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Double Hi-Res Graphics


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Does anyone have any programming examples or

information about Double Hi-Res Graphics?


In BASIC from Applesoft it's not possible,

apart the Beagle Bros Graphics which

has it's own routines that they have written.


I have found this on the web which

can be of use for simple drawing.



I am looking for arcade animation (as there are more colors).

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My apologies. I really meant that I am

looking for the workings of how double hi-res

works in software. Programming examples

or any info pointing to this direction.


Apple IIe

#3: Double High-Resolution Graphics






PDF Page 19 and 20



Maybe something here:





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The Graphics Magician disk has all the software needed for drawing on the dbl-hi-res screen and includes animation routines. The game "Black Cauldron" uses the graphics and animation routines from the Graphics Magician disk.


To try to understand graphics and animation in dbl-hi-res takes more than one session. Nibble magazine has a 10 part series including animation routines that explains it pretty good.


Nibble magazine also published and article called "Double Stuff" including software that uses normal hi-res shape tables for animation.


I wrote an applesoft program that allows you to plot on the dbl-hi-res screen. But animation is a little more complex.


5 HGR : POKE 49237,0: CALL 62450 : REM clear hires screen, then Auxiliary's memory part of the hires screen

6 POKE 49246,0: PG = 49236 : REM turn on ANNunciator 3 to display dbl-hi-res screen

7 SVN = 7: HCOLOR = SVN: P5 =.5

9 GOTO 100 : REM also try GOTO 140

10 X2 = X * 4: CL = CO: TMP = 8

20 FOR I = 3 TO 0 STEP - 1:BIT = CL >= TMP:CL = CL - BIT * TMP:TMP = TMP * .5


40 XX = X1 / SVN:H = INT (XX) * P5:XX = INT ((INT(H) + (XX - INT (XX))) * SVN + P5)


100 FOR CO = 0 TO 15

110 FOR X = C0 * 8 TO CO * 8 + 7: FOR Y = 0 TO 10: GOSUB 10: NEXT : NEXT


140 HCOLOR = 7 : Y = 1: FOR X1 = 0 TO 559 : Y = INT ( X1 / 3): GOSUB 40 : NEXT : REM this plots 560 points diagonally in black/white mode

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Thanks for the links Marko.

I am unable to goto the above links as it does not display

anything that I can read. Is there another way I can

access this?



.SHK is a SHrinKit Archive.


The .TXT is a regular Text File...


CiderPress will UnPack it as well as some other Archivers.



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To try to understand graphics and animation in dbl-hi-res takes more than one session. Nibble magazine has a 10 part series including animation routines that explains it pretty good.


Nibble magazine also published and article called "Double Stuff" including software that uses normal hi-res shape tables for animation.



Yes it would be great if you could access these articles. The only way I am aware is that

you have to buy the magazines as a bundle.

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Yes it would be great if you could access these articles. The only way I am aware is that

you have to buy the magazines as a bundle.


You can buy the Nibble Magazines, a Year at a Time, directly from the Editor, Mike Harvey.


I have bought 1983 & 1985 and the Sourer Assembler and MacroSoft Compiler.



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When I download the text file it just displays random letters. ( I am using a PC obviously) So I

do not want to approach the .shk file in case that also happens.


CiderPress is a Windows Application. I get regular Text with Windows 7, Windows 81, and Mac OS X 10.10.4.




Also, According to the Nibble Disk Archive, 1988 has the "Double Hi-Res Display".


GOTO the Page in the Previous Link, and Download the "The Stoddard Major Nibble Programs Collection (in a zip file)".



Edited by MarkO
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CiderPress is a Windows Application. I get regular Text with Windows 7, Windows 81, and Mac OS X 10.10.4.




Also, According to the Nibble Disk Archive, 1988 has the "Double Hi-Res Display".


GOTO the Page in the Previous Link, and Download the "The Stoddard Major Nibble Programs Collection (in a zip file)".




Excellent. This is great. That's for the tip.

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Really.What does it say?

                            Double Hires Subroutines                                  Written by                               Allen Watson IIIFrom an Article in "Apple Orchard" magazine January 1984.Assembled by Rick Fincher using the ORCA/M assembler by Hayden Software.NOTE:These routines are for the Apple //e with 128K, Apple //c, Laser 128 or otherApple //e compatibles with 128K.Your extended 80 col card must have the jumper installed that connects pin 50and 55 of the Auxiliary Slot of the Apple IIe.  The Apple Extended 80 col cardcomes with the jumper connected, I have a Titan Technologies Neptune board thathas the jumper pins but the jumper is not installed.  All you have to do is wrapa piece of wire around the two posts so that there is a good connection.  AlsoTitan technologies will send you the jumper (a small clip that fits over the twopins) free of charge if you have one of their cards. Before you buy an extendedmemory card be sure that there is a jumper on it.ANOTHER NOTE:Your Apple IIe must have a revision B motherboard to use the double hiresgraphics.  To see if yours does, open it up and look for the part number of themother board along the back edge- it should be 820-0064-B.  If your number endsin "A" you have a revision A board that you can have replaced free of charge byyour Apple dealer.  All you have to do is state that you have a need for the newboard, which of course you do if you want to do double Hires graphics!  It seemsthat the IIe had already entered production before Apple discovered that DoubleHires was possible, so some of the earlier IIe machines have the old board.  Thejumper connects the annunciator to a circuit that forces the machine out of theinterleaving mode so that regular hires graphics are possible with the 80 colcard turned on. There weren't any soft switches left for this so Apple used theanunciator to do this via the jumper on the extra memory card.WARNING: DON'T USE AN EXTENDED 80 COL CARD WITH THE JUMPER INSTALLED ON AREVISION A BOARD, YOUR COMPUTER WON'T WORK IF YOU DO.LOCATION:These routines were assembled at $6000 (Hex) and don't work when moved unlessthey are re-assembled at a new location.  A listing of the assembler file wasuploaded to make this possible (see Machine Language below).  You can set LOMEMto 25660 to move your program variables above the routines to give you a littlemore room.HOW TO USE:To use the subroutines save the file on this board in the General downloadsection called DHIRES.BIN2 as a binary file and then use the FROM.BINARY or BLUto unpack it.  It will create a file called DHIRES.SUBS on your disk.  BRUN thisfile from Basic to prepare to use the double hires commands, or, if you areusing the routines from a Basic program, have your program BRUN this file.  TwoBasic programs that use these routines and this doc file will also be created.Now we are ready to go.TO USE THE ROUTINES FROM THE KEYBOARD OR APPLESOFT:Use the following ampersand(&) commands.1. &DG                  This initializes the double hires display.2. &PEN                 This sets the line width to 1 for either black or white                        drawing with 560 dot horizontal resolution. If you try                        to draw in color in this mode you get bizarre effects.3. &BRUSH               This sets the the line width to 4 for 16 color drawing.4. &HUE = c             This set the drawing color where c is a number from                         0 to 15 representing the 16 LoRes colors. A number of                        128 or greater sets reverse drawing.5. &BKGND               This sets the entire background to whatever                         color has been selected by the &HUE= command.6. &DOT AT x,y          This draws a dot of the current color and line width at                        the x,y position where x is between 0 and 559 and y is                        between 0 and 191.7. &LINE TO x,y         This draws a line from either the last dot plotted or                        the end of the last line drawn to the x,y position                        where x and y are within the limits mentioned above.RESOLUTION:Colored lines are actually four dots wide so their resolution is no greater thanin the regular hires mode, but you have 16 colors to choose from and nointerference effects from mixing colors.  The &PEN command lets you draw withtrue 560x192 resolution in black or white.  To get the best effects you can drawoutlines in black or white and then fill an area with color (See the demoprograms).UNDESIRABLE EFFECTS:Colored dots and lines can be drawn at any coordinate in the 560x192 range butif you draw a colored dot past an x coordinate of 556 (Four dots from the rightof the screen) it will overlap to the extreme left of the screen on the samescan line.  This is because colored dots are actually 4 dots wide and drawingpast 556 does not give enough room for the four dots to be drawn without wrapingaround to the other side of the screen.  This does not occur when using & PENand a color of 0 or 15 (Black or white).ERRORS:Attempts to draw outside the 560x192 range, i.e. x between 0 and 559 and ybetween 0 and 191, will cause a syntax error and a beep, just like with regularhires.  So will a misspelling of the Ampersand commands, although they arepretty tolerant of spaces between words of mult-word commands.PROGRAMS USING DOUBLE HIRES:I have also uploaded two demo programs that were also in Apple Orchard.  One iscalled DHIRES.CUBE and the other DHIRES.COLORS. The first is a stack of 3-Dcubes drawn in all of the 16 colors.  The second is is a color wheel that showsall 16 colors in swatches in order with the dark colors in the outer ring, themedium colors in the middle ring (these are the regular hires colors) and thelight colors in the center ring.MACHINE LANGUAGE:If you wish to use these routines from assembly language either see a copy ofthe magazine article or contact me on the NCSU Apple Users Group BBS(919-783-9010) and I will be happy to send you a list of the entry points foreach function. I have also uploaded a copy of the assembler text listing.  Theoriginal magazine listing used the Apple EDASM but I have ORCA/M so I made thenecessary changes.  The ORCA/M listing is what is on the board, but I'll sendyou a copy of the EDASM listing if you want it or will help you convert it if Ican.
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AUG-2015 Open Apple has a Segment on Double Hi-Res.


I haven't listened to it yet, so I don't know what Info is there, but since Quinn Dunki is one of the Hosts, she might have some "Brilliant Insight" into Double Hi-Res.




Mark O


I have just listened to the podcast. Unfortunately there is no brilliant insight into double-hires graphics

in this edition. Just admitting how difficult it is to program and there wasn't much software

released for it. Will look at other notes.

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Mark O


I have just listened to the podcast. Unfortunately there is no brilliant insight into double-hires graphics

in this edition. Just admitting how difficult it is to program and there wasn't much software

released for it. Will look at other notes.



OK... I am just listening to the POD Cast right now...



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