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What can an Intellivision do?

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Is what is in this video explaining how Intellivision Graphics work an actual program or is it something done on a PC to look and sound like an Intellivision Progrsam? If it is a actual program where can I download the ROM that will run on a real Intellivision via a Cuttle Cart 3?


A new version of the IntyBASIC compiler was released today:



even newer version at:




along with a comprehensive SDK which makes it much easier to setup a programming environment and dive into programming for the Intellivision:




To get an idea of some of the capabilites of the Intellivision, instead of just reading about GRAM and GROM and SPRITES and other terms, you can also see it in action.




Huge thanks to DZ-Jay for redoing the capture video with the proper tools and making some professional title and credits screens!



The full source is included in the SDK and it demonstrates many of the constants that were added as part of the SDK to make it easier not to have to memorize "Magic Hex Numbers."


Make some changes and compile with the new INTYBuild and IntyRun command line scripts.


Old video is here:

Original, crappy cel phone video here:

Edited:July 15, 2015 to upgrade the video

I'm not sure what was up with the sound popping, I'll update with a better video when I get a chance.


Edited: November 16, 2015 to reference newer IntyBASIC

Edited by daldude
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Is what is in this video explaining how Intellivision Graphics work an actual program or is it something done on a PC to look and sound like an Intellivision Progrsam? If it is a actual program where can I download the ROM that will run on a real Intellivision via a Cuttle Cart 3?



Not sure where you got the idea that it was anything but an actual Intellivision program, the full source code is included with every installation of IntyBASIC.

It was only run thru an emulator to capture crisp sound and video.


There is no rom posted yet but I'll upload one that you can put on a CC3 instead of having to compile yourself.

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  • 2 years later...

Are IntyBasic and IntyColor able to run on Windows 10? if so, then why am I unable to open them? is there something that's missing? all I dowloaded from Intellivision Revolution was IntyBasic VO.9 and the IntyColor tutorial, is there something that's missing?


You may need to right click on the .zip files you downloaded and choose "Properties". Then, make sure the 'Unblock' option is selected, hit 'OK', *then* unzip. Windows may block executing the applications if you don't do that.


Remember, these are command line programs, so you'll need to run them from a command prompt.

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thank you, didn't know you could do that, but... that's not what happens, this is what happens...

note, the png file below shows several of these black window opened, but in reality, they only appear for a split second, so I had to kinda select several times, then take a screenshot, which is what you see in the image file


Do you guys know why this thing appear?


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You need to open command prompt for the window to stay on.

You can run the via the run box like I do, but you don't see the result of the compilation.

Since it is command line program and not a GUI, you'll have to type in the command in either window run box or command prompt. Double clicking both doesn't do anything. Sample of compiling Intybasic file would look like, "C:\IntyStuf\Inty11\IntyBASIC.exe Asparrow.bas Asparrow.asm" then you'll have to run AS1600 to compile the asm to ROM. "C:\IntyStuf\Inty11\as1600.exe -o Asparrow.bin -l Asparrow.lst Asparrow.asm." Refer to the manual that came with IntyBASIC.

IntyCOLOR doesn't have a separate manual but you need to run IntyCOLOR in command prompt to see the instruction how to use this program.

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