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Altirra 2.60 released


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You can. Learn how to use the /portablealt: command-line switch to have Altirra make an ini file. Do up your settings. Then exit. You now have an ini file with all your settings saved. You can use it with desktop shortcuts too. Each pointing to different ini files! That means you can set up all kinds of simulated machines tweaked just like you like them.


In order to get a configuration that displays the correct Star Raiders colors I have a shortcut setup like so.



"C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800\Altirra.exe" /portablealt: "C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800\Altirra270CorrectStarRaidersColors.ini"



"C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800"


The first time you do it you'll get an ini file with default settings made. The next time you do it it will load those settings. If you make changes, it will save them.


The ini file contains all the color palette adjustments, fixins, and other stuffage. As a bonus you can toggle the ini file to be read-only. That way your simulated Atari is "bulletproof" and impervious to little kids and future wild experiments with settings! It's a great way to make multiple configurations accessible with a single click.






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You can. Learn how to use the /portablealt: command-line switch to have Altirra make an ini file. Do up your settings. Then exit. You now have an ini file with all your settings saved. You can use it with desktop shortcuts too. Each pointing to different ini files! That means you can set up all kinds of simulated machines tweaked just like you like them.


In order to get a configuration that displays the correct Star Raiders colors I have a shortcut setup like so.



"C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800\Altirra.exe" /portablealt: "C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800\Altirra270CorrectStarRaidersColors.ini"



"C:\Program Files\1_classic_system_emulation\a800"


The first time you do it you'll get an ini file with default settings made. The next time you do it it will load those settings. If you make changes, it will save them.


The ini file contains all the color palette adjustments, fixins, and other stuffage. As a bonus you can toggle the ini file to be read-only. That way your simulated Atari is "bulletproof" and impervious to little kids and future wild experiments with settings! It's a great way to make multiple configurations accessible with a single click.


attachicon.gif151573170.pngattachicon.gif149993208.pngattachicon.gifAltirra command-line options.pngattachicon.gifhidden.png






cool. never thought of it but I will use that for my dev testings...

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I found an error in the cartridge mapper.


All games in the (freewareCart_256k.ROM) work fine if "Megacart 1M (2)" mapper is selected. However, many don't survive System Reset.


Yes.. Several games cause Altirra to crash when (MaxFlash 1M / 8Mbit - newer (bank 0)) is selected



Edited by Madi
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The wife was going thought the just-posted ROM collection and came across some (likely) 5200 rom that caused the emulator to hog all available cycles thus necessitating killing the task. She said it had something to do with picking the correct bank switch when loading the cart. She thought it was a 64k mapper. But didn't take note of what it was or what the rom was. Anyone else ever observe that?

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Hi Avery.


I have a problem with my new netbook.


When I press F2-F3 the display brightness increases/decreases.

To have F2-F3 I need to press Fn+F2 or Fn+F3.

But if I press Fn+F2 or Fn+F3 Altirra doesn't recognize F2 or F3.


What could I do? Thank you. for

You need to disable FN keys in Bios (for HP laptops). Or through a utility program Start -> All Programs -> TOSHIBA -> Tools & Utilities -> HWSETUP (for Toshiba).


In summary, the issue is not necessarily related to Altirra, It mostly a setup issue in the computer. Sample:





Edited by Madi
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You need to disable FN keys in Bios (for HP laptops). Or through a utility program Start -> All Programs -> TOSHIBA -> Tools & Utilities -> HWSETUP (for Toshiba).


In summary, the issue is not necessarily related to Altirra, It mostly a setup issue in the computer. Sample:





Thank you, but unfortunately no such option in BIOS or HP programs.


I know it's not Altirra's fault but perhaps Avery knows how to configue Keyboard Options.

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Found an issue in the Atrax SDX cartridge handling that could cause a crash. Update:





Other changes:

  • AltirraOS XL/XE now implements Caps toggle.
  • .printf now supports %S for high byte terminated strings.
  • Added basic block and performance counter modes to profiler. Basic block mode groups instructions between branches and is a bit more granular than function mode. Performance counters can identify branches that should be reversed or instructions that cross pages frequently.

Regarding the Fn+key issue -- this depends on how the remapping is done. Typically it's done in the keyboard controller, which means that Windows and applications don't see anything special, but in this case something weird may be going on. If the Tools > Keyboard Shortcuts or Input > Keyboard > Customize dialogs don't see the key when you press it with the key field selected, then it's not coming through as a normal key press.


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Regarding the Fn+key issue -- this depends on how the remapping is done. Typically it's done in the keyboard controller, which means that Windows and applications don't see anything special, but in this case something weird may be going on. If the Tools > Keyboard Shortcuts or Input > Keyboard > Customize dialogs don't see the key when you press it with the key field selected, then it's not coming through as a normal key press.



Please wait before investigating my problem, I have to do more tests.


In customize keyboard mappings, if I press F2 brightness decrease, if I press F2+Fn, F2 appears in the Host key binding box.

But, then, in the emulator, if I press F2 brightness decrease, if I press F2+Fn, nothing happens.

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You need to disable FN keys in Bios...



It would be surprising if there weren't a way to toggle that functionality. Are you sure there is nowhere in the BIOS? What brand and model of netbook do you have?



Regarding the Fn+key issue -- this depends on how the remapping is done. Typically it's done in the keyboard controller, which means that Windows and applications don't see anything special, but in this case something weird may be going on. If the Tools > Keyboard Shortcuts or Input > Keyboard > Customize dialogs don't see the key when you press it with the key field selected, then it's not coming through as a normal key press.


I am sorry guys, I didn't realize that the new game 3plex doesn't start with start key...

Fn+F2 works on my new netbook with Altirra...

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Just a wee bump to make it current..


Was that really necessary after only 7 hours? Your post and bump went up at 3AM and 10AM in my local time zone, BTW.


The cartridge works fine for me. It will work with either the MegaCart (2) or MaxFlash mappers as it uses both address and data when changing banks.


This particular cartridge menu program (KOMA Megacart) is badly written and will crash on most OS ROMs other than the XL/XE OS -- it hardcodes several addresses and also temporarily reuses the international character set region ($CC00-CFFF).

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