punisher is not that it is a bad game in general, it is just a very sloppy port. I could improve the visuals a lot and get it closer to the arcade just by actually using more colors (the game does waste a lot of potential there) and reorganizing them. Sometimes things look even like it is a bug and colors were lost in some faulty graphics conversion.

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  • 8 years later...

If were talking in terms of arcade accurate as much as possible, many of the Namco and Atari arcade games that were released for the Genesis are very close like Burning Force and Roadblasters. Gauntlet 4 is basically the first Gauntlet with extra features and amazing music I might add. Rolling Thunder 2 is almost exactly like the arcade.

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Gauntlet IV I have, it's only IV in spirit if you play the non-arcade mode which has a quest setup and some other mode I forget.  But if you do arcade mode it's a carbon copy of the original, very hard to tell it isn't being emulated or something if you just watched it for awhile it's that good.  I've got Rainbow Islands too on a MD multicart (vintage) and i'd agree it's quite close, a good choice on that one.  The added comment about some others from specific makers fits as I had Phelios in the past and it's very nicely done, wish I still did.  I think Raiden would be another that seems pretty spot on, never did the arcade version but the old Windows95 game was an arcade port and it I did have and it looks/feels like that.

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  • 2 months later...

The OP also said PC/Amiga ports, so I thought I'd chime in with a couple:


Star Control (my go-to version of the original SC since it was released)

Stormlord (unless no nude fairies are a dealbreaker, but there's a patch for that anyway 😂)

Shadow of the Beast (Japanese version only, it received improvements over the Genesis version)

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