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On 8/15/2022 at 6:26 PM, bocianu said:

long awaited volatile and inline !

What is the purpose of the volatile modifier? Tell the compiler the the variable will be modfied outside of the compiler's control?

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10 hours ago, JAC! said:

What is the purpose of the volatile modifier? Tell the compiler the the variable will be modfied outside of the compiler's control?

Yup. Like reading random register.

Without it, when you read it couple times in a row, optimization algorithm would optimize it, and you get just one value.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I prepared a program in MadPascal which is able to render unicode texts encoded in UTF-8 format.



The program uses unifont glyphs available on https://unifoundry.com/unifont/

As an example there was used "Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" translated into multiple languages.

The source codes of the program are available on my gitlab: https://gitlab.com/amarok8bit/unicode


Program is relative simple because the main goal was just to check how unicode content might be rendered on Atari 8-bit computer. Nothing special, I suppose...


Edit: I attached atr file containing above program and texts.


Edited by amarok
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new unit VBXEANSI






DISPANSI.OBX (max 100 files *.ANS in directory)


Press W - scroll UP

Press S - scroll Down

Press SPACE - next file

Press ESC - exit program



thanks to Joseph Zatarski




Edited by tebe
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16 hours ago, tebe said:

new unit VBXEANSI






DISPANSI.OBX (max 100 files *.ANS in directory)


Press W - scroll UP

Press S - scroll Down

Press SPACE - next file

Press ESC - exit program


Awesome!  I started working on something similar but trying to code in straight assembly really makes it difficult!  Definitely interested in viewing the source for this.

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1 hour ago, Stephen said:

Awesome!  I started working on something similar but trying to code in straight assembly really makes it difficult!  Definitely interested in viewing the source for this.

A clearer approach to the subject of ANSI decoding




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  • 2 weeks later...

unit DISPANSI remove, unit VBXE merged with ANSI (code rewritten, VBXE on $d600 ; $d700)


simplified VBXE support, CRT (40 columns + color map), ANSI (80 columns), added page scroll for both modes


DISPANSI.ATR (Sparta DOS X disk), DISPANSI.EXE runs slideshow all *.ANS files

or from the command line





ansi_test.obx ansi_test.pas crt_colors.obx crt_colors.pas crt_colors_C64.prg crt_test.obx crt_test.pas crt_vbxe_detect.obx crt_vbxe_detect.pas DISPANSI.ATR dispansi.obx dispansi.pas IBMPC.FNT vbxe_ansi.obx vbxe_ansi.pas vbxe_ansi.rc

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @tebe,


I'm having a problem in current revisions of mp from your github:



XIO(40,1,0,0,'D:OVERLAY.XEX');     // put overlay routines into XMS (which then starts city)


gives a compile error:

Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.6.6 [2022/11/19] for 6502
Compiling U_Loader.Pas
U_Loader.Pas (1520,23) Error: Incompatible types: got STRING expected "^BYTE"



the last version i got that works is "Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.6.6 [2022/10/16] "


is that some error in the current branch or do i have to address the file parameter different now - and if, how?


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13 hours ago, Atlan_Roland said:

I'm having a problem in current revisions of mp from your github:



XIO(40,1,0,0,'D:OVERLAY.XEX');     // put overlay routines into XMS (which then starts city)


gives a compile error:

Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.6.6 [2022/11/19] for 6502
Compiling U_Loader.Pas
U_Loader.Pas (1520,23) Error: Incompatible types: got STRING expected "^BYTE"



PByte -> PString

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've released the sources for my latest production at Silly Venture, which by some miracle took first place in the INTRO 16K category.




Maybe the source will be useful to someone:



Of particular note is the unique scripting language for describing the presentation itself, which was created for this production. It makes use of the MADS assembler macros:





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11 hours ago, bocianu said:

I've released the sources for my latest production at Silly Venture, which by some miracle took first place in the INTRO 16K category.

No miracle, but obvious hard work on your side. I also like it the most, because it was different, consistent and very entertaining. A good example that MAD Pascal is good and fast enough to do demos with it. And the usage of macros for the scriping is something (I've also done in the past for ISO / VCS demos) that demos how flexible the combination of MADS & MP is.

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  • 1 month later...

Question about the usage of accessing extended memory with a custom VBI


I'm using Mad Pascals TMemoryStream for accessing extended memory quite intensively


This all works very fine, up until i have a custom VBI installed too:

When i don't turn off the VBI before a TMemoryStream  read/write, the program will eventually crash, sooner or later.

(even if its just an empty VBI routine, like in the example code)


How would i be able to have a custom VBI running while accessing the extended memory with TMemoryStream?


	xms:	TMemoryStream; 
	tb:		array [0..0] of byte
procedure vbl; interrupt;
		; for example a VBI that doesn't do anything.
		jmp xitvbv		

	SetIntVec(iVBL, @vbl);

[..] ..in a main loop i got this xms.Readbuffer command, that works great without a VBI, but otherwise breaks randomly

  	xms.position:=XMS_TILESTORE2 +  word(i * 192) + byte(random(4)*48);  	 
	//nmien:=128;				// if I don't turn off the VBI before the read, it will sooner or later crash.
	xms.ReadBuffer(tb,48);	// get new animation frame from xms
	//nmien:=128+64;			//VBI back on 









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thank you very much!  i forgot about the VBL routine (which just JSRs to code already off the banking area) itself that was still compiled by MP to a region that got banked out.


I solved it now like this:


created a resource file with the VBL code (which is just a JSR),

that I include in my pascal source and assign it to an addr. off the $4000..$7FFF area.



		;jsr QuickMusic_VBI
		jsr $0980+$20+$0F
		jmp xitvbv



MYVBL	RCASM	'C:\jac\wudsn\Workspace\Ultima\Resources\vbl.asm'



{$r 'vbl.rc'}

MYVBL=$2000;    // put the VBL outside the banking area

SetIntVec(iVBL, pointer(MYVBL));



thank also to @Zolaerla for pointing me in the right direction!


Edited by Atlan_Roland
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  • 2 months later...

testing the dev branch:

following example works in stable branch; not anymore in 1.6.7:


    tNPC =    record	// record needs to be in a certain order, as functions also access values directy with direct peek/pokes. 	
		person: byte;
		ai:	byte;	
		covered_tile: byte;
		x,y,z: byte;
		to_x,to_y,to_z:	byte;
		path_idx: byte; // 255: finished path | 128: recalculate path
		tilt: byte; // tilt counter
		dialog:	byte; 
		knows_avatar: byte; // met avatar before? additional info: is_dead()? =255?

	 npc		: array [0..31] of ^tNPC	absolute NPC_ARRAY;	// 64 byte; pointer to NPC objects

for i:=0 to 30 do



Mad Pascal Compiler version 1.6.7 [2023/04/04] for 6502
Compiling CITY.PAS
inc/npc_procedures.pas (184,10) Error: Assignments to formal parameters and open arrays are not possible




Is it by design that access to a structure like above won't be possible anymore?




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